Friday, December 8, 2017

12.8.2017 John Wesley Journal (January 1, 1776 - August 8, 1779) p.67-160 (to 137)

*67  1.1.1776  about 1800 of us met together in London, in order to renew our covenant with God and it was, as usual,  a very solemn opportunity.
1.2 I set out for Bristol. between London and Bristol, I read over that elegant trifle, ,'the correspondence between Theodosius and Constantia'.  I observed only one sentiment which I could not receive, that 'youth is the only possible time for friendship; because every one has at first a natural store of sincerity and benevolence; but as in process of time men find every one to be false and self-interested, they conform to them more and more, till, in riper years, they have neither truth nor benevolence left'.  perhaps it may be so with all that know not God, but they that do, escape 'the corruption that is in the world',  and increase both in sincerity and in benevolence, as they grow in the knowledge of Christ.
1.6  I returned to London and I returned just in time; for on Sun. 7, the severe frost set in, accompanied with so deep a snow, as made even the high road impassable. for some days before the frost broke up, it was observed, by means of the thermometer, that the cold was several degrees more intense than that in the year 1741. but God then removed the cup from us, by a gentle gradual thaw.

1.14   as i was going to West-street chapel, one of the chaise - springs suddenly snapped asunder,  but the horses instantly stopping, I stepped out without the least inconvenience.

at all my vacant hours in this and the following week, I endeavoured to finish the 'Concise History of England'.  I am sensible it must give offence, as in many parts I am quite singular; particularly with regard to those greatly injured characters, Richard !!! and Mary Queen of Scots. but I must speak as i think; although still waiting for and willing to receive, better information.

*68  1.28  I was desired to preach a charity sermon in All-hallows church, Lombard-Street. in the year 1735, about 40- years ago, I preached in this church, at the earnest request of the Churchwardens, to a numerous congregation, who came like me, with an intent to hear Dr. Heylyn. this was the first time that, having no notes about me, I preached exempore. (def - on the spur of the moment; without premeditation or preparation)
2.14   I preached at Shorham. how is the last become first!  No society in the county grows so fast as this, either in grace or number. the chief instrument of this glorious work is Miss Perronet, a burning and a shining light.
2.23  I looked over Mr. Bolt's 'considerations on the Affairs of india'.  was there ever so melancholy a picture?  How are the might fallen!  the Great Mogul, Emperor of Hindostan, one of the mightiest potentates on earth, is become a poor, little, impotent slave to a Company of Merchants! his large, flourishing empire is broken in pieces and covered with fraud, oppression and misery! and we may call the myriads that have been murdered happy, in comparison of those that still groan under the iron yoke. wilt not thou visit for these things, O Lord? shall the fool still say in his heart, 'there is no God?

2.25  I buried the remains of William Evans, one of the first members of our society. he was an Israelite indeed, open (if it could be)to a fault; always speaking the truth from his heart.

2.28  I looked over a volume of Lord Lyttelton's Works. he is really a fine writer, both in verse and prose, though he believed the Bible; yea and feared God! in y scraps of time I likewise read over Miss Talbot's Essays; equal to any thing of the kind i ever saw. she was a woman of admirable sense and piety and a far better poet than the celebrated Mrs. Rowe. but here too

Heaven its choicest gold by torture tried!

after suffering much, she died of a cancer in her breast.

3.1 as we cannot depend on having the Foundry long, we met to consult about building a new chapel. our petition to the City for a piece of ground lies before their Committee;  but when we shall get any farther, I know not.  so I determined to begin my circuit as usual;  but promised to return whenever i should receive notice that our petition was granted.

on 3.3 I set out, and on 3.5 reached

*69    Bristol. in the way I read over Mr. Boeme's Sermons, Chaplain to Prince George of Denmark, husband to Queen Anne. he was a person of very strong sense and in general, sound in his judgment. I remember hearing a very remarkable circumstance concerning him, from Mr. Fraser, then Chaplain to St. George's Hospital.  'one day, said he, I asked Mr. Boehm, with whom I was intimately acquainted, 'Sir, when you are surrounded by various persons, listening to one and dictating to another, does not that vast hurry of business hinder your communion with god ? he replied, ' I bless God , I have just then as full communion with Him, as if I was kneeling alone at the altar.

3.6  I went down to Taunton and at 3 in the afternoon opened the new preaching-house. the people showed great eagerness to hear. will they at length know the day of their visitation... on 3.20, came to Worcester.  3.21  I was much refreshed among this loving people; especially by the select society, the far greater part of whom could still witness that God had saved them from inward as well as outward sin.
3.23  about noon I preached in the Town Hall at Evesham, to a congregation of a very different kind. few of them, I doubt, came from any other motive than to gratify their curiosity. however, they were deeply attentive; so that some of them, I trust, went away a little wiser than they came.

I had been informed that Mr. Weston, the Minister of Campden, was willing I should preach in his church, but before I  came, he had changed his mind. however, the Vicar of Pebworth was no weathercock, so I preached in his church on Sun 24, morning and evening and, I believe not in vain.

...3.27  I preached at Dudley, in the midst of Antinomians ( def - professing christians who believe they are free from the moral law)  and backsliders  on,  'We beseech you not to receive the grace of God in vain.  in the evening I preached to our old flock at Wed. and the old spirit was among them.

*70  3.29  about 8 I preached to a very large congregation even at Wolverhampton...all were quiet now; the gentleman who made a disturbance when i was here last having been soon after called to his account.
3.31  I preached at Congleton. the Minister here having  disobliged (def - act contrary to the desire of) his parishioners, most of the Gentry in the town came to the preaching, both at 2 in the afternoon and in the evening and it was an acceptable time.  I believe very few, rich or poor, came in vain....

4.3   having climbed over the mountains, I preached at New-Mills, in Derbyshire. the people here are quite earnest and artless, there being no public worship in the town but at our chapel. So that they go straight forward, knowing nothing of various opinions and minding nothing but to be Bible Christians.
4.4  I began an answer to that dangerous Tract, Dr. Price's 'Observations upon Liberty'; which, if practised, would overturn all government and bring in universal anarchy. on Easter-Day the preaching-house at Manchester contained the congregation pretty well at 7 in the morning, but in the afternoon I was obliged to be abroad, thousands upon thousands flocking together. i stood in a convenient place, almost over against the Infirmary and exhorted a listening multitude  to 'live unto Him who died  for them and rose again'...
4.12  I visited one formerly a Captain, now a dying sinner.  his eyes spoke of the agony of his soul; his tongue having well nigh forgot its office. with great efforts he could but just say, 'I want - Jesus Christ!' the next day he cold not utter a word; but if he could not speak, God could hear.

*71  ...4.15  about noon I preached in the new House at Wigan, to a very quiet and very dull congregation. but considering what the town was some years ago, wicked even to a proverb, we may well say, God hath done great things already. and we hope to see greater things than these. in the evening I was obliged to preach abroad at Bolton, though the air was cold and the ground wet. 16 I preached about noon at Chowbent, once the roughest place in all the neighbourhood. but there is not the least trace of it remaining: such is the fruit of the genuine Gospel.

as we were considering in the afternoon what we should do, the rain not suffering us to be abroad, one asked the Vicar for the use of the church, to which he readily consented. I began reading prayers at half hour past 5.  the church was so crowded, pews, alleys and galleries, as I believe it had not been these 100 years and God bore witness to His word.

...4.19  I preached at Smith-House, for the sake of that lovely woman, Mrs. Holmes. it does me good to see her; such is her patience or rather, thankfulness, under almost continual pain...

..4.22  I had an agreeable conversation with that good man, Mr. O---. O that he may be an instrument for removing the prejudices which have so long separated chief friends!

4.23  I preached in the press-yard at Rothwell and have seldom seen a congregation so moved. I then spoke severally to the class of children and found every one of them rejoicing in the love of God. it is particularly remarkable, that this work of God among them is broke out all at once; they have all been justified and one clearly sanctified, within these last six weeks.

*72 4.24  I went on to Otley, where the word of God has free course and brings forth much fruit. this is chiefly owing to the spirit and behaviour of those whom God has perfected in love. their zeal stirs up many and their steady and uniform conversation has a language almost irresistible.

4.26 I preached in the new chapel at Eccleshall, to a people just sprung out of the dust, exceeding artless and exceeding earnest;  many of whom seemed to be already saved from sin. O, why do we not encourage all to expect this blessing every hour, from the moment they are justified! ...

4.27  I preached in the church at Bingley;  perhaps not so filled before for these 100 years.  28 the congregation at Haworth was far greater than the church could contain. for the sake of the poor parishioners, few of whom are even awakened to this day, I spoke as strongly as i possibly could upon these words, 'The harvest is past, the summer is ended and we are not saved.

the church at Colne is, I think, at least twice  as large as that at Haworth. but it would not in any wise contain the congregation. I preached on, 'I saw a great white throne coming down from heaven. deep attention sat on every face.
4.29  about 2 I preached at Padiham, in a broad street, to a huge congregation. I think the only inattentive persons were, the Minister and a kind of gentleman. I saw none inattentive at Clough in the evening. what has God wrought, since Mr.Grimshaw and I were seized near this place by a furious mob and kept prisoners for some hours! the sons of him who headed that mob now gladly receive our saying.
4.30  in the evening I preached in a kind of Square, at Cone, to a multitude of people, all drinking in the word. I scarce ever saw a congregation wherein men, women, and children stood in such a posture. and this in the town wherein, 30 years ago, no Methodist could show his head!  the first that preached here was John Jane, who was innocently riding through the town, when the Zealous mob pulled

*73  him off his horse and put him in the stocks. he seized the opportunity and vehemently exhorted them 'top flee from the wrath to come.
5.1 I set out early and the next afternoon reached Whitehaven and my chaise-horses were no worse for travelling near 110 miles in 2 days.
in travelling through Berkshire, Oxforshire, Bristol, Gloucestershire. Worcestershire,  warwickshire, Staffordshire, Cheshire, Lancashire, Yorkshire, westmoreland and Cumberland, I diligently made 2 inquiries:
the first was, concerning the increase or decrease of the people; 
the second, concerning the increase or decrease of trade.
as to the latter, it is, within these 2 last years, amazingly increased
in several branches in such a manner as has not been known in the memory of man:
such is the fruit of the entire civil and religious liberty which all England now enjoys!
and as to the former, not only in every city and large town, but in every village and hamlet, there is no decrease, but a very large and swift increase.
one sign of this is the swarms of little children which we see in every place....

5.6  after preaching at Cockermouthand Wigton, I went on to Carlisle and preached to a very serious congregation. here i saw a very extraordinary genius,  a man blind from 4..who could wind worsted, weave flowered plush on an engine and loom of his own making ; who wove his own name in plush (def - a fabric, silk-cotton-wool, 1/8 inch thick) and made his own clothes and his own tools of every sort. some years ago, being shut up in the organ-loft at church, he felt every part of it and afterwards made an organ for himself , which, judges say, is an exceeding good one. he then taught himself to play upon it psalm-tunes, anthems, voluntaries or anything which he heard. I heard him play several tunes with great accuracy and a complex voluntary: I suppose all Europe can hardly produce such another instance. His name is Joseph Strong. but what is he the better for all this, if he is still 'without God in the World'?
5.7  I went on to Selkirk. the family came to prayer in the evening, after which the mistress of it said, 'Sir, my daughter Jenny would be very fond of having a little talk with

*74  you. she is a strange lass; she will not come down on the Lord's day but to public worship and spends all the rest of the day in her own chamber.  I desired she would come up; and found one that earnestly longed to be altogether a christian. I satisfied her mother that she was not mad; and spent a little time in advice exhortation and prayer.
5.8  we set out early, but found the air so keen, that before noon our hands bled as if cut with a knife.  in the evening I preached at Edinburgh and the next evening near the riverside in Glasgow.

