Thursday, February 16, 2017

2.16.2017 POEMS OF CONSECRATION (devotion, dedication to God)

194  SELF-EXAMINATION  Author unknown                                           
before communion -
what strange perplexities arise,
what anxious fears and jealousies,
what crowds in doubtful light appear,
how few, alas, approved and clear!

and what am I?  - My sould awake,
and an impartial survey take;
does no dark sign, no ground of fear,
in practice or in heart appear?

what image does my spirit bear?
is Jesus formed and living there?
say, do His lineaments divine
in thought and word and action shine?

searcher of hearts, O! search me still;
the secrets of my should reveal;
my fears remove; let me appear
to God and my own conscience clear.

may I, consistent with Thy word,
approach Thy table, O my Lord?
may I among Thy saints appear?
shall I a welcome guest be there?

have I the wedding garment on?
or do I naked, stand alone?
O! quicken, clothe and feed my soul;
forgive my sins and make me whole.

196  PRAYER FOR PEACE  - St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace!
where there is hatred - let me sow love
where there is injury - pardon
where there is doubt - faith
where there is despair - hope
where there is darkness - light
where there is sadness - joy
O Divine master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled - as to console
to be understood - as to understand
to be loved - as to love for
it is in giving - that we receive;
it is in pardoning - that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying - that we are born to eternal life. 

197  WHAT ARE YOU BUILDING?   Helen W. Richardson

'What are you doing, friend? I asked of one;
and he, while spreading on the mortar thick,
eyed me with a look of mild surprise
and answered simply, 'I am laying brick.

another one I watched and questioned him,
'what is this that you do with tireless speed/
his skillful hands worked on without a pause,
'I have a wife and little ones to feed.

then to a third my query still i brought.
with trowel poised, he slowly raised his head,
a glorious vision shining in his eyes.

199  DELIVER ME - Amy Carmichael

from prayer that asks that I may be
sheltered from winds that beat on Thee,
from fearing when I should aspire,
from faltering when I should climb higher,
from silken self, O Captain, free,
Thy soldier who would follow Thee.

from subtle love of softening things,
from easy choices, weakenings
(Not thus are spirits fortified,
not this way went the Crucified),
from all that dims Thy Calvary,
O Lamb of God, deliver me.

Give me the love that leads the way,
the faith that nothing can dismay,
the hope no disappointments tire,
the passion that will burn like fire;
let me not sink to be a clod;
make me Thy fuel, Flame of God.

200  WALK QUIETLY  Author unknown

Walk quietly -
and know that He is God.
when the dawn on winged steed, comes riding high,
to blazon painted banners on the morning sky,
and the Holy Spirit seemeth nigh -
Walk quietly.

Walk quietly -
and know that He is God.
when the blaring trumpets roar a thrilling beat
life is lived in storm and strife and noonday heat -
with the mighty tread of tramping feet
Walk quietly.

Walk quietly -
when evening shadows lie against the hill-
in the hush of twilight, when the world is still.
and the balm of peace soothes every ill -
Walk quietly.

Walk quietly -
and know that He is God.
let your life be governed by His guiding hand
e'en though it varies from the way you planned,
bow your head in sweet submission and
Walk quietly

A NARROW WINDOW - Florence Earle Coates

a narrow window may let in the light,
a tiny star dispel the gloom of night,
a little deed a mighty wrong set right.

a rose, abloom, may make a desert fair,
a single cloud may darken all the air,
a spark may kindle ruin and despair.

a smile and there may be an end to strife;
a look of love, and Hate may sheath the knife;
a word - ah, it may be the word of life!

