Thursday, August 9, 2012


the following from bloomberg businessweek 8.6.12, p20..'if brand managers controlled the univers, big companies would glide through the culture wars with safe and steady neutrality, never taking side. chief executive officers at high profile companies would never pledge 2.5 million in support of gay marriage (as's jeff bezos did in july) or speak out publicly against gay marriage )as chick-fi-A's dan cathy did recently in an interview with biblical recorder. if you are a big publicly held company, you don't want to piss off anybody on any side of any issue, says claudia caplan, the chief marketing officer of RP3 agency. 'you want to be switzerland'. (note: shows one of the roots of political correctness-put yourself (greed) ahead of saying and doing what God says)

..cathy on 6.16.2012 said, 'i think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, 'we know better than You as to what constitutes marriage.."

i wonder how dan cathy is using the word 'we'. does that refer to every person in the united states? does it refer, more specifically to every voting person in the united states? does that refer only to every Jesus-blood-bought sinner who has come to life in Christ (generally called christians)? we don't know who his audience is. that would be interesting to know.

what I think we can know from the bible is:
 1. most people in this world at any given time are one heart beat away from the just judgment of eternal hell at any moment in history. they are blind-they cannot see God. they are deaf-they cannot hear God. they are lame-they cannot do what God wants. they are dead (spiritually)-they cannot respond in any way that pleases God.
2. only people born of God, who have a new heart willing and eager to obey God, have the ability to truly do what He wants.
3. institutions we call churches are filled with both #1 and 2.
4. the sin of a nation can get to the point where God can progressively move to destroy it. this is the reason for the decline into a state of unending misery or end of a nation as it has been known, which we observe has constantly occurred in the past and is in dynamic occurrence around the world at this moment.
6. however, in history past and at this time, wherever there are people obedient to God (#2) there is the manifest blessing of an individual, couple, family, neighborhood, city, area or nation.
7. right now #6 is occurring at places in america and in other nations around the world.
8. america, as a nation,  is right now publicly committed to a number of sins against God.
9. as a result, it would appear that america, as a nation, is now experiencing, at the least, the most, the progressive judgment of God leading to our rapid destruction as a nation as it now is. (#4)
10. a cursory look at our nations history would tend to lead one to the possible conclusion that all our other difficult times have been chastisements, current events-judgment. (see deuteronomy 28 to see a startlingly accurate picture of current america.)
11. if 10 is true, why is it true?
should the blame be laid at the feet of people who are entirely incapable of obeying God?
should it be laid at the feet of people who profess to know God but, as a group-broadly speaking- remind one more of the pharisee-led synagogues of Jesus' day rather than of His disciples who left all, and suffered greatly, totally rejected as counter cultural maniacs and dismissed as fools?

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