Tuesday, April 21, 2009


part of the aftermath of the wild at heart retreat, or should i say advance, has been to look at the word 'adventure' and some related words. this was done with noah webster's american dictionary of the english language (1828).

ADVENTURE from Latin adventus from advenio (ad=to + venio=to come; literally means 'to come to') definition - HAZARD, RISK, CHANCE, that of which one has no direction...at all hazards... see ADVENT, VENTURE

ADVENT - a coming; the coming of our Savior into this world

VENTURE - a hazard, an undertaking of chance or danger; the risking of something upon an event which cannot be foreseen with tolerable certainty

CHANCE - seems to be from the participle of the french verb cheoir - to fall; def - an event that happens, falls out or takes place without being contrived, intended, expected or foreseen; the effect of an unknown cause or the unusual or unexpected effect of a known cause

HAZARD - to expose to chance, put in danger of loss, injury

RISK - the sense is pushing forward, a rushing, exposure to harm. see PERIL

PERIL - from latin periculum; greek parao - to try, attempt, that is to strain, also para - an attempt, danger, hazard (also point or edge of a sword coinciding with ber, per (welsh) - a spit, spear, pike, hence latin experior and english experience.; paro - to pass, thrust in or transfix. the primary sense of peril is to advance, pushing, going forward; a radical sense of boldness; danger denounced 'do it at your own peril'

the adventure You want me to hazard all on:
1. believe You (john 7.38); obey You
2. seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness and be totally dependent on You for material needs (matt. 6.25-30)
3. meditate on the Bible (ps. 1.2, 119.11), know the Bible so as to be able to share it (II tim. 2.15)4. proclaim the gospel to everyone (mk. 16.15)
5. make disciples (matthew 28.19-20)
6. speak the truth in love (ephesians 4.15)
7. deny every desire coming from self, most powerfully the desire to have a beauty to care for, protect, defend and fight for...as i, though humanly wavering, am currently convinced such is forbidden by You (lk. 9.23-4)
8. think of every woman as Your daughter and relate to her, in heart, as such
9. fight for the hearts of my family
10. fight for the hearts of 12 men
11. do the seven essential daily 'duties'
12. accomplish what i don't think i can (ie. fix the front porch) phil. 4.13
13. be whatever i see as lacking in another
14. eat only for strength (eccl. 10.17), fast (mk. 2.20), eat only organic
15. do not knowingly accept $1.00 from government
16. look to You alone for physical healing, if You choose, and be joyfully ready to depart if You don't (ps. 90.3,5-9,15; 103.3; phil.1.21-4)

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