202  ABOVE MYSELF - Carlton Buck

lift me above myself, I pray,
that I may walk with Thee today;
out of my smallness into Thy great,
away from jealousy, greed and hate,
above the fog and din of things,
up where the song of victory sings.

and not alone would i walk there,
for others i would lift in prayer;
that thro' this day the selfish masks
may all be stripped from daily tasks,
that fellow-workers, too, may see
and want to walk this day with Thee.


take Thou my voice, O Lord, I give it gladly,
let it proclaim to all the world Thy love;
take Thou my tongue and may it glorify Thee,
until at last I sing Thy praise above.

take Thou my hands and let them do thy bidding,
use them, dear Lord, to work for Thee alone;
take Thou my feet and train them for Thy service,
may they be swift to make thy message known.

take Thou my heart and consecrate it wholly,
may it be true no matter what betide;
take Thou may life, it must be Thine forever
for I would turn away from all beside.

take Thou my love, O Lord, and consecrate it,
burn out the dross and make it all Thine own
same me from self and all of earth's ambitions
till self has died and Thou dost reign alone.

205 I WAS A WANDERING SHEEP - Horatius Bonar

I was a wandering sheep
I did not love the fold
I did not love my shepherd's voice
I would not be controlled:
I was a wayward child,
I did not love my home,
I did not love my Father's voice,
I loved afar to roam.

the Shepherd sought His sheep
the Father sought His child
He followed me o'er vale and hill,
O'er deserts waste and wild:
He found me nigh to death,
famished, and faint and lone;
He bound me with the bands of love,
He saved the wandr'ing one.

Jesus my Shepherd is;
'twas He that loved my soul.
'twas He that washed me in His blood,
'twas He that made me whole: 
'twas He that sought the lost,
that found the wand'ring sheep;
'twas He that bro't me to the fold,
'tis he that still doth keep.

No more a wand'ring sheep,
I love to be controlled,
I love my tender Shepherd's voice,
I love the peaceful fold;
no more a wayward child,
I seek no more to roam;
I love my heav'nly Father's voice,
I love, I love His home!

A HEART THAT WEEPS -  Oswald J. Smith

Oh for a heart that weeps o'er souls,
weeps with a love in anguish born!
Oh for a broken, contrite heart,
a heart for sinners rent and torn!

oh for the pangs of Calv'ry's death,
in fellowship with Thee, my Ford!
Oh for the death that lives in life,
and bleeds for those who spurn Thy word!

naught have i sought of blessing, Lord,
save that which brings lost souls to Thee;
all else is vain, nor dare I boast -
this , Lord, I crave, be this my plea.

have Thou Thy way whate'er the cost,
in death i live, in life I die;
Thy way, not mine, dear Lord, I pray,
souls, precious souls, my ceaseless cry.

206  TEACH ME TO LIVE  - Author unknown

teach me to live!  'Tis easier far to die -
gently and silently to pass away -
 on earth's long night to close the heavy eye,
and waken in the glorious realms of day.
teach me that harder lesson -how to live
to serve Thee in the darkest paths of life.
arm me for conflict, now fresh vigor give,
and make me more than conqu'ror in the strife.

207  THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO YOU  -  Author unknown

there's a sweet old story translated for men,
but writ in the long, long ago -
the Gospel according to Mark, Luke and John -
of Christ and His mission below.

you are writing a gospel, a chapter each day,
by deeds that you do, by words that you say.
men read what you write, whether faithless or true.
say, what is the gospel according to you/

men read and admire the gospel of Christ,
with its love so unfailing and true;
abut what do they say and what do they think
of the gospel according to you?

'Tis a wonderful story, that gospel of love,
as it shines in the Christ-life divine,
and oh, that its truth might be told again
in the story of your life and mine!

unselfish mirrors in every scene,
love blossoms on every sod,
and back from its vision the heart comes to tell
the wonderful goodness of God.

you are writing each day a letter to men;
take care that the writing is true.
'Tis the only gospel some men will read,
that gospel according to you.

208  MORE HOLINESS  -  Philip Paul Bliss

more holiness give me; more striving within,
more patience in suffering, more sorrow for sin.
more faith in my saviour, more sense of His care,
more joy in His service, more purpose in prayer.

more gratitude give me, more trust in the Lord,
more pride in His glory, more hope in His Word.
more tears for His sorrows, more pain at His grief,
more meekness in trial, more praise for relief.

more purity give me, more strength to o'ercome,
more freedom from earth-stains, more longings for home;
more fit for the kingdom, more used I would be,
more blessed and holy - more, Saviour, like thee.