5.12.....went in the morning to the high-kirk, (to show I was no bigot)  and in the afternoon to the Church of England chapel. the decency of behaviour here surprises me more and more. I know nothing like it in these kingdoms, except among the Methodists. in the evening the congregation by the river-side was exceeding numerous;  to whom I declared 'the whole counsel of God. ..13 I returned to Edinburgh and the next day went to Perth, where ( ti  being supposed no house would contain the congregation)  I preached at 6 on the South-Inch, though the wind was cold and boisterous. many are the stumbling-blocks are removed;  but the effects of them still continue.

5.15  I preached at Dundee, to nearly as large a congregation as that at Port-Glasgow.  16  I attended an Ordination at Arboroath. the Service lasted about 4 hours;  but it did not strike me. it was doubtless very grave;  but I thought it was very dull. 17  I reached Aberdeen in good time....19 I attended the Morning Service at the kirk, full as formal as any in England; and no way calculated either to awaken sinners or to stir up the gift of God in believers. in

*75  the afternoon I heard a useful sermon in the English chapel; and was again delighted with the exquisite decency both of the Minister and the whole congregation.

5.20  I preached about 11 at Old Meldrum, but could not reach Banff till near seven in the evening. I went directly to the Parade and proclaimed, to a listening multitude, 'the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. all behaved well but a few Gentry, whom I rebuked openly and they stood corrected.

after preaching, Mrs. Gordon, the Admiral's widow, invited me to supper. there I found 5 or 6 as agreeable women as I  have seen in the kingdom and I know not when I have spent 2 or 3 hours with greater satisfaction. in the morning I was going to preach in the assembly-room,when the Episcopal Minister sent and offered me the use of his chapel. it was quickly filled. after reading prayers, I preached on those words in the Second lesson, 'What lack I yet? and strongly applied them to those in particular who supposed themselves to be 'rich and increased in goods, and lacked nothing. I then set out for Keith.
...Banff is one of the neatest and most elegant towns that I have seen in Scotland. it is pleasantly situated on the side of a hill, sloping from the sea, though close to it; so that it is sufficiently sheltered from the sharpest winds. the streets are straight and broad. I believer it may be esteemed the fifth, if not the fourth, town in the kingdom. the county quite from Banff to Keith is the best peopled of any i have seen in Scotland.  this is chiefly, if not entirely, owing to the late Earl of Findlater. he was indefatigable in doing good, took pains to procure industrious men from all parts and to provide such little cure industrious men from all parts and to provide such little settlements for them as enabled them to live with comfort.
about noon I preached at the New Mills, 9 miles from Banff, to a large congregation of plain, simple people. as we rode in the afternoon the heat overcame me, so that I was weary and faint before we came to Keith; but I no sooner stood up in the market-place than i forgot my weariness; such were the seriousness and attention of the whole congregation, though as numerous as that at Banff. Mr.Gordon, the Minister of the

*76  parish, invited me to supper and told me his kirk was at my service.  a little society is formed here already and is in a fair way of increasing.  but they were just now in danger of losing their preaching-house, the owner being determined to sell it. i saw but one way to secure it for them, which was to but it myself. 
...5.26  I went to the new church, cheerful, lightsome and admirably well finished. a young gentleman preached such a sermon, both for sense and language, as I never heard in North Britain before and i was informed his life is as his preaching...

*78  6.8   about 6, I preached at Sheep Hill it rained hard very near us; but not one drop came upon us. after 8,  I reached Newcastle, thoroughly tired. but a night's rest set me up again. On Mon and Tues. I met the classes. i left 374 in the society, and I found about 400:  and I trust they are more established in the 'faith that worketh by love.
while I was here, I talked largely with a pious woman, whom I could not well understand. i could not doubt of her being quite sincere, nay and much devoted to God: but she had fallen among some well-meaning ENTHUSIASTS, who taught her so to attend to the inward voice, as to quit the society, the preaching, the Lord's supper, and almost all outward means. i find no persons harder to deal with than these. one knows not how to advise them they must not ct contrary to their conscience, though it be an erroneous one.  and who can convince them that it is erroneous?  None but the Almighty.

6.17  after preaching at Durham, I went on to Darlington. the society here, lately consisting of 9 members, is now increased to above 70; many of whom are warm in their first love. at the love-feast, many of these spoke their experience with all simplicity. here will surely be a plentiful harvest, if tares do not grow up with the wheat.
6.19  i preached to my old, loving congregation at Osmotherley and visited, once more, poor Mr. Watson, just quivering over the grave..

*79    6.25  I visited a poor backslider, who has given great occasion to the enemy to blaspheme. some time since, he felt a pain in the soles of his feet, then in his lags, his knees, his thighs. now ti has reached his stomach and begins to affect his head. no medicines have availed at all. I fear he has sinned a sin unto death;  as sin which God has determined to punish by death.  

6.28  I am 73 years old and far abler to preach than I was at 23.  what natural means has God used to produce so wonderful an effect?
1. continual exercise and change of air, by travelling above 4,000 miles in a year.
2. constant rising at 4
3. the ability, if ever I want, to sleep immediately
4. the never losing a night's sleep in my life
5. 2 violent fevers and 2 deep consumptions. (def - tuberculosis of the lungs)
these if is true, were rough medicines; but they were of admirable service,  causing my flesh to come again, as the flesh of a little child. may I ass, lastly, evenness of temper? I Feel and Grieve but, by the grace of god, i Fret at nothing. but still 'the help that is done upon earth, He doeth it Himself. and this He doeth in answer to many prayers.
7.1  I preached, about 11, to a numerous an serious congregation at Pocklington. in my way from hence to Malton, Mr. C  (a man of sense and veracity) gave me the following account:  His grandfather, Mr. H---, he said about 20 years ago, ploughing up a field, 2 or 3 miles from Pocklington, turned up a large stone, under which he perceived there was a hollow. digging on, he found, at a small distance, a large, magnificent house. he cleared away the earth and going into it, found many spacious rooms. the floors of the lower story were of Mosaic work, exquisitely wrought. Mr. C---himself counted 16 stones within an inch square. many flocked to see it, from various parts, as long as it stood open:  but after some days, Mr. P---(he

*80  knew not why) ordered it to be covered again and he would never after suffer any to open it, but ploughed the field all over...
7.2  I went to York. the House was full enough in the evening, while I pointed the true and the false way of expounding those important words, 'Ye are saved through faith.

7.3 I preached about noon at Tadcaster, with an uncommon degree of freedom; which was attended with a remarkable blessing. a glorious work is dawning here, against which nothing can prevail; unless the ball of contention be thrown in among the plain people by one or 2 that have lately embraced new opinions. in the evening I preached at York, on the fashionable religion, vulgarly called morality and showed at large, from the accounts given of it by its ablest patrons, that it is neither better nor worse than Atheism. 
7.4  I met the select society and was a little surprised to find, that, instead of growing in grace, scarce 2 of them retained the grace they had two years ago. all of them seemed to be sincere and yet a faintness of spirit ran through them all.

in the evening I showed, to a still more crowded audience, the nature and necessity of Christian love:  agapA (in Greek), vilely rendered Charity, to confound poor English readers. the word was sharper than a 2-edged sword, as many of the hearers felt. God grant the wound may not be healed, till He Himself binds it up!

*81   7.6  I went on to Epworth and found my old friend,  Mr. Hutton, in the deepest melancholy. I judged it to be partly natural, partly diabolical; but I doubt not he will be saved, though as by fire.

7.9  I preached at Brigg in the morning.  all behaved well, but a few gentlemen, (so called) who seemed to understand no more of the matter, than if I had been talking Greek.

I went thence to Horncastle and to Spilsby, with Mr. Br---. while he was at Cambridge, he was convinced of sin, though not by any outward means and soon after justified. coming to Hull, he met with one of our Preachers. by long and close conversation with him, he was clearly convinced it was his duty to join with the people called Methodists. at first, indeed, he staggered at lay Preachers, but after weighing the matter more deeply, he began preaching himself and found a very remarkable blessing, both on his own soul and on his labours...

..14 I preached in the morning at Gringley; about one, at Ouston; and at  4, in Epworth market-place; where God struck with the hammer of His word and broke the hearts of stone'. we had afterwards a love-feast, at which a flame was soon kindled;  which was greatly increased while Mr. Cundy related the manner how God perfected him in love.  a testimony which is always attended with a peculiar blessing.
7.15  I preached at Doncaster, in one of the most elegant Houses in England, and one of the most elegant congregations.they seemed greatly astonished and well they might for I scarce ever spoke so strongly on, 'Strait  is the gate and narrow is the way, that leadeth unto life.
16, at Sheffield I talked at large with one whose case is very peculiar. she never loses a sense of the love of god and yet is continually harassed by the devil and contrained to utter words which her soul abhors; while her body feels as if it was in a burning fame. for this her father turned her out of doors and she had no money nor any friend to take her in. to cut her off from every human comfort, our wise Assistant turned her out of society. yet in all this she murmured not, neither 'charged God foolishly',

*82  7.17  having been desired, by one of Chesterfield, to give them a sermon in the way, I called there;  but he did not come to own me. so after resting awhile at another house, I stood at a small distance from the main street and proclaimed salvation by faith to a serious congregation...

7.24  I read Mr. Jenyns's  admired tract, on the 'Internal evidence of the Christian Religion'.  he is undoubtedly a fine writer; but whether he is a christian, Deist, or Atheist, I cannot tell. if he is a christian, he betrays his own cause by averring, that 'all Scripture is not given by inspiration of God;  but the writers of it were sometimes left to themselves and consequently made some mistakes. nay, if there be any mistakes in the Bible, there may as well be a 1000.  if there be one falsehood in that book, it did not come from the God of truth.

7.28  perceiving the immense hurt which it had done, I spoke more strongly than ever I had done before, on the sin and danger of indulging 'itching ears'.   I trust, here at least, that plague will be stayed.
8.2   we made our first subscription toward building a new chapel and at this and the 2 following meetings, above 1000 pounds were cheerfully subscribed.

8.4  many of the Preachers being come to town, I enforced that solemn caution,  in the Epistle for the day,  'Let him that standeth take heed lest he fall.  and God applied it to many hearts. in the afternoon I preached in Moorfields to thousands, on acts 2.32,  'This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.
8.6  our Conference began and ended on Fri. 9, which we observed with fasting and prayer, as well for our our own nation as for our brethren in America. in several Conferences, we have had great love and unity;  but in this there was, over and above, such a general seriousness and solemnity of spirit as we scarcely have had before.Sun. 11 about half an hour after 4 I set out and at half an hour after 11 on Mon., came to Bristol.

