Friday, November 1, 2013


..found on the back of a church bulletin..

'remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, a descendant of david
-that is my gospel,
for which i suffer hardship,
even to the point of being chained liked a criminal.
but the word of God is not chained. II timothy 2.8-9

years ago, in england, it was not unusual that there would be only one bible in a parish.
a large bible would be literally chained to the pulpit or altar table.
if someone wanted to read the bible for themselves,
they could find it where they last saw it.
it hadn't moved because it was chained to the spot.
this, of course, also insured that no one would steal the bible.
it was chained down and didn't go home with anyone.
then again, maybe it did.
you can't chain the word of God.
when people hear it and take to heart what it says,
it travels.
it moves!
it goes with you.
it's portable!

your bible isn't chained to the altar at church.
but even if it was, it wouldn't stay there.
the word of God travels home with you,
to the office, the shop, the field
and everywhere else you go.
it's portable.
in fact, there are times when i wish the word of God would 'stay put' but it doesn't.
it follows me!
it convicts me when i do wrong.
it reminds me of what is right. it guides me in the paths of righteousness.
it follows me like my shadow.
that's because it is 'LIVING AND ACTIVE'. hebrews 4.12
it's portable!

'finally, brethren, PRAY for us that
the word of the Lord spread rapidly ('run' kjv)
and be glorified,
just as it did also with you.' II thessalonians 3.1

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