209  A PILGRIM'S SONG - John Bunyan (adapted)

He who would valiant be 'gainst all disaster,
let him with constancy follow the Master.
there's no discouragement shall make him once relent,
his first avow'd intent to be a pilgrim.

who so beset him round with dismal stories,
do but themselves confound, His strength the more is;
no lion can him fight, he'll with a giant fight;
but he will have a right to be a pilgrim.

since, Lord, Thou dost defend him with Thy Spirit,
he knows he, at the end, shall life inherit.
then fancies fly away,
he'll fear not what men say -
he'll labour night and day to be a pilgrim.

215  DECISION  - George MacDonald

I said - 'let me walk in the fields'.
He said - 'no, walk in the town'.
i said - 'there are no flowers there'.
He said - 'no flower but a crown'.
I said  - 'but the skies are dark;
there is nothing but noise and din'.
and He wept as He sent me back -
'there is more, He said;  there is sin'.

I said - 'I shall miss the light
and friends will miss me, they say.
He answered,  'choose tonight
if I am to miss you or they.
I pleaded for time to be given.
He said - 'is it hard to decide?
it will not be hard in Heaven
to have followed the steps of your guide.

then into His hand went mine,
and into my heart came He,
and I walk in a light divine
the path I had feared to see.

218  CONFLICT AND VICTORY - Henry W. Frost

what now, my Soul, and hast thou sinned again,
thou deeply sinful, desperately wicked Soul?
wilt thou of sinning never have an end?
wilt never let thy maker make thee whole?
Thou seemest bound by strong iniquity.
when thou should'st be, once and for ever, free!

O Soul, wilt thou forever follow on,
like hound upon the scent, hard after sin?
like a wild beast, art thou insatiate?
like a foul demon, has thou hell with?
Ah, once i thought that thou might'st changed be;
but thou dost sin and sin continually!

and yet, o  sinful Soul, thou knowest well,
that I have struggled hard against Thy reign;
as often as I've sinned, I have resolved,
that thou should'st never rule o'er me again;
alas, deceitful Soul, I did not see,
that, spite of struggle, thou could'st master me!

what can i do, my Soul? Thou art myself;
i cannot 'scape thy presence, nor thy power;
turn where i will, i feel thy close embrace;
thou pressest hard upon me, hour by hour; -
Oh, that a Master Man might rise in me;
then,  I  should be the man I long to be!

what now, my Soul! what does this quiet mean,
this deep, abiding peace I find within?
surely, thou hast not changed, since flesh is flesh,
and well I know that thou art full of sin;
and yet, a new, strange calm has come to me;
a calm like that of high eternity!

Oh, Soul, art thou again deceiving me?
is this some subtle, more mysterious way
than thou hast erstwhile taken?  shall I wake,
to find my footsteps, as of old, astray?
it cannot be, for heaven has come to me,
with all its peace and power and victory!

temptations press me sore and yet I stand,
upheld, unmoved, abiding in my rest;
lie lifted rock, amidst the surging sea,
remaining firm, though often tempest prest:
this is not chance; nor I; O Christ, 'tis Thou;
i worship Thee and at Thy feet I bow.

my prayer is answered, O my sinning soul,
for thou art conquered by a Conqueror;
Thy Master thou hast me and He doth reign;
I am st free by a Deliverer;
The Man, Christ Jesus, hath arisen in me,

220 MY DESIRE  - Charles Wesley

I want a principle within, of jealous, godly fear;
a sensibility of sin, a pain to feel it near:
I want the first approach to feel of pride, or fond desire;
to catch the wandering of my will, and quench the kindling fire.

from Thee that i no more may part
no more Thy goodness grieve,
the filial awe, the fleshly heart,
the tender conscience, give.
quick as the apple of an eye,
o God, my conscience make!
awake my soul when sin is nigh, and keep it still awake.

if to the right or left i stray, that moment, Lord, reprove;
and let me weep my life away for having grieved Thy love.
O may the least omission pain my well-instructed soul.
and drive me to the blood again which makes the wounded whole!

