john wesley inserts an extract of the constitution of the church of the moravian brethren at hernhuth, laid before the theological order at wirtemberg, in the year 1733, part of which appears below..
1. they have a senior, or ELDEST, who is to assist the church by his counsel and prayers. of him it is required, that he be well experienced in the things of God and witnessed to by all for holiness of conversation.
2. they have DEACONS or HELPERS who are to take care that outward things be done decently and in order; and to see that every member of the church grows in grace and walks suitably to his holy calling.
3. the PASTOR, or TEACHER, is to be
-an OVERSEER of the whole flock and every person therein; to baptize the children; diligently to form their minds and bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; when he finds in them a sincere love of the cross, then to receive them into the church;
-to administer the supper of the Lord;
-to join in marriage those who are already married to Christ;
-to reprove admonish, quicken, comfort, as need requires;
-to declare the whole counsel of God; taking heed at all times to speak as the oracles of God and agreeably to the analogy of faith;
-to bury those who have died in the Lord and
-to keep that safe which is committed to his charge, even the pure doctrine and apostolical discipline which we have received from our forefathers.
4. we have also ANOTHER SORT OF DEACONS, who take care that nothing be wanting to the orphanage, the poor, the sick and the strangers.
-OTHERS again there are, who are peculiarly to take care of the sick and others of the poor.
-and two of these are entrusted with the public stock and keep accounts of all that is received or expended.
5. there are WOMEN who perform each of the above mentioned offices among those of their own sex; for none of the men converse with them, beside the eldest, the teacher, and one, or sometimes two, of the deacons.
6. TOWARDS MAGISTRATES, whether of a superior or inferior rank, we bear the greatest reverence. we cheerfully submit to their laws; and even when many of us have been spoiled of their goods, driven out of their houses and every way oppressed by them, yet they resisted them not, neither opening their mouths, nor lifting up their hand against them. in all things which do not immediately concern the inward spiritual kingdom of Christ, we simply, and without contradicting, obey the higher powers. but, with regard to conscience, the liberty of this we cannot suffer to be any way limited or infringed. and to this head we refer whatever directly and in itself tends to hinder the salvation of souls; or, whatsoever things Christ and His holy apostles (who we know meddled not with outward worldly things) took charge of, and performed, as necessary for the constituting of , and performed, as necessary for the constituting and well ordering of His church. in these things we acknowledge no head but Christ and are determined, God being our helper, to give up not only our goods (as we did before) but life itself, rather than this liberty which God hath given us.
7. as it behoves all christians not to be slothful in business but diligently to attend the works of their calling; there are PERSONS CHOSEN BY THE CHURCH TO SUPERINTEND ALL those who are employed in OUTWARD BUSINESS. and by this means also, many things are prevented which might otherwise be an occasion of offence.
8. we have also CENSORS and MONITORS. in those experience and perspicacity; in these wisdom and modesty are chiefly required. the censors signify what they observe (and they observe the smallest things) either to the deacons or monitors. some monitors there are, whom all know to be such; others who are secretly appointed; and who, if need require, may freely admonish in the love of Christ, even the rulers of the church.
9. the church is so divided, that first the HUSBANDS, then the WIVES, then the WIDOWS, then the MAIDS, then the YOUNG MEN, then the BOYS, then the GIRLS, and lastly, the LITTLE CHILDREN, are IN SO MANY DISTINCT CLASSES; each of which is daily visited, the married men by a married man, the wives by a wife, and so of the rest. (this work all the married brethren and sisters, as well as the unmarried, perform in their turn.) these larger are also (now) divided into near 90 smaller classes or bands, over each of which one presides who is of the greatest experience. all these leaders meet the senior every week and lay open to him and to the Lord, whatsoever hinders or furthers the work of God, in the souls committed to their charge.
10. in the year 1727, 420 men and as many women agreed that each of them would SPEND AN HOUR IN EVERY DAY PRAYING to God for His blessing on His people; and, for this purpose both the men and women chose a place where any of their own sex who were in distress might be present with them. the same number of unmarried women, of unmarried men, of boys, and of girls, were afterwards, at their desire, added to them; who pour out their souls before God, not only for their own brethren, but also for other churches and persons, that have desired to be mentioned in their prayers. and this has never ceased day or night since its first beginning.
