Monday, August 5, 2013


taken from world magazine 7.27.2013

digital dementia?
the telegraph (UK) newspaper reports that south dorean doctors are seeing more people
with a decline in cognitive abilities of the sort
'more commonly seen in people who have suffered a head injury or psychiatric illnessw'.
they call the decline 'digital dementia',
and say it comes form the overuse of smart phones and other digital devices.

more than two of three south koreans have a smartphone
and more than 18% of young koreans between the ages of 10 and 19
use their phones more than 7 hours a day.
doctors speculate that use of smartphones results in
underuse of the right side of the brain, where concentration occurs.

according to german neuroscientist manfred spitzer,
the devices cause irreversible damage to children's still developing brains.
american schools are spending more to equip classrooms with digital devices,
but spitzer wants them banned from german classrooms.

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