*83  Wed. 14 I preached at Tiverton and on Tuesday went on to Launceston. here I found the plain reason why the work of God had gained no ground in this Circuit all the year. the Preachers had given up the Methodist testimony. either they did not speak of Perfection at all, (they peculiar doctrine committed to our trust) or they spoke  of it only in general terms, without urging the believers to go on unto perfection'  and to expect it every moment. and wherever this is not earnestly done, the work of God does not prosper.
8.16  I was going to preach in the marketplace at Camelford, where a few are still alive to God, when a violent storm drove us into the House;  that is, as many as could squeeze in. the fire quickly kindled among them and seemed to touch every heart. my text was, 'what doest thou here, Elijah? and God Himself made the application. a flame was once more raised in this town. may it never more he put out!
in the evening i preached in Mr. wood's yard, at Port-Esaac, to most of the inhabitants of the town. the same spirit was here as at Camelford and seemed to move upon every heart. and we had all a good ope, that the days of faintness and weariness are over and that the work of god will revive and flourish.
8.17  we found Mr. Hoskins, at Cubert, alive, but just tottering over the grave. I preached in the evening, on II Cor. 5.1-4, probably the last sermon he will hear from me. I was afterwards inquiring, if that scandal of Cornwall, the plundering of wrecked vessels, still subsisted. he said, 'as much as ever;  only the Methodists will have nothing to do with it. but 3 months since a vessel was wrecked on the south coast and the tinners presently seized on all the goods and even broke in pieces a new coach with was on board and

*84 carried every scrap of it away.  but is there no way to prevent this shameful breach of all the laws both of religion and humanity?  indeed there is. the Gentry of Cornwall may totally prevent it whenever they please. let them only see that the laws be strictly executed upon the next plunderers and after an example is made of 10 of these, the next wreck will be unmolested. nay, there is a milder way. let them only agree together, to discharge any tinner or labourer that is concerned in the plundering of a wreck and advertise his name, that no Cornish gentleman may employ him any more and neither tinner nor labourer will any more be concerned in that bad work.

8.18  the passage through the sands being bad for a chaise, I rode on horseback to St. Agnes, where the rain constrained me to preach in the House. as we rode back to Redruth, it poured down amain, and found its way through all our clothes. I was tired when I came in, but after sleeping a quarter of an hour all my weariness was gone.
8.19  I joined together once more the select society, who are continually flying asunder, though they all acknowledge the loss they have sustained thereby. at 11 I met 50 or 60 children. how much depends upon these! all the hope of the rising generation. Tues. 20 in the evening i preached at Helstone, where prejudice is at an end and all the town,  except a few gentry,  willingly hear the word of salvation.
8.21  I preached at Penzance in a gentleman's balcony, which commanded the market-place, to a huge congregation, on, 'without holiness no man shall see the Lord.  the word fell heavy, upon high and low, rich and poor. such an opportunity i never had at Penzance before.

8.22  I preached at 6  in the market-place, at St. Just's. 2 or 3 well dressed people walked by, stopped a little and then went on. so they did 2 or 3 times. had it not been for shame, they might have heard that which is able to save their souls.
8.23  the congregation, both morning and evening, was large and great was our rejoicing in the Lord.  Sat, 24.  in the evening I preached in a meadow at St. Ives, to one of the largest congregations I had seen in the county. Sun, 25. I met the children; the most difficult part of our office.

*85  about 5 in the evening i began preaching at Gwennap, to full 20,000 persons.  and they were so commodiously placed,k in the calm, still evening, that every one heard distinctly.

8.28  ...the next evening i preached at Medros and was pleased to see an old friend, with his wife, his 2 sons and 2 daughters.  I believe God sent a message to their hearts, as they could not help showing by their tears...
immediately after Service I went to the quay (def - landing place on the water) and preached on those words in the Epistle for the day, 'the Scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. I wondered at the  exquisite stupidity of the hearers, particularly the soldiers, who seemed to understand no more of the matter than so many oxen. so i told them in very plain terms and some of them were ashamed.

*86  I was desired to call at Ottery...I preached in the market-house to abundance of people, who behaved with great decency. at 5, I preached in the market-place at Axminster, to a still larger congregation. I have seldom heard people speak with more honesty and simplicity than many did at the love-feast which followed. i have not seen a more unpolished people than these, but love supplies all defects.  It supplies all the essentials of good breeding, without the help of a dancing master.

9.5  ..I went on to 6 I preached in the yard adjoining to the preaching-house. it was a season both of conviction and consolation.  Fri, 6 i preached at the new House in Melcomb, to as many as it would well contain. Sat. 7, about noon I stood upon the Cross at Bruton and proclaimed 'the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. many seemed to be astonished; all were quiet and a few deeply affected.
in the evening i preached at Shepton-Mallet where the people in general appeared to be more serious, ever since the late terrible riot, in which 2 of them were killed. on Sat. I went on to Bristol.

9.9 I began, what I had long intended, visiting the society from house to house, setting apart at least 2 hours in a day for that purpose. I was surprised to find the simplicity with which one and all spoke, both of their temporal and spiritual state. or could i easily have known, by any other means, how great a work God has wrought among them. I found exceeding little to reprove, but much to praise God for and i observed one thing which I did not expect,  in visiting all the families, without Lawford-Gate, by far the poorest about the city, I did not find so much as one person who was out of work.
*87  9.12  I spent about 2 hours in Mr. Hoare's gardens, at Stourton. I have seen the most celebrated gardens in England; but these far exceed them all:
1. in the situation; being laid out on the sloping sides of a semicircular mountain
2. in the vast basin of water inclosed between them, covering, I suppose, 60 acres of ground
3. in the delightful interchange of shady groves and sunny glades, curiously mixed together. above all, in the lovely grottoes (def - cave or cavern), 2 of which excel everything of the kind which I ever saw;  the fountain-grotto, made entirely of rock-work, admirably well imitating nature and the castle-grotto, into which you enter unawares, beneath a heap of ruins. this is within totally built of roots of trees, wonderfully interwoven. one one side of it is a little hermitage, with a lamp, a chair, a table and bones upon it.
others were delighted with the temples, but I was not:
1. because several of the statues about them were mean
2. because i cannot admire the images of devils and we know the gods of the Heathens are but devils
3. because i defy all mankind to reconcile statues with nudities, either to common sense or common decency.

*88  10.13  ...about 2 I preached in the new House, at paulton, to a plain, simple, loving people and spent the evening at Kingswood, endeavouring to remove some little offences, which had arisen in the family.
10.18  about 1 i preached at Bath, as usual, to a crowded audience;  in the afternoon at Keynsham, where, at length, we see some fruit of our labours.  Thurs, 19 finding few would come to the Room at Pill, I preached in the market-place. many attended and I am persuaded, God cut some of them to the heart...
11.13  I set out with Mr. Fletcher to Norwich. I took coach at 12, slept till 6 and then spent the time very agreeably in conversation, singing and reading. I read Mr. Bolts's account of the affairs in the East indies. i suppose much

*89  the best that is extant. but what a scene is here opened! what consummate villains, what devils incarnate, were the managers there! what utter strangers to justice, mercy, and truth; to every sentiment of humanity! i believe no heathen history contains a parallel. i remember none in all the annals (def - a record of events, especially in chronological order)  of antiquity.not even the divine Cato or the virtuous Brutus,  plundered the provinces committed to their charge with such merciless cruelty as the English have plundered the desolated provinces of Indostan.

when we came to Norwich, finding many of our friends had been shaken by the assertors of the Horrible Decree, I employed the 3 following mornings in sifting the question to the bottom. many were confirmed thereby and I trust, will not again be removed from the genuine gospel.

11.14  I showed in the evening what the Gospel is and what it is to preach the Gospel. the next evening, I explained, at large, the wrong and the right sense of, 'ye are saved by faith. and many saw how miserably they had been abused by those vulgarly called Gospel Preachers.

11.18  ..we set out for Yarmouth. here I knew not where to preach; the Mayor refusing me the use of the Town-Hall. but the Chamberlain gave me the use of a larger building,  formerly a church. in t6his a numerous congregation soon assembled, to whom I described the 'sect which is everywhere spoken against. i believe all that sere attentive will be a little more candid (def - frank, outspoken, open, sincere) for the time to come.
11.19  I opened the new preaching-house at Lowestoft,  - a new and lightsome (def - well illuminated) building. it was thoroughly filled with deeply attentive hearers. surely some of them will bear fruit unto perfection.  Wed. 20 Mr. Fletcher preached in the morning and i at 2 in the afternoon. it then blew a thorough storm, so that it was hard to walk or stand, the wind being ready to take us off our feet. it drove one of the boats, which were on the strand, from its moorings out to sea. 3 men were in it, who looked for nothing every moment but to be swallowed up.  but presently 5 stout men put off in another open boat and, rowing for life, overtook them, and brought them safe to land.

*90  11.21  I preached at Beccles. a duller place I have seldom seen. the people of the town were neither pleased nor vexed, as 'caring for none of these things'. yet 50 or 60 came into the house, either to hear or see. the people of Loddon seemed in the evening of another spirit, resolved to 'enter in at the strait gate'.  Fri. 22, we had a solemn parting with our friends at Norwich and on Sat. evening i brought Mr. Fletcher back to London, considerably better than when he set out.

*92  1.15,1777  ...such another scene I saw the next day, in visiting another part of the society. I have not found any such distress, no, not in the prison of Newgate. one poor many was just creeping out of his sick-bed, to his ragged wife and 3 little children,  who were more than half naked and the very picture of amine, when one bringing in a loaf of bread, they all ran, seized upon it and tore it in pieces in an instant.  who would not rejoice that there is another world?

1.20  Mrs. T. gave us a remarkable account:  on Sat, ll instant, here little boy, a child of eminent piety, between 5 and 6 years old, gave up his spirit to God. she was saying to one in the house, 'My son is gone to glory'.  a youth standing by, cried out, 'but I am going to hell. he continued praying all Sun and Mon, but in utter despair. on Tues. he found a hope of mercy, which gradually increased. the  next morning he rejoiced with joy unspeakable, knowing his sins were blotted out and soon after Henry Terry  (the son of may tears to his poor mother) slept in peace.

1.21 I dined at Mr. A's.  a month or 2 ago he had a trial worthy of a christian. he saw his little son (between 4 and 5 years old) crushed to death in a moment. but he did no murmur: he could say, 'The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away.
...1.30 I had a visit from Mr. B...,  grown an old, feeble, decrepit an; hardly able to face a puff of wind or to creep up and down stairs! such is the fruit of cooping one's self in a house, of sitting still day after day!

*93 2.3  hearing there was some disturbance at Bristol, occasioned by men whose tongues were set on fire against the Government, I went down in the diligence and on Tues evening strongly enforced those solemn words, 'put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to speak evil of no man.  I believe God applied His word, and convinced many that they had been out of their way.

2.15  at the third message, I took up my cross and went to see Dr. Dodd, in the Compter. I was greatly surprised. he seemed, though deeply affected, yet thoroughly resigned to the will of God. Mrs. Dodd, likewise behaved with the utmost propriety. I doubt not, God will bring good out of this evil.  Tues, 18. I visited him again and found him still in a desirable state of mind, calmly giving himself up to whatsoever God should determine concerning him.
19  I was desired to see one that, after she had been filled with peace and joy in believing, was utterly distracted. I soon found it was a merely natural case; a temporary disorder common to women at that period of life.
25 I spent an agreeable hour with Dr. C---s, a deeply serious man, who would fain reconcile the Arminians and Calvinists. nay, but he must first change their hearts.

*93  3.2 being a warm sunshiny day, i preached in Moorfields, in the evening. there were thousands upon thousands and all were still as night. not only violence and rioting, but even scoffing at field-preachers is now over. 

*98  ..I came back to Malton and, having rested an hour, went on to Scarborough and preached in the evening. but the flux which i had had for a few days so increased, that at first I found it difficult to speak. yet the longer i spoke the stronger i grew. Is not god a present help?

3.11 I experienced a second time what one calls, febris ex insolatione (foot - a fever produced by an incautious exposure to the sun). the day was cold, but the sun shone warm on my back, as I sat in the window. in less than half an hour I began to shiver and soon after had a strong fit of an ague ( def - a fit of fever or shivering or shaking chills, accompanied by malaise, pains in the bones and joints; chill) i directly lay down between blankets and drank  largely a warm lemonade. in 10 minutes the hot fit came on and quickly after i fell asleep. having slept half an hour, I rose up and preached. afterwards I met the society and I found no want of strength, but was just as well at the end as at the beginning.