221  FORGIVE ME  - Author unknown

forgive me, Lord, for careless words when hungry souls are near;
words that are not of Faith and Love, heavy with care and fear;

forgive me for the words withheld, for words that might have won
a soul from darkened paths and sin to follow Thy dear son.

Words are such mighty things, dear Lord, may I so yielded be
that Christ, who spake as never man, may ever speak through me.

223  HAVE THINE OWN WAY, LORD! - Adelaide A. Pollard

have Thine own way, Lord! have thine own way!
Thou art the potter;  I am the clay.
mold me and make me after Thy will,
while I am waiting, yielded and still.

have Thine own way, Lord! have Thine own way!
search me and try me, Master, today!
whiter than snow, Lord, wash me just now,
as in Thy presence humbly I bow.

Have Thine own way, Lord! have Thine own way!
wounded and weary, help me I pray!
Power - all power - surely is Thine!
touch me and heal me, Saviour divine!

have Thine own way, Lord! have Thine own way!
hold o'er my being absolute sway!
Fill with Thy Spirit till all shall see
Christ only, always, living in me!

225  DELAY  - St. Augustine

I loved Thee late
too late I loved Thee, Lord,
yet not so late but Thou dost still afford
the proof that Thou wilt bear with winning art,
one sinner more upon Thy loving heart.
and may I prove, when all my warfare's past,
though late I loved Thee, I loved Thee to the last.

226   THE LIVING SERMON -   Author unknown

I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day,
I'd rather one would walk with me than merely tell the way;
The eye's a better pupil and more willing than the ear,
fine counsel is confusing, but example's always clear;
the best of all the preachers are the men who LIVE THEIR CREEDS,
for to see good put in action is what everybody needs.

I can watch your hands in action, your tongue too fast may run;
the lectures you deliver may be very wise and true,
but I's rather get my lessons by observing what you do;
I may not understand the high the high advice you give,
but there's no misunderstanding how you act and how you live.

227  BROKEN THINGS  - Bob Jones Jr.

Five broken loaves beside the sea and thousands fed,
as Thy hand, Lord, in breaking, blessed the bread.
men would the throng in emptiness have sent away
whose need was met with broken bread that day.

a broken vase of priceless worth rich fragrance shed
in ointment poured in worship on thy head.
a lovely thing all shattered thus - WHAT WASTE, they thought.
but Mary's deed of love Thy blessing brought.

a broken form upon the cross and souls set free,
Thy anguish there has paid the penalty -
Sin's awful price in riven flesh and pain and blood -
Redemption's cost, the broken lamb of God.

Oh, break my life if it must be
no longer mine, I give it Thee.
Oh, break my will; the off'ring take.


a man I know has made an altar
of his factory bench.
and one has turned the counter in his store
into a place of sacrifice and holy ministry.
another still has changed his office desk
into a pulpit desk, from which so speak and write,
Transforming commonplace affairs
into the business of the King.
a Martha in our midst has made
her kitchen table a communion table.
a postman makes his daily round
a walk in the temple of God...

to all of these each daily happening
has come to be a whisper from the lips of God,
each separate task a listening post,
and every common circumstance
a wayside shrine.

229 I WOULD BE A CHANNEL  -  Myra Brooks Welch

Oh, I would be a channel, Lord,
deep-cleft and wide for Thee,
that all the blessings Thou dost send
might find a way through me.
my feet to do Thy errands, Lord,
my hands to serve Thee well,
my heart to beat in tune with Thine,
my lips Thy love to tell.