11. and as the members of the church are DIVIDED, according to their respective states and sexes; so they are also, WITH REGARD TO THEIR PROFICIENCY IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. some are dead, some quickened by the Spirit of God; of these, some again are untractable, some diligent, some zealous, burning with their first love; some babes, and some young men. those who are still dead are visited every day. and of the babes in Christ especial care is taken also, that they may be daily inspected and assisted to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus.
12. in the ORPHAN HOUSE, about 70 children are brought up, separate according to their sex. beside which, several experienced persons are appointed to consult with the parents touching the education of the other children. in teaching them christianity, we make use of luther's catechism and STUDY THE AMENDING OF THEIR WILLS as well as understanding; finding by experience, that WHEN THEIR WILL IS MOVED, THEY OFTEN LEARN MORE IN A FEW HOURS, THAN OTHERWISE IN MANY MONTHS. our little children we instruct chiefly by hymns; whereby we find the most important truths most successfully insinuated into their minds.
13. we HIGHLY REVERENCE MARRIAGE, but neither our young men nor women enter into it till they assuredly know they are married to Christ. when any know it is the will of God, that they should change their state, both the man and woman are placed for a time with some married persons who instruct them how to behave so that their married life may be pleasing to God. then their design is laid before the whole church and after about 14 days they are solemnly joined, though not otherwise habited (not dressed specially for the occasion?) than they are at other times. if they make any entertainment (which is not always) they invite only a few intimate friends by whose faithful admonitions they may be the better prepared to bear their cross and fight the good fight of faith. if ANY WOMAN IS WITH CHILD not only especial mention is made of her in the public prayers, but she is also exhorted in private wholly to give herself up into the hands of her faithful creator. as soon as a child is born, prayer is made for it and if it may be, it is baptized in the presence of the whole church. before it is weaned it is brought into the assembly on the Lord's day.
15. once or twice a month, either at bertholdsdorf, or if it may be, at hernhuth, ALL THE CHURCH RECEIVES THE LORD'S SUPPER. it cannot be expressed how greatly the power of God is then present among us. the seniors first receive, then the rest in order, without any regard had to worldly dignity in this any more than in any other of the solemn offices of religion. after receiving, all the men (and so the women) meet together to renew their covenant with God to seek His face and exhort one another to the patience of hope and the labour of love.
17. AT 8 IN THE MORNING AND IN THE EVENING we meet to pray to and praise God and to read to and praise God and to read and hear the holy scriptures; THE TIME WE USUALLY SPEND IN SLEEP IS FROM 11 PM TILL 4 AM. so that allowing 3 hours a day for taking the food both of our bodies and souls, there remain 16 for work. and this space those who are in health spend therein with all diligence and faithfulness.
18. two men KEEP WATCH EVER4Y NIGHT IN THE STREETS, as do two women IN THE WOMEN'S APARTMENT that they may pour out their souls for those that sleep and by their hymns raise the hears of any who are awake to God.
19.for the further stirring up the gift which is in us sometimes we have public, sometimes private LOVE FEASTS, at which we take a moderate refreshment with gladness and singleness of heart and the voice of praise and thanksgiving.
20. if any man among us, having been often admonished and long forborn, persists in walking unworthy of his holy calling, HE IS NO LONGER ADMITTED TO THE LORD'S SUPPER. if he still continues in his fault, hating to be reformed, THE LAST STEP IS, PUBLICLY,and often in the midst of many prayers and tears, TO CAST HIM OUT OF OUR CONGREGATION. BUT GREAT IS OUR JOY, if he then see the error of his ways, so THAT WE MAY RECEIVE HIM AMONG US AGAIN.
21. most of our brethren and sisters have in some part of their life EXPERIENCED HOLY MOURNING AND SORROW OF HEART AND HAVE AFTERWARDS BEEN ASSURED THAT THERE WAS NO MORE CONDEMNATION FOR THEM, BEING PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE. they are therefore far from fearing to die or desiring to live on earth..knowing that to them to die is gain and being confident that they are the care of Him, whose are the issues of life and death. wherefore they depart as out of one chamber into another. and after the soul has left its habitation their remains are deposited in the earth appointed for that purpose. and the survivors are greatly comforted and rejoice over them with a joy the world knoweth not of.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
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