*99  5.18  in the afternoon I buried the body of Joseph Guilford, a holy man and a useful Preacher. surely never before did a man of so weak talents do so much good! he died, as he lived, in the full triumph of faith, vehemently rejoicing and praising God.

...afterwards I spent an hour very agreeably at Mrs. Wood's, the widow of

*100   the late Governor. I was much pressed to stay a little longer at Castletown,  but my time was fixed.
6.1  at 6 I preached in our own room and, to my surprise, saw all the gentlewomen there. young as well as old were now deeply affected and would fain have had me stayed,  were it but an hour or two, but i was forced to hasten away, in order to be at Peeltown before the Service began.

Mr. Corbett said, he would gladly have asked me to preach, but that the Bishop had forbidden him; who had also forbidden all his Clergy to admit any Methodist Preacher to the Lord's Supper.  but is any Clergyman obliged,either in law or conscience, to obey such a prohibition? by no means. the will even of the King does not bind any English subject, unless it be seconded by an express law. how much less the will of a Bishop?  'but did not you take an oath to obey him?  no, nor any clergyman in the 3 kingdoms. this is a mere vulgar error. shame that it should prevail almost universally.

as it rained, I retired after Service into a large malthouse. most of the congregation followed and devoured the word. it being fair in the afternoon, the whole congregation stopped in the church-yard and the word of god was with power. it was a happy opportunity.

6.2  the greater part of them were present at 5 in the morning. a more loving, simple-hearted people than this I never saw. and no wonder,  for they have but 6 papists and no Dissenters, in the island. it is supposed to contain near 30,000 people, remarkably courteous and humane.  ever since smuggling was suppressed, they diligently cultivate their land, and they have a large herring fishery, so that the country improves daily.

...I set out for Douglas in the one-horse chaise, Mrs. Smyth riding with me. in about an hour, in spite of all i could do, the headstrong horse ran the wheel against a large stone. the chaise overset in a moment, but we fell so gently on smooth grass, that neither of us was hurt at all. in the evening i preached at Douglas to near as large a congregation as that at Peel, but not near so serious. before 10 we went on board,

*101  and about 12 on Tues. 3, landed at Whitehaven. I preached at 5 in the afternoon and hastening to Cockermouth, found a large congregation waiting in the Castle-yard. between 9 and 10 i took chaise and about 10 on Wed. 4, reached Settle. in the evening i preached near the market-place and all but 2 or 3 gentlefolks were seriously attentive.  Thurs, 5. about noon I came to Otley and found E----R---- just alive, but all alive to God. in the evening it seemed as if the departing saint had dropped her mantle upon the congregation, such an awe was upon them, while i explained and applied, 'they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.
6.8  about one I took my stand at Birstal. thousands upon thousands filled the vale and the side of the hill and all, I found, could hear. such another multitude assembled near Huddersfield in the evening. many of these had never heard a Methodist Preacher before, yet they all behaved well.

6.9  I spent one hour more at otley.  (foot - trans. from Latin, 'a sight worthy of God Himself'. I have not  before seen so triumphant an instance of the power of faith. though in constant pain, she has no complaint:  so does the glory of God overshadow her, and swallow up her will in his! she is indeed All praise, all meekness and all love.

6.11  I had appointed to preach in the  new preaching-house at Colne. supposing it would be sufficiently crowded, I went a little before the time, so that the galleries were but half full when i came into the pulpit. 2 minutes after, the whole left-hand gallery fell at once, with a 150 or 200 persons. considering the height and the wight of people, one would have supposed many lives would have been lost. but i did not hear of one.  does not God give His angels charge over them that fear Him? when the  hurry was a little over, i went into the adjoining meadow, and quietly declared the whole counsel of God.
on Thurs and Fri I preached at Halifax, Daw-Green,

*102  Horbury and Wakefield. on Sat. I wrote 'Thoughts upon God's Sovereignty'.  to a cool man, I think the whole matter will appear to rest on a single point.  As Creator, He could not but act according to His own sovereign will, but as Governor He acts, not as a mere Sovereign, but according to justice and mercy.

6.16  ...afterwards I went on to Rotherham and was glad to find, that the society is not discouraged by the death of that good man, William Green, who had been as a father to them from the beginning. he never started either at labour or suffering, but went on calm and steady, trusting God with Himself and his 8 children, even while all the waves and storms went over him. he died, as he lived, in the full assurance of faith, praising God with his latest breath.
6.17 the evening i preached at Derby. it was supposed the people would be afraid to come as part of the roof had lately fallen in.  (indeed it fell as hour before the congregation met; otherwise many must have been hurt.)  but they were not afraid: the house was well filled and even the rich attended with seriousness.
6.18 I preached at Nottingham, to a serious, loving congregation. there is something in the people of this town, which I cannot but much approve of; although most of our society are of the lower class, chiefly employed in the stocking-manufacture, yet there is generally an uncommon gentleness and sweetness in their temper and something of  elegance in their behaviour, which, when added to solid, vital religion, make them an ornament to their profession.
6.19  I did not reach Leicester till the congregation had waited some time:  so I began immediately to enforce, 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.  I had designed not to call here at all, supposing it would be lost labour. but the behaviour of the whole congregation convinced

*103  me that I had judged wrong. they filled the House at 5 in the morning and seemed determined to 'stir up the gift of God which was in them.  Sat. 21 I returned to London.

6.25  I saw Dr. Dodd for the last time. he was in exactly such a temper as I wished. he never at any time expressed the least murmuring or resentment at any one, but entirely and calmly gave himself up to the will of God. such a prisoner I scarce ever saw before, much less such a condemned malefactor. I should think, none could converse with him without acknowledging that God is with him.

6.26  I read the truly wonderful performance of Mr. Rowland Hill. I stood amazed! compared to him, Mr. Toplady himself is a very civil,  fair-spoken gentleman! Fri, 27 I wrote an answer to it:  'not rendering railing for railing' (I have not so learned Christ)  but 'speaking the truth in love.

7.1  I preached in the evening at Marton, near Buckingham,  the thunder, attended with heavy rain, was likely to rob us of our whole congregation. we cried to god. the thunder and rain ceased and we had a fair sunshiny evening. a large number of people flocked together, some of whom came 12 or 14 miles, and they did not lose their labour,  for God accompanied his word with the demonstration of His Spirit.
*104  7.6  ..I ..rode on to Worcester. on Tues evening the Rector of the parish was at the preaching; a candid, sensible man. he seemed much surprised, having never dreamed before that there was such a thing as common sense  among the Methodists! the society here, by patient continuance in well-doing, has quite overcome evil with good, even the beasts of the people are now tame and open not their mouths against them. they profited much when the waves and storms went over them. May they profit as much by the calm!
about 6 in the evening,  on Thurs, 109,  I preached on the bulwarks at Brecon. Fri, 11 I called upon Mr. Gwynne, just recovering from a dangerous illness. but he is not recovered from the seriousness which it occasioned. may this be a lasting blessing!

*105  7.12 the evening I preached to a large congregation in the market-place at Carmarthen. I was afterwards informed, the Mayor had sent 2 Constables to forbid my preaching there. but if he did, their hearts failed them, for they said not one word.

...7.16  Newport church..thence we rode to Haverfordwest, but the heat and dust were as much as I could bear. I was faint for a while, but it was all gone as soon as I came into the congregation and after preaching and meeting the society, I was as fresh as at 6 in the morning.

*106  7.21 Jatterson, a colliery..the House was presently filled and all the space about the doors and windows and the poor people drank in every word. I had finished my sermon, when a gentleman, violently pressing in, bade the people get home and mind their business. as he used some bad words, my driver spake to him. he fiercely said, 'Do you think I need to be taught y a chaise boy?  the lad replying, 'Really, Sir, I do think so' the conversation ended.

*107  7.27 the evening I preached in Mr. M-----'s  hall in Llandaff and God applied His word (I think) to every heart. ..
7.30  I spent an hour or 2 with Mr. Fletcher, restored to like in answer to many prayers. how many providential ends have been answered by his illness! and perhaps still greater will be answered by his recovery.  
8.1  I desired as many as could to join together in fasting and prayer, that god would restore the spirit of love and or a sound mind, to the poor deluded rebels in America. in the evening we had a watch-night at Kingswood and I was agreeably surprised to observe that hardly any one went away till the whole service was concluded.
8.5  our yearly Conference began. I now particularly inquired (as that report had been spread far and wide) of every Assistant,
'Have you reason to believe, from your own observation, that the Methodists are a fallen people?
is there a decay or an increase in the work of God where you have been?
are the societies in general more dead or more alive to God, than they were some years ago?

*108  the almost universal answer was,  'if we must 'know them by their fruits,  there is no decay in the work of God, among the people in general. the societies are not dead to God. they are as much alive as they have been for many years. and we look on this report as a mere device of Satan, to make our hands hang down.
'but how can this question be decided? you, and you, can judge no farther than you see. you cannot judge of one part by another; of the people of London, suppose, by those of Bristol. and none but myself has an opportunity of seeing them throughout the 3 kingdoms.

but to come to a short issue. in most places, the Methodists are still a poor, despised people, labouring under reproach and many inconveniences, therefore wherever the power of God is not they decrease by this, then, you may form a sure judgment. do the Methodists in general decrease in number? they they decrease in grace, they are a fallen or at least a falling people but they do not decrease in number, they continually increase. therefore they are not a fallen people.

the Conference concluded on Fri.  as it began, in much love. but there was one jarring string. John Wilton told us, he must withdraw from our Connexion, because he saw the Methodists were a fallen people. some would have reasoned with him, but it was lost labour,  so we let him go in peace.

8.11  I returned to London. Thurs, 14. I drew up proposals for the 'Arminian Magazine' Fri, 15 the Committee for the building met, which is now ready for the roof. hitherto God has helped us!
8.19 I went forward to Taunton, with Dr. Coke, who, being dismissed from his Curacy, has bid adieu to his honourable name and determined to cast in his lot with

*109  us.  in the evening I endeavoured to guard all who love or fear God against that miserable bigotry which many of our mistaken brethren are advancing with all their might.
8.20 I preached at Tiverton;  Turs, 21, at Lunceston; Fri, 22, about 10 in Bodmin. thence I went on to Cubert and found that venerable old man, Mr. Hoskins, calmly waiting for his discharge from the body. Sat, 23.  at noon, I preached in Redruth and in the evening, on the Cliff of St. Ives. in the following week I visited most of the western societies and on Sat, 30,  had the Quarterly Meeting.  I now inquired particularly,whether the societies were increasing or decreasing. I could not hear  of a decrease in an, but several were swiftly increasing;,  particularly those of St. Just, Penzance and helstone.
8.31  I preached in the morning at St. Agnes; in the evening to the huge congregation at Gwennap, larger, it was supposed by 1500 or 2000, than ever it had been before.
September 27 having abundance of letters from Dublin, informing me that the society there was in the utmost confusion, by reason of some of the chief members, whom the Preachers had thought it needful to exclude from the society and finding all I could write was not sufficient to stop the growing evil. I saw but one way remaining, to go myself and that as soon as possible. so the next day i took chaise with Mr Goodwin and made straight for Mr. Bowen's, at Llyngwair...Pembrokeshire;  hoping to borrow his sloop and so cross over to Dublin without delay i came to Llyngwair of Tues, 30.  ..October 1, the Captain of a sloop at Fishgard, a small sea-port town 10 or 12 miles from Llyngwair, sent me word he would sail for Dublin in the evening, but he did not stir till about 8 the next evening. we had a small, fair wind from Fishgard to Dublin is about forty leagues. ( unit of distance, roughly 3 miles in length in England and other countries in their empire?) we had run 10 or 12 , till, at about 8 in the morning. Fri, 3, it fell dad calm. the swell was then such as i never felt before, except in the Bay of Biscay. our little sloop, between 20 and 30 tons, rolled to and fro with a wonderful motion. about 9, the Captain, finding he could not get forward, would have returned, but he could make no way. about 11 I desired we might go to prayer. Quickly after the wind sprung up fair, but it increased til

*110  about 8 at night, it blew a storm and it was pitch dark so that having only the  Captain and a boy on board, we had much ado to work the vessel. however, about 10, though we scarce know how, we got safe into Dublin Bay.
10.4  between 7 and8 I landed at Ring's End. Mr. M'Kenny met me and carried me to his house. our friends presently flocked from all quarters and seemed equally surprised and pleased at seeing me. I moved no dispute, but desired a few of each side to meet me together at 10 on Mon morning. in the evening, although on so short a warning, we had an exceeding large congregation on whom (waiving all matter of contention) I strongly enforced those solemn words,  'I must work the  works of Him that sent me while it is day; the night cometh, when no man can work.

