Thursday, May 24, 2012

5.24.2012 WINSTON CHURCHILL by martin gilbert

born 11.30.1874

3 cardinal principles of equity (quality of being fair or impartial)
1. suspicion is not evidence
2. accused persons should be heard in their own defense
3. it is for the accuser  to prove his charge, not for the defendant to prove his innocence

..'the punishment of innocent people is to be regarded as a crime or as a calamity to be prevented by unstinting exertion..

free trade (no government interference)

10.13.1905 churchill (henceforth 'c') and another were both repeatedly interrupted by 2 leading suffragettes..who were escorted from the hall and fined..c said
'to throw great public meetings into confusion and to disregard the chairman, cannot be defendeed on democratic grounds..the power of conducting orderly discussions in very large gatherings is on of the most valuable possessions of the british people..with..a man who is easy..but it is repugnant applied to women: but if sex confers protection, it should also enjoin constraint

c referred.. to an england (eng)
'of wise men who gaze without self-deception at the failings and follies of both political parties; of  brave and earnest men who find in nether faction fair scope for the effort that is in them, of "poor men" who increasingly doubt the sincerity of party philosophy.

written by c:
my early life
history of the english speaking peoples
marlborough: his life and times

11.23.32 'i cannot recall anytime when the gap between the kind of words which statesmen used and what was actually happening in many countries was so great as now. the habit of saying smooth things and utterring pious platitudes and sentiments to gain applaus, without relation to the underlying facts, is more pronounce now than it has ever been in my experience'.

c was convinced that he was upholding a basic principle of parliamentary  democracy, that the government must act honestly in its evolution of informantion and draw the correct conclusion from those facts however embarrassing or alaming that might be

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