Saturday, December 26, 2015


A. PHARISEE (a person into being accepted..maybe even sought after) either in or out of the Church.
B. PUBLICAN (an outcast of the church/of society) either in or out of the Church.

1A. go to God's house to be seen as 'good' or
stay away because , in your judgment , they are all hypocrites...
in either case, hand only with people you like or who think like you do.
as always, ME is the focus not God.
1B. 'go to God's house primarily to worship Him publicly...
and as an opportunity to bless and help and encourage other people...just like Jesus did
until they killed Him.

2A. judge and condemn people different from you
or who you don't like...people who are not up to your standards.
think of yourself as very good...a person to be praised, liked and emulated.
2B. find yourself increasingly focusing on your own shortcomings before God and man alike
until 'WHO I AM BEFORE GOD' causes continual hear misery and weeping
and finally coming to see yourself as a holy God sees you. matt. 5.3; psalm 51.17

3A. do things with the goal that you and other people will think well of you,
desire to be like you or have what you have or
at the very least not totally reject you.
 3B. come to desire only to deny yourself of everything and anything
that stands between you and doing/being exactly what God would do or how He would be
no matter how much pain, difficulty or rejection by others this may cause. matt. 16.24

4A. never publicly identify yourself with, speak well of or obey the Lord Jesus Christ. mark 8.38
4B. openly and unashamedly identify yourself as Jesus' slave
at all times, in all situations and proclaim Him and His word.

5A. avoid all difficulties her and now.
suddenly die and on the Day of Judgment
be found guilty of your sin against and unbelief and disobedience to a holy God, and
be cast into the lake of fire
to suffer never ending torment away from the presence and goodness of God. rom. 3.23;6.23; rev. 20
5B. repeatedly, continually and openly identify and align yourself with Jesus as His slave
whenever you suffer the anger of man ...even to where he puts you to death...REJOICE!
for GREAT IS YOUR REWARD IN HEAVEN. matthew 5.10-12

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