10.5 I was much comforted at St. Patrick's, where an uncommon awe seemed to rest on the whole assembly. in the evening i preached on Eph. 4.30 etc, being the conclusion of the Epistle for the day. nothing could be more seasonable and I read it as a presage of good.

10.6 at ten I met the contending parties, the Preachers on one hand and the excluded members on the other.  I heard them at large and they pleaded their several causes with earnestness and calmness too. but 4 hours were too short to hear the whole cause so we adjourned to the next day. meantime, in order to judge in what state the society really was I examined them myself,meeting part of them today, and the rest on Tues and Wed. 34 persons, I found, had been put out or had left the society.  but notwithstanding as there were last quarter 458 members. so there are just 458 still. at the desire of the members lately excluded, I now drew up the short state of the case; but I could in nowise pacify them. they were all civil, nay, it seemed, affectionate to Me, but they could never forgive the Preachers that had expelled them so that I could not desire them to return into the society.  they could only remain friends at a distance.
10.9 I was desired by some of our friends to clear up the point of Imputed Righteousness. I did so by preaching on 'Abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness'.  in opening these words, I showed what that faith was, which was imputed to him for righteousness.

*111  viz., faith in God's promise to give him the land of Canaan, faith in the promise that Sarah should conceive a son and the faith whereby he offered up Isaac on the altar. but Christ is not in any of these instances the direct or immediate object of Abraham's faith; whereas he is the direct, immediate object of that faith which is imputed to us for righteousness.

10.11  I visited many sick and well and endeavoured to confirm them in their love towards each other. I was more and more convinced that God had sent me at this time to heal the breach of His people.

10.12 we had a lovely congregation in the morning to whom I closely applied St. Peter's words:  'I exhort you, as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly desires which war against the soul'.  to the mixed multitude in the evening, I applied our Lord's words:  'All things are ready come unto the marriage. I then took a solemn and affectionate leave of the society and cheerfully commended them to the Great Shepherd;  more in number and I am persuaded more established in grace than they had been for 20 years.
10.13 in the morning we went on board but the wind being right ahead and blowing hard, we made but little way,till night and the sea was so rough that i could not sleep till midnight. Tues, 14. after beating up and down several hours more, the Captain thought best to run under the Carnarvonshire shore. about noon we put out to sea again, but the storm increased and about 4 carried away our bowsprit and tore one of the sails to tatters. but the damage was soon repaired and before 6, by the good providence of God, we landed at Holyhead.
wanting to be in London as soon as possible, I took chaise at 7 and hastened to Bangor Ferry. but here we were at a full stop. they could not or would not carry us over till one the next day and they then gave us only 2 miserable horses, although I had paid beforehand (fool as I was) for 4.  at Conway Ferry we were stopped again. so that with all the speed we could possibly make even with a chaise and 4, we traveled 28 miles yesterday and 17 today. Thurs, in the afternoon, we reached Chester; Fri morning, Lichfield and on Sat morning, London.
10.20  I went on to High-Wycomb, but good Mr James having procured a drummer to beat his drum at the

*112  window of the preaching house, I only prayed and sung by turns, from 6 to 7 and many of the people were much comforted. in the rest of the week I visited the societies at Oxford, Witney, Finstock and Wallingford and had reason to believe that many received the seed in honest and good
10.27  I preached at Stony-Stratford. the congregation was large and attentive: so it always is; yet I fear they receive little good, for they need no repentance. Tues,  I preached at Towcester; on Wed, at Whittlebury and on Thurs, at Northampton and some of even that heavy congregation seemed to feel, 'The night cometh when no man work.
11.3  I began visiting the classes in London, in which I was fully employed for seven or eight days. afterwards I visited those in the neighbouring towns and found reason to rejoice over them.

11.16  I was desired to preach a charity sermon in St. Margaret's church, Rood-Lane. in the morning I desired my friends not to come;  in the afternoon it was crowded sufficiently and i believe many of them felt the word of God sharper than any 2-edged sword.
11.17 I went to Norwich and preached there in the evening. the House was far too small, the congregation being lately increased very considerably. but I place no dependence in this people;  they wave to and fro with every wind of doctrine.
11.19 I went over to Loddon and preached at one to a much more settled congregation. in the evening I preached at Norwich and afterwards administered the Lord's Supper to the society and I was almost persuaded, that they will no longer be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine.

11.20 abundance of people were present at 5 and we had a solemn parting. I went to Lynn the same day; and Sat, 22, taking chaise soon after 12, reached London in the afternoon.

11.24  I spent the afternoon at Mr. Blackwell's with the B-----of  -----. his whole behaviour was worthy of a

*113  Christian Bishop; easy, affable. courteous and yet all his conversation spoke the dignity which was suitable to his character.
12.1  I spent some hours, both morning and afternoon, in visiting the sick at the west end of the town,  but I could not see them all. Wed, 3  I visited as many as I could on the north-east part of the town. I spent the evening at Newington with Mr. Fletcher, almost miraculously recovering from his consumption and on Thurs, 4 he set out with Mr. Ireland for the south of France.

12.9 I visited the chief societies in Bedforshire and Huntingdonshire and returned by Hertford; where 9for once) I saw a quiet and serious congregation. we had a larger congregation at Barnet, in the evening, that ever; and a greater number of communicants. will this poor barren wilderness at length blossom and bud as the rose?

12.13  being strongly urged to lay the first stone of the House which was going to be built at Bath, on Sun, 14,  after preaching at West-street chapel in the morning and at St. Paul's. Shadwell, in the afternoon,  i went to Brentford .  I preached at 6 and, taking chaise at 12 on Mon, 15, easily reached Bath in the afternoon. Tues, 16. I paid a short visit to Bristol;  preached in the evening and morning following, Wed, 17;  and at one laid the foundation of the new chapel at Bath. the wind was piercing cold; yet scarce any of the congregation went away before the end of the sermon. after preaching at the Room in the evening, I took chaise, and the next afternoon reached London.

just at this time there was a combination among many of the post-chaise drivers on the Bath road, especially those that drove in the night, to deliver their passengers into each other's hands. one driver stopped at the spot they had appointed, where  another waited to attack the chaise. in consequence of this, many were robbed, but i had a good Protector still. I have traveled all roads, by day and by night, for these 40 years and never was interrupted yet.
12.25  I buried the remains of Mr. Bespham, many years Master of a man-of-war.  from the time he received

*114  the truth i love, he was a pattern to all that believe. his faith was full of mercy and good fruits.  His works shall praise him in the gates.

12.27  a few days since, my
Assistant, Mr. Baynes, by far the strongest person in our family, was taken ill of a fever. he immediately attended both by an Apothecary and a Physician, but their labour was in vain.  this morning God called him into the world of spirits. I had no desire to part with him, but God knew what was best both for him and me.
12.31 we concluded the old year and began the new with prayer and thanksgiving. 4 or5 of the Local Preachers assisted me. I was agreeably surprised;  their manner of praying being so artless and unlaboured and yet rational and scriptural, both as to sense and expression.

1.1.1778 we had a very solemn opportunity of renewing our covenant with God. Tues, 6 I spent an agreeable and a profitable hour with 3 German gentlemen, 2 of them Lutheran Ministers and the third, Professor of Divinity at Leipsig. I admired both their good sense, seriousness and good breeding. how few of our Clergy exceed or equal them!
1.19  I went over to Tunbridge-Wells and preached in the large Dissenting meeting, to a numerous congregation and deep attention sat on every face.  Tues, 20.  I went on, through miserable roads, to Robertsbridge;where an unusually large congregation was waiting. thence we went on to Rye, where the House was sufficiently crowded,  as usual. how large a society would be here, could we but spare them in one thing! Nay, but then all our labour would be in vain. one sin allowed would intercept the whole blessing.
Mr. Holman's widow being extremely desirous I should lodge at Carborough 2 miles from Rye. I ordered my chaise to take me up at the preaching house immediately after the service.  she had sent a servant to show me the way; which was a road dirty and slippery enough,  cast up between 2 impassable marches. the man waited a while and then went home, leaving us to guide ourselves many rough journeys I have had but such a one as this i never had before. it was one of the darkest nights i ever saw.  i blew a storm and yet poured down with rain. the descent, in going out of the town, was near as steep as the ridge of a house. as soon as we had

*115  passed it, the driver, being a stranger, knew no which way to turn. Joseph Bradford, whom I had taken into the  chaise, perceiving how things were, immediately got out and walked at the head of the horses,  (who could not possibly keep their eyes open, the rain so violently beating in their faces,) through rain, wind, mud and water; till, in less than an hour,  he brought us safe to Carborough.

1.21 I went back to Shoreham. Mr. P., though in his 85th year is still able to go through the whole Sunday Service. how merciful is God to the poor people of Shoreham! and many of them are not insensible of it.
2.1 I  had the satisfaction of spending an hour with the real patriot. Lord ----. what an unheard of  thing it is, that even in a Court, he should retain all his sincerity! he is, indeed, (what i doubt Secretary Crags never was)
Statesman, yet friend to truth.
perhaps no Prince in Europe, besides King George, is served by 2 of the honestest and 2 or the most sensible, men in his kingdom.
this week i visited the society and found a surprising difference in their worldly circumstances. 5 or 6 years ago, one in three, among the lower ranks of people, was out of employment and the case was supposed to be nearly the same through all London and Westminster. i did not now, after all the tragical outcries of want of trade that fill the nation, find one in ten out of business; nay, scarce one in 20,  even in Spitalfields.
2.15 I buried the remains of Richard Burke, a faithful labourer in our Lord's vineyard:  a more unblamable character I have hardly known. in all the years that he has laboured with us. i do not remember that he ever gave me occasion to find fault with him in any thing. he was a man of unwearied diligence and patience and 'his works do follow him'. 

2.17 I wrote 'A Serious Address to the Inhabitants of England'  with regard to the present state of the nation - so strangely misrepresented both by ignorant and designing men,  - to remove, if possible , the apprehensions which have been so diligently spread, as if it were on the brink of ruin

2.26 I committed to the earth the remains of George parsons. he has left very few like him; so zealously

*116  so humbly, so unreservedly devoted to God. for some time his profiting has appeared to all men. he ripened apace for eternity. he was as a flame of fire, wherever he went; losing no occasion of speaking or working for God. so he finished his course in the midst of his years and was quickly removed into the garner. (def - to gather, store in as in a granary)

2.27   was the day appointed for the national fast and it was observed with due solemnity. all shops were shut up;  all was quiet in the streets;  all places of public worship were crowded;  no food was served up in the King's house till 5 o'clock in the evening. thus far, at least, we acknowledge God may direct our paths.