I would not be a vessel, Lord,
no longer dare I pray
that Thou wouldst fill me to the brim
and keep me day by day;
not even that i overflow
and reach those close around,
Thy blessings onward bound.

Yes, I would be a channel, Lord,
with naught to call my own,
for children, houses, gold and land
are chattels thou dost loan.
if Thou shouldst give them me, I dare
not clasp them to my breast,
but ever let them onward flow;
thus, only, I am blessed.

Oh, I would be a channel, Lord,
where living waters flow,
for on the banks of such a stream
the sweetest flowers grow.
I'm least of those who love Thee, Lord,
yet used i long to be;
 then break my selfish will and let
Thy blessings flow through me.

230  YIELDED  -  John Henry Newman

Time was, I shrank from what was right,
from fear of what was wrong;
I would not brave the sacred fight,
because the foe was strong.

but not I cast that finer sense
and sorer shame aside;
such dread of sin was indolence,
such aim at heaven was pride.

so when my Saviour calls, i rise
and calmly do my best;
leaving to Him, with silent eyes
of hope and fear, the rest.

I step, I mount where He has led;
men count my haltings o'er:
I know them; yet though self i dread,
I love His precept more.

LIFE  -  Author unknown

Life is a burden; bear it.
Life is a duty; dare it.
Life is a thorn crown;  wear it.
though it break your heart in twain,
though the burden crush you down,
Close your lips and hide the pain;
first the cross and then the crown.

232  TRUE WISDOM  - Author unknown

true wisdom is in leaning
on Jesus Christ, our lord;
true wisdom is in trusting
His own life-giving word;
true wisdom is in living
near Jesus every day;
true wisdom is in walking
where he shall lead the way.

233  PRESSURE  -  Author unknown

Pressed out of measure and pressed to all length;
Pressed so intensely it seems, beyond strength;
Pressed in the body and pressed in the soul,
Pressed in the mind till the dark surges roll.
Pressure by foes, and a pressure from friends.
pressure on pressure, till life nearly ends.

Pressed into knowing no helper but God;
Pressed into loving the staff and the rod.
pressed into liberty where nothing clings;
pressed into faith for impossible things.
pressed into living a life in the Lord,
pressed into living a Christ-life outpoured.

THE OLD LAMP  - Author unknown

A lamp once hung in an ancient town at the corner of a street
where the wind was keen and the way was dark and the rain would often beat;
all night long its light would shine to guide the travelers' feet.

the lamp was plain and rough and old as it weathered the storm alone;
and it wasn't a thing of beauty that a man would care to own;
but no one thought what the lantern was -

t'was the light that within it shone.

that lamp is the frame of a human heart
who seeks, tho' it's worn and tried,
to shine for God and to show the Road
to souls who have gone aside!

you are the lantern - a thing of naught;
but Christ is the Light inside!

CAPTURED  -  Author unknown

hast thou hear Him, seen Him, known Him,
is not Thine a captured heart?
Chief among ten thousands own Him,
Joyful choose the better part.

what has stripped the seeming beauty
from the idols of the earth?
not a sense of right or duty,
but the sight of peerless worth.

not the crushing of those idols,
with its bitter void and smart;
but the beaming of His beauty,
the unveiling of His heart!

'Tis that look that melted Peter,
'Tis that Face that Stephen saw,
'Tis that Heart that wept with Mary
can alone from idols draw.

Draw and win and fill completely,
Till the cup o'erflow the brim;
what have we to do with idols
who have companied with Him?


Lord, show me the thing that stands in the way,
the stone that is under the wheel,
reveal the idol to be cast down, Lord, hear me as I knee.

And, Lord, if i have not the strength to cut off
the part that offendeth me,
nor have I the courage to overthrow
the thing i love more than Thee;
Oh, cripple the limb with a touch of Thy hand!
to bear it give me grace,
and when i awake tomorrow morn
may the idol be on its face.

but more than this I would ask, O Lord,
Grind it to powder fine,
then fill up my heart with Thy wondrous love,
making my face to shine.

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