Monday, June 14, 2010


greetings in Jesus' precious name!

bred in the bone? janie b. cheaney worldmag, 6.19.10, p.26

..'the moral life of babies, appearing in the new york times magazine last month, outlines extensive study by yale university researchers into the degree that right and wrong is recognized by children as young as a few months. surprisingly or not, overwhelming evidence points to a sense or morality either inborn or developing very early.

the study involved babies being exposed to mini-dramas, both live and on film. two puppets or two shapes were shown either helping or hindering a third character, with the babies encouraged afterward to respond. the youngest subjects were capable of nothing but watching, so their response was measured by how long they looked. but 9- to 12-month-olds could register approval or disapproval in a variety of ways, including punishing the bad actors when they had an opportunity. 'in the enc, writes professor paul bloom, we found that 6- to 10- month-old-infants (in a given study) overwhelmingly preferred the helpful individual to the hindering individual. this wasn't a subtle statistical trend; just about all the babies reached for the good guy'.

reading the story of john birch. a believer in Jesus who was first a missionary in china just before world war II and then was a secret agent for the u.s. military who set up a network behind enemy lines in japanese-occupied china which enabled many downed u.s. pilots to escape