3.1 I preached at Brentford in the evening;  Mon, 2, at Newbury and the next evening at Bath.  Wed,4,  I went on to Bristol I found the panic had spread hither also, as if the nation were on the brink of ruin. Strange that those who love God should be so frightened at shadows!  I can compare this only to the alarm which spread through the nation in King William's time, that on that very night the Irish Papists were to cut the throats of all the Protestants in England.

3.9  on this and the following days I visited the society and found a good increase. this year I myself  (which I have seldom done) chose the Preachers for Bristol and these were plain men and likely to do more good than has been done in one year, for these 20 years.

3.13  I spent  an hour with the children at kingswood, many of whom are truly desirous to save their souls.
3.16 I took a cheerful leave of our friends at Bristol and set out once more for Ireland. after visiting Stroud, Gloucester and Tewkesbury, on Wed, 18, I went over to Bewdley and preached about noon at the upper end of the town, to most of the inhabitants of it.
3.19  I preached to a large congregation, in the church at Bengeworth and spent a little time very agreeably with the Rector, - a pious, candid, sensible man. in the evening I preached at Pebworth Church,  but I seemed out of my element. a long anthem was sung,  but i suppose none beside the singers could understand one word of it. is not that 'praying in an unknown tong?  i could no more bear it in any church of mine, that latin prayers.

*117  I preached at Birmingham.  Sat, 21. calling at Wolverhampton, i was informed that, some time since, a large, old house was taken, 3 or 4 miles from the town which receives all the children that come, sometimes above 400 at once. they are taught, gratis, reading, writing, and popery and, when at age, bound out apprentices.
in the evening i preached in the shell of the new House, at Newcastle-under-Lyne and thence hastened forward, through Burslem, Congleton,Macclesfield and Stockport, to Manchester. I found it needful here also to guard honest Englishmen against the vast terror which had spread far and wide.

I  had designed going from hence to Chester, in order to embark at parkgate,  but a letter from Mr. Wagner informing me that a packet was ready to sail from Liverpool, I sent my horse forward and followed them in the morning. but before i came thither, the wind turned west, so i was content.

3.22  I was much refreshed by 2 plain, useful sermons, at St. Thomas's church,  as well as by the serious and decent behaviour of he whole congregation. in the evening i exhorted all of our society who had been bred up in the Church, to continue therein.
3.31 we went on board the Duke of Leinster and fell down the river with a small side-wind, but in the morning, after a dead calm, a contrary wind arose and blew exceeding hard.  Wed, 4.1.  the sea was rough enough. however, i went to sleep about my usual time and in the morning found myself in Dublin Bay and about 7  we landed at the quay.
I was soon informed, that one of our friends, a strong, lively, healthy man, Mr. Ham, had died the day before. from the time he was taken ill, he was a mere self-condemned sinner, deeply convinced of his unfaithfulness to God and declaring,
i give up ev'ry plea beside,
lord, I am damn'd; but Thou hast died.
When my wife dies, said he, let her be carried to the Room. she has been an honour to her profession. but i will not; i am not worthy; I have been no credit to you'. he continued full of self-condemnation, till, after a week's illness, his spirit returned to God.
i daily conversed with many of the society and had the satisfaction to find them both more united together and more

*118  alive to God, than they had been for some years. Sat. I began meeting the classes and was agreeably surprised. I had heard, that near 100 persons had left the society: on strict inquiry, I found about 40 wanting;  the present number being about 460 and therefore were more loving and unanimous than I ever knew them before.
4.5  meeting the society in the evening, I largely explained the reasons of the late separation and strongly exhorted all our brethren not to 'render railing for railing'. (def -"bray'; to utter bitter complaint or vehement denunciation)
4.7  I set out for the country and reached Tyrrel's pass. it being a mild evening, I preached to a numerous congregation. the next evening it was larger still and the power of the Lord was present to heal.
4.9 between 8 and 9 I preached in the Court-House at Mullingar, to a more serious congregation than i ever saw there before. in the evening i preached in the Court-House at Longford, to a far more numerous and equally serious, congregation.
4.10 about 11 I preached at Abydarrig and before 1 set out for Athlone. the sun shone as hot as it uses to do at midsummer. we had a comfortable time, both this evening and the next day; all being peace and harmony.  Sun, 12. god spake in his word, both to wound and to heal.  one young woman came to me just after service, who then first rejoiced in God her Saviour.

4.13 about noon i preached at Ballinasloe  to a large congregation; some of whom seemed to be much affected;  so did many at Aghrim in the evening. Tues, 14. i sent on to Eyre-Court. the wind was now piercing cold,  so that I could not preach abroad and there was no need for the Minister not only lent me his church, but offered me a bed at his house, but i was obliged to go forward. at 6 in the evening i preached at Birr, to a congregation of deeply attentive hearers.

4.15 I met many of my old friends at Coolylough, and had a numerous congregation in the evening. Thurs, 16. I preached in the riding house in Tullamore. the Commading Officer ordered all the soldiers to be present and attended himself, with the rest of the Officers, while i explained, 'Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's.

4.17 (being Good-Friday) I preached at Tullamore

*119  in the morning and Mount-Mellick in the evening. Sat, 18 I preached at portarlington in the evening and about 8 in the morning to a very genteel, yet attentive, audience, on, 'acquaint thyself now with Him and be at peace. i returned to Mount-Mellick before the church began at which i would always be present, if possible. i would fain have preached abroad in the afternoon,  but the weather would no permit,  so we made all the room we could in the House and had a solemn and comfortable meeting.
4.20  Mr. Jenkins, the Vicar of Maryborough,  read Prayers and I preached on,  'Repent and believe the gospel'.  the congregation was far larger than when I was here before and abundantly more attentive. several clergymen were present and several gentlemen, bu they were as serious as the poor.

4.21  we found the election for parliament-men had put all Kilkenny in an uproar. in consequence of this, we had a small, dead congregation. but another cause of this was, the bitter and perpetual quarrels between the chief members of the society. i talked largely with the contending parties and they promised better behaviour for the time to come.  
4.22  I went on to Clonmell, where, our Room being small and the weather unfavourable for preaching abroad, we procured the largest room in the town, which was in the Quakers' workhouse. I had scarce sat down when a young man came and said, 'My father and mother send their kind respects and would be glad of they company this evening'. his mother )now Mrs. Dudley) was my  old acquaintance, molly Stokes. I went at 4 and spent an hour very agreeably. but much company coming in, Mr. Dudley desired i should call again in the morning. I then told him what his wife was reported to say of me:  he answered me, it was an utter mistake;  that she had never spoke a disrespectful word concerning me.
4.23 several of our brethren from Cork met at Rathcormic. i was glad to find Mr. Rankin with them, just arrived from America.  when we came to Cork, the congregation was waiting; so I began without delay.
4.26 i earnestly exhorted a numerous congregation at eight, to 'abstain from fleshly desires' - a necessary lesson in every place and no where more so than in Cork. at St. Peter's church i saw a pleasing sight, the Independent Companies,

*120   raised by private persons associating together, without any expense to the Government. they exercised every day and, if they answer no other end, at least keep the papists in order,  who were exceedingly alert, ever since the army was removed to America.

4.27  in going to Bandon, I read Abbe Raynal's 'History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the Ladies'. I would be glad to propose a few queries. i ask,  1.  is not this 'Philosophical History' (so called) in many parts profoundly dull; exactly fitted to spread a pleasing slumber over the eyes of the gentle reader?  2. are there not several passages quite obscure? is this the fault of the author or the translator/  3. are there not several assertions which are false in fact? such as that of the healthiness of Batavia, one of the unhealthiest places in the known world. 4.  do not many of his assertions so border upon the marvellous, that none but a disciple of Voltaire could swallow them? as the account of milk-white men, with no hair, red eyes and the understanding of a monkey. 5. is not Raynal one of the bitterest enemies of the Christian Revelation, that ever set pen to paper?  far more determined and less decent, that Voltaire himself? as, where he so keenly inveighs against that horrid Superstition, the depriving men of their natural liberty of whoredom! does he not take every opportunity of wounding Christianity through the sides of superstition or enthusiasm? is not the whole laboured panegyric on the Chinese and the Peruvians, a blow at the root of Christianity; insinuating all along, that there are no Christians in undeniably follows that Christianity is not of God. but who can prove it? not all the baptized or unbaptized infidels in the world. from what authentic history of China is that account taken?  from none that is extant; it is pure romance, flowing from the Abbe's fruitful brain. and from what authentic history of Peru is the account of the Peruvians taken? I suppose from that pretty novel of Marmontel, probably wrote with the same design.  6. is not Raynal one of the most bitter enemies of Monarchy that ever set pen to paper?  with what acrimony does he personally inveigh against it, as absolutely, necessarily, essentially subversive, not only of liberty, but of all national industry, all virtue, all happiness! and who can deny it? Who? the Abbe himself? he totally confutes his own favourite

*121  hypothesis:  for was not Atabalipe a Monarch ? yea,  a far more absolute one than the King of France? and yet was not Peru industrious, virtuous and happy under this very Monarch?  so the Abbe peremptorily affirms, as it were on purpose to confute himself. and is not the Emperor of China at this day, as absolute a monarchs any in Europe? and yet who so industrious, according to Raynal, who so virtuous, so happy, as his subjects/ so that he must totally give up either his argument against Christianity or that against Monarchy. if the Peruvians were and the Chinese are, the most industrious, virtuous and happy men, then Monarchy is no way inconsistent with the industry, virtue and happiness of a people.  but if the peruvians were, in these respects and the Chinese are, no better than  other men, (which is the very truth) then the argument against Christianity falls to the ground.

from the largeness and the seriousness of the congregations here, I should have imagined the work of God was much increased, but, upon inquiry, I found just the contrary.  near one third of those were wanting whom I left in the society 3 years ago.  yet those who remained seemed much in earnest. in the evening God clothed His word with power; few appeared to be unaffected and i was sorry i could not spend a little more time, where the fields were so white to the harvest.

4.29 I returned to Cork and met the classes. O when will even the Methodists learn not to exaggerate? after all the pompous accounts I had had of he vast increase of the society, it is not increased at all; nay, it is a little smaller than it was 3 years ago and yet many of the members are alive to God. but the smiling world hangs heavy upon them.

5.3  I was a little surprised at a message from the Gentlemen of the Aghrim Society (a company of Volunteers so called) that, if i  had no objection, they would attend at the new Room in the evening. they did so, with another Independent Company, who were just raised:  (The True Blues),  a body of so personable men never saw together before. the gentlemen in scarlet filled the side gallery, those in blue the front gallery, but both galleries would not contain them all.  some were constrained to stand below. all behaved admirably well, though i spoke exceeding plain on, 'We preach Christ crucified'. no laughing, no talking; all seemed to hear as for life. surely this is a token for good.

5.4  I went to Kilfinnan, in the neighbourhood of

*122 which there is a considerable revival of the work of God. the rain continuing, I preached in a large empty house and again at 5  in the morning probably i shall see that no more in the present world. we then went on, through abundance of rain,to Limerick.

I felt in the evening the spirit of the congregation, the same as many years ago, but in one circumstance i observed a considerable change: I used to have large congregations at my first coming to Limerick, but from the first day they gradually decreased. it was not so now, but poor and rich, Protestants and papists, flocked together, from the beginning to the end. had they a presage, that they should see my face no more.
5.7  I preached once more to the loving, earnest simple-hearted people of Newmarket. 2 months ago, good Philip Geier fell asleep, one of the palatines that came over and settled in Ireland, between 60  and 70 years ago. he was a father both to this and the other German societies, loving and cherishing them as his own children. he retained all his faculties to the lst and after 2 days' illness went to  God.

