Monday, April 10, 2017


this is taken from the nature of the american system by rousas j. rushdoony

note: having read this very interesting appendix on p. 158-168 a few years back i have been interested to observe police behavior. the current way they, the only way i can describe it is, 'play with their whistles' not only in souderton but also in philadelphia (the only two areas i have been in for more extended periods of time) signals to me in a subtle but yet very real way that police themselves may see themselves increasingly as overlords exercising arbitrary like control.. to whom the average person must bow and cower and hope to find grace and favor. i thought of this appendix.

then the other day i heard, by chance, something over the radio about new jersey, 'to save $', is encouraging (though not yet mandating) local police to end operations in favor of being a part of a countywide police force. i thought of this appendix.

the only person, group, town, county, state, area or country that is truly free and self-governing is that which is formally or informally controlled by people who are free to do what is righ in the sight of God and constantly, vigilantly exercise that responsibility. once that is lost, at this point it would seem it is (has been) rapidly vanishing throughout america, it is only a matter of time then, before outward, arbitrary, human co takes the place of the control of the law of God in the hearts of the average individual.

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