5.8  finding the poor people at Balligarane,  whom I had not seen these 5 years, were very desirous to see me once more, I went over in the morning. although the notice was exceeding short, yet a large number attended.
5.9  I wrote a 'Compassionate Address to the inhabitants of Ireland'. through which, as well as through England, the mock patriots had laboured to spread the alarm, as though we were all on the very brink of destruction.
5.10  i examined the society and have not known them for many years so much alive to God and I do not remember to have ever found them so loving before , Indeed the whole city seemed to breathe the same spirit. at 3 in the afternoon I preached my farewell-sermon, on I Cor, 13.13 and setting out immediately, reached Snegborough before 8 o'clock.
5.12 setting out early, I intended to lodge at Clare-Galway,  but we found there no lodging to be had. however, they told us there was a good inn at Shreuil,  not many miles farther and there we found a house, but it afforded no food either for man or beast;  so we were obliged to push on for Ballinrobe, which we reached about 11 o'clock.  we came this day 68 (English) miles:  a good day's word for a pair of horses.

*123  5.13 I preached in the evening to a large congregation, but most of them dead as stones. the next morning I crossed over to Holy-Mount and preached to more than the House would contain.  in the afternoon we came to Castle-bar and had a lively congregation in the evening. here we found the same spirit as at Limerick and solemnly rejoiced in God our Saviour.

5.17 although the weather was rough and boisterous,  the people flocked at 9 from all quarters, papists and Protestants and God sent down a gracious rain, especially upon the backsliders.  in the evening the Court-House was exceedingly crowded and the fire of love ran from heart to heart. one eminent backslider, who had drank in iniquity like water, was utterly broken in pieces and resolved to cut off the right hand at once and to be altogether a Christian.
when we came into the house, I told them,  'God has more work to do in this family'.  2 of John Carr's sons, and 4 of his daughters, were present. I prayed for them in faith:  they were all soon in tears; their hearts were broken and i left them mere sinners.

5.18 there were 2 roads to Sligo, one of which was several miles shorter, but had some sloughs (def - sooth, muddy ground; swamp) in it. however, having a good guide, we chose this. 2 sloughs we got over well. on our approaching the third, 7 or 8 countrymen presently ran to help us. one of them carried me over on his shoulders;  others got the horses through and some carried the chaise. we then thought the difficulty was past,  but in half an hour we came to another slough, being helped over it. I walked on, leaving Mr. Delap, John Carr, Joseph Bradford and Jesse Bugden, with the chaise,which was stuck fast in the slough. as none of them thought of unharnessing the horses, the traces were soon broke.  at length they fastened ropes to the chaise and to the stronger horse and the horse pulling and the man thrusting at once, they thrust it through the slough  to the firm land,  in an hour or 2 after we all met at Ballinacurrah.
while I was walking, a poor man overtook me, who appeared to be in deep distress:  he said, he owed his landlord 20 shillings rent, for which he had turned him and his family out of doors and that he had been down with his relations to beg their help, but they would do nothing. upon my giving him a guinea, he would needs kneel down it the

124  road to pray  for me and then cried out, 'O, I shall have a house! I shall have a house over my head!' so perhaps God answered that poor man's prayer, by the sticking fast of the chaise in the slough!
5.19 in the evening I preached at Sligo, in the old Court-House,  an exceeding spacious building .  I know not that ever i saw so large a congregation here before; nor (considering their number) so well behaved. will God revive his work even in this sink of wickedness and after so many deadly stumbling-blocks?
upon  inquiry, I found, there had been for some time a real revival of religion here. the congregations have considerably increased and the society is nearly doubled. we had in the evening a larger congregation than before, among whom were most of the Gentry of the tow,  and all but one or 2 young gentlemen (so called) were remarkably serious and attentive...

5.23  I was desired to preach once more at Coote-Hill, which i had not seen for many years. the use of the Presbyterian meeting-house being procured, I had a very extraordinary congregation.  to many Church-people were added Seceders, Arians, Moravians and what not:  however, I went straight forward, insisting that 'without holiness no man shall see the Lord'.
after dinner we went on to Clones, finely situated on the top

*125  of a hill, in the midst of a fruitful and well-cultivated country; and the people seemed as sprightly as the place. I preached in the Green-Fort near the town, to abundance of people, but no triflers. Sun, 24.  i preached there again at 9,  to a still larger congregation, but the far largest of all was in the evening;  the people coming in from all parts of the country.

there is something very peculiar in this people:  they are more pain, open and earnest, than most I have seen in the kingdom. indeed, some of our Irish societies, those in Athlone, Limerick, Castlebar and Clones, have much of the spirit of our old Yorkshire societies.

5.25 I went through a pleasant country to Aughalan.  a very large congregation was soon assembled and the rich seemed to be as attentive as the poor. so they were also in the evening at Sidare.

5.26 we went on to Loghean.  Wed, 27. I received a very remarkable account from Mrs. Brown, a gentlewoman in the neighbourhood. she said, '6 years ago my daughter Jame, then 17 years old,   was struck raving mad; she would strike any one she could,particularly her father; she cursed and swore horribly;  she never slept and let her hands be bound ever so fast over night, they were loose in the morning. the best Physicians were consulted, and all means used, but to no purpose. on Thurs, Dec 28, last, she violently struck her father on the breast; the next day, Fri, 29, she was perfectly well, without using any means at all and she has continued ever since, not only in her senses, but full of faith and love.
5.28  between 9 and 10 I preached at a village called Magharacolton, to a large and serious congregation and in the evening, at Londonderry. considering the largeness and seriousness of the congregations, I wonder no more good is one here.
6.1 I went over to the New-Buildings and took my honourable post in the Mill. deep attention sat on every face. so it usually does, when the poor have the Gospel preached. I preached at Londonderry in the evening,  on, 'I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ'. how happy would many of those be, if they had but thoroughly  learned this lesson!
6.3 I took an account of the present society, a little

*126   smaller than it was 3 years ago. Thurs, 4. I took my leave of this affectionate people and about 11 preached at New-Town, Limavaddy. in the afternoon i went on to Kilrea and was cordially received by Mr. Haughton, once a Travelling Preacher, now  a Magistrate and Rector of a parish. but the church wherein it was at first proposed i should preach, is, as i found, a mere heap of ruins: so I preached in the new meeting-house; a very large and commodious building. abundance of people flocked together;  some of them seemed not a little affected and all were seriously attentive; surely some will bring forth good fruit.
6.5 we went on to Coleraine. as the barracks here are empty, we hired one wing, which, by laying several rooms into one, supplied us with a spacious preaching house,  but it would not contain a third of the congregation, but standing at the door, I had them all before me in the barrack-square.

6.6  I was desired to take a ride to the celebrated Giant's Causeway it lies 11 English miles from Coleraine. when we came to the edge of the precipice, 3 or 4  poor boys were ready  to hold our horses and show us the way down. it being dead low water, we could go any where and see every thing to the best advantage. it is doubtless the effect of subterraneous fire. this manifestly appears from many of the stones which composed the pillars that are now fallen down:  these evidently bear the mark of fire, being burnt black on one or the other surface. it appears likewise from the numerous pumice-stones scattered among the pillars, just such pillars and pumices are found in every country which is, or every was, subject to volcanoes.
in the evening I saw a pleasing sight.  a few days ago a young gentlewoman, without  the knowledge of her relations, entered into the society: she was informed this evening that her sister was speaking  to me upon the same account. as soon  as we came into the room, she ran to her sister, fell upon her neck, wept over her and could just say, 'O sister, sister!'  before she sunk down upon her knees to praise God. her sister could hardly bear it; she was in tears too and so were all in the room,. such are the first fruits at Coleraine.  may there be a suitable harvest!...

*127 ....a little before the time of preaching, the rain ceased and we had a wonderful congregation in the barrack-yard in the evening. many of them were present at 5 in the morning when I let them full of love and good desires. about 12,  at another little town and in the evening, at Ballimannely; about 12, at another little town and in the evening, at Ballymena.

6.9  we rode through a small village, wherein was a little society. one desiring me to step into a house there, it was filled presently and the poor people were all ear, while I gave a short exhortation and spent a few minutes in prayer. in the evening, as the Town-hall at Carrickfergus could not contain the congregation, i preached in the market-house, on, 'Rear god and keep his commandments;  for this is the whole of man'. the people  in general appeared to be more serious and the society more earnest, than they had been for many years.
thence we went to Belfast, the largest town in Ulster, said  to contain 30,000 souls. the streets are well laid out;  are broad, straight and well-built. the poor-house stands on an eminence, fronting the main street and having a beautiful prospect on every side over the whole country: the old men, the old women, the male and the female children, are all employed according to their strength and all their apartments are airy, sweet and clean, equal to any thing of the kind I have seen in England.

I preached in the evening on one side of the new church, to far the largest congregation I  have seen in Ireland, but I doubt the bulk of them were nearly concerned in my text,  'and Gallio cared for none of these things'.
about nine I preached to 5 or 600 people in the old church at Newtown, Clannibois. the sight of these bast buildings and large gardens running to decay, through the extinction of the family that lately owned them,  (so successful was the scheme of those wretches who purposely educated poor Mr. C..the last of the family, in such a manner as to insure his not living long and his dying without issue) always makes me pensive, but still our comfort is, 'There is a God that judgeth in the earth'.

about 12 I preached at Kirkhubly:  thence we went to Port-a-ferry and found a ready passage to Strangford... i stood

*128  on the point of a rock, which projected into a large circular cavity, that contained in the hollow and round the edge of it, all the multitude who flocked together. i spoke longer than i used to do and was no more weary when i had done, than i was at 6  in the morning.  after service we went to Downpatrick, where i slept in peace.
6.12  I walked through the town; I suppose one of the most ancient in ulster. i was informed, it was once abundantly larger than it is now; consisting of the Irish town, than inhabited by none by Roman Catholics and the English town, encompassed with a wall and a deep ditch filled with water  at the head of the English town stands the Abbey,  on a hill which commands all the country, it is a nobel ruin, and is far the largest building that i have seen in the kingdom. adjoining to it is one of the most beautiful groves which i ever beheld with my covers the sloping side of the hill and has vistas cut through it every way. in the middle of it is a circular space, 20 or 30 yards in diameter. I would have preached there, but the rain drove into the House as many as could crowd together.

6.13  I took my stand in the middle of the Grove; the people standing before me on the gradually rising ground, which formed a beautiful theatre: the sun just glimmmered through the trees, but did not hinder me at all. it was a glorious opportunity;:  the whole congregation seemed to drink into one spirit.
6.14 I preached at Dunsford in the Grove exceeded even that at Belfast and i verily believe all of them were almost persuaded to be Christians.
6.15 I left Downpatrick with much satisfaction and in the evening preached in the Linen-Hall at Lisburn, to near as large congregation as that in the Grove,  but not near so much affected. afterwards i went to my old lodging at Derry-Aghy, one of the pleasantest spots in the kingdom; and i could relish it Now! how does God bring us down to the gates of death and bring us up again!

6.16  I preached at 8 to a lively congregation, under the venerable old yew, supposedly to have flourished in the reign of King James, if not of Queen Elizabeth.

6.17 at 11 our brethren flocked to Lisburn from

*129 all parts, whom I strongly exhorted, in the Apostle's words, to 'walk worthy of the Lord'.  at the love-feast which followed, were were greatly comforted; many of the country people declaring with all simplicity and yet with great propriety both of sentiment and expression, what God had done for their souls.
6.18 I preached at Ballinderry,  (in my way to Lurgan), where many flocked together, though at a very short warning. we had 4 or 5 times as many in the evening at Lufan; but some of them wile as colts untamed. however, they all listened to that great truth,  'Narrow  is the way that leadeth unto life'.
6.19  I preached about noon to a serious company at Derry-Anvil and then went on to Cockhill. I preached here at the bottom of the garden; the table was placed under a tree and most of the people sat on the grass before it and every thing seemed to concur with the exhortation,  '
acquaint thyself now with him and be at peace.
6.20 I traveled through a delightful country to Charlemont, where Captain Tottenham was the Commanding Officer.  we lodged with him in the castle, which stands on an eminence and commands the country on all sides. a tent was set up in the castle-yard,  where all the soldiers were drawn up at 11, with abundance of people from nay miles round,  who were all attention. in the evening their number was considerably enlarged, but still all heard as for life.
6.21  I preached at 9 in the avenue at Armagh, to a large and serious congregation. it was increased four-fold at 6 in the evening, but many were there who behaved as if they had been in a bear-garden.

6.22 I took a walk to the primate's and went through the house and all the improvements.  the house is neat and handsome, but not magnificent and is elegantly, but not splendidly, furnished. the domain is beautifully laid out in meadow-ground, sprinkled with trees; on one side of which is a long hill covered with a shrubbery, cut into serpentine walks. on each side of the shrubbery is a straight walk, commanding a beautiful prospect. since this primate came, the town wears another face:  he has repaired and beautified the cathedral, built a row of neat houses for the Choral-vicars, erected a public Library and an Infirmary, procured the Free-School  to be rebuilt of the size of a little College and a new-built hose-barrack, together.

*130  with a considerable number of convenient and handsome houses; so that Armagh is at length rising out of its ruins  into a large and populous city. so much good may any man of a large fortune do, if he lays it out to the best advantage!
6.23  I went on to Tanderagee, one of the pleasantest towns in Ireland. as it was a fair, calm evening, I had designed to preach in the avenue to the Castle,  but being desired to preach in the court-yard, i took my place under a tall spreading tree, in the midst  of a numerous congregation, who were still as night. there could not be devised a more pleasing scene:  the clear sky, the setting sun, the surrounding  woods, the plain, unaffected people, were just suitable to the subject, 'My yoke is easy and my burden is light...

*131  6.28 I am this day 75 years old; and I do not find myself, blessed be God, any weaker than I was at 25.  this also hath God wrought!

7.4 a remarkable piece was put into my hands; the 'Life of Mr. Morsay: ' and i saw no reason to alter the judgment which I had formed of him 40 years ago. he was a man of uncommon understanding and greatly devoted to God. but he was a consummate enthusiast. not the word of God, but his own imaginations, which he took for divine inspirations, were the sole rule both of his words and actions. hence arose his marvellous instability, taking such huge strides backwards and forwards; hence his frequent darkness of soul; for when he departed from God's word, God departed from God's word, god departed from him. upon the whole, I do not know that ever I read a more dangerous writer; one who so wonderfully blends together truth and falsehood;  solid piety and wild enthusiasm.

7.7  our little Conference began, at which about 20 preachers were present. on Wed we heard one of our friends at large, upon the duty of leaving the Church,  but after a full discussion of the point, we all remained firm in our judgment,  - that it is our duty not to leave the Church, wherein god has blessed us and does bless us still.
7.12  after I  had several times explained the nature of it, we solemnly renewed our covenant with God.  it was a time never to be forgotten; God poured down upon  the assembly 'the spirit of grace and supplication' especially in singing that verse of the concluding hymn,
To us the covenant blood apply,
which takes our sins away'
and register our names on high,
and keep us to that day.

this afternoon, Mr. Delap, one of our Preachers, walking through the city, met a crowd of people running from a mad dog, who had bit several persons: He walked on, took up a large stone, struck the dog on the head and knocked him down; he then leaped upon him and dispatched him; while the people crowded round and gave him abundance of thanks.

on Mon, Tues, and Wed,  I visited many of

*132  those who lad left the society, but I found them so deeply prejudiced, that, till their hearts are changed, I could not advise them to return to it.
...7.19  in the evening I went on board the Prince of Orange, but, the wind failing, we soon struck upon a sandbank. we got clear of it about 5 in the morning and set sail. all the day before there had been a strong north-east wind; this had rained the sea to an uncommon degree, which affected me full as much as a storm. however, lying down at 4  in the afternoon, i feel  asleep and slept most of the time till 4 in the morning. about 6 we landed on Liverpool quay and all my sickness was over.

*133  ..8.4  our Conference bean:  So large a number of Preachers never met at a Conference before.  I preached, morning and evening, till Thurs night:  then my voice began to fail,  so i desired 2 of our preachers to supply my place the next day.  on sat the conference ended.

8.9  I preached  at 8 in the market-place at Dewsbury, to some thousands of serious people; as Mr. Pawley would not permit me to preached in the church, because it would give offence!

...on Sat reached the Dock.
8.23  at 7 I preached in our room and at one on the quay, at Plymouth. the common people behaved well

*134  but i was shocked at the stupidity and ill-breeding of several officers, who kept walking and talking together all the time with the most perfect unconcern. we had no such Gallios in the evening at the Dock, though the congregation was 4 times as large. surely this is an understanding people: may their love be equal to their knowledge!
8.24  in the way to Medros, Mr. Furz gave me a strange relation, which was afterwards confirmed by eye and ear witnesses:  - In July, 1748, Martin Hoskius, of Stiney, being in a violent passion, was struck raving mad and obliged to be chained down to the floor.  Charles Sk------went to see him. he cried out, 'Who art thou? hast thou faith? No; thou art afraid'. Charles felt an inexpressible shock, and was raving mad himself. he continued so for several days, till some agreed to keep a day of fasting and prayer.  his lunacy then ended as suddenly as it began. but what was peculiarly remarkable was, while he was ill, martin was quite well:  as soon as he was well, Martin was as ill as ever.

*135  9.1  ..40 years ago I knew and preached every Christian doctrine which i preach now.

....9.1  I went to Tiveton. I was musing here on what I heard a good man say long since,  'Once in 7  years i burn all my sermons; for it is a shame if I cannot write better sermons now than I could 7 years ago. whatever others can do, i really cannot. i cannot write a better sermon on the Good Steward, than i did 7  years ago: i cannot write a better on the Great assize, than i did 20 years ago:
I cannot write a better on the use of Money, than I did near 30 years ago:
Nay, I know not that i can write a better on the Circumcision of the Heart, than I did 45 years ago.
perhaps, indeed I may have read 5 or 600 books more than I had then and may know a little more History or natural philosophy, than i did, but I am not sensible that this has made any essential addition to my knowledge in Divinity.
40 years ago I knew and preached every Christian doctrine which i preach  now.

9.3  about noon i preached at Cathanger, about 8 miles from Taunton. it was an exceeding large house, built (as the inscription over the gate testifies)  in the year 1555, by Sergeant Walsh, who had then 8000 pound a year, perhaps more than equal to 20,000 now.
but the once famous family is now forgotten;
the estate is mouldered almost into nothing and
3/4 of the magnificent buildings lie level with the dust.
I preached in the great hall, like what of Lincoln College, to a very serious congregation. in the evening i preached at South-Petherton,
once a place of renown and the capital of a Saxon kingdom;
as it vouched by a palace of King Ina still remaining and a very large and ancient

*136 church. I suppose the last blow given to it was by Judge Jefferies, who, after Monmouth's rebellion, hanged so many of the inhabitants and drove so many away, that it is never likely to lift up its head again....

*137  10.3 visiting one at the poor-house, I was much moved to see such a company of poor, maimed, halt and blind, who seemed to have no one caring for their souls. so I appointed to be there the next day and at 2 o'clock had all that could get out of bed, young and old, in the great hall. my heart was greatly enlarged toward hem and may blessed God for the consolation.

Monday, I went  with my brother to the Devizes and preached in a large, commodious room. this and the following evening we preached at Sarum. Wed, 7.  we went on to Winchester. i had thoughts of preaching abroad,if haply any thing  might awaken a careless, self-conceited people. but the rain would not permit,  and it made the road so heavy that we could not reach Portsmouth-Common till near 6.
10.8 one of our friends, whom I have known several years, Mrs. Sarah M--- and on whose veracity I could depend , was mentioning some uncommon circumstances. I

desired her to relate them at large, which she readily did as follows:  -
'Six or 7  years ago, a servant of my husband's died of the small-pox.  a few days after, as I was walking into the town, I met him in his common every-day clothes, running towards me. in about a minute he disappeared.
Mr. Heth, a Surgeon and Apothecary, died in Mar,  1756.  on the 14th of April following, I was walking with 2 other women in the High-Street, about day-break and we all 3  saw him, dressed as he usually was, in a scarlet surtout, a bushy wig and a very small hat.  he was standing and leaning against  a -post ,  with his chin resting on his hands.  as we came towards him, (for we were not frighted at all) he walked towards us and went by us. we looked steadily after him and saw him till he turned into the market-house.
not long after this, Mr. Sm--- died. 10 or 12 days after, as I was walking near his house, about  11 o'clock,  in a bright, sunshiny day, I saw him standing at his chamber window and looking full upon me; but it was with the most horrid countenance that I ever saw.  as I walked on, i could not keep my eyes off him, till he withdrew from the window, though I was so terrified with his ghastly look, that i was ready to drop down'.

10.9  I returned to London and Sun, 11, buried the remains of Eleanor Lee. I believe she received the great promise of God, entire sanctification, 15 or 16 years ago and that she never lost it for an hour. i conversed intimately with her ever since and never saw her do any action, little or great, nor heard her speak any word, which i could not approve. Thou wast indeed a 'a mother in Israel!'

10.13 I took a little tour into Oxfordshire and preached in the evening at Wallingford.  Wed, 14 I went on to Oxford and, having an hour to spare, walked to Christ-Church,  for which i cannot but still retain a peculiar affection. what lovely mansions are these! what is wanting to make the inhabitants of them happy? that, without  which, no rational creature can be happy,  - the experimental knowledge of God. in the evening i preached at Finstock, to a congregation gathered from many miles round. how gladly could i spend a few weeks in this delightful solitude! but i must not rest yet. as long as God gives me strength to labour, i am to

*139  use it. Thurs,  15.  i preached at Witney. since Nancy B. has been detained here, the work of God has greatly revived. Mysterious Providence! that one capable of being so extremely useful, should be thus shut up in a corner!
10.16  I was desired to preach at Thame, on my return to London. I came thither a little after 10.  the mob had been so troublesome there, that it was a doubt with the preachers, whether the place should not be given up. however , i thought it might not be amiss, before this was done, to make one trial myself. but I found it impracticable  to preach abroad, the wind being so exceeding sharp.I went therefore into a large building, formerly used by the Presbyterians. it was quickly filled and more than filled many being obliged to stand without. yet there was no breath of noise; the whole congregation seemed to be 'all but their attention dead'. we had prayed before, that God would give us a quiet time and he granted us our request.
immediately after , a strange scene occurred. I was desired to visit one who had been eminently pious, but had now been unable to raise herself up. she desired us to pray, that the chain might be broken. a few of us prayed in faith. presently she rose up, dressed herself, came down stains and i believe had not any farther complaint. in the evening I preached at High-Wycomb and on sat returned to London.10.19 about noon I reached Mr. Fary's near Little Brickhill. I designed to preache in the House; but the number of people obliged me to preach abroad, in spite of the keen est winds.  10. 20 I preached about noon at hanslip and in the evening at Moreton, near Buckingham.  10.21. I preached about noon at Silston,  )(properly Silvertone) and then walked with a company of our friends to Whittlebury. this is the flower of all our societyies in the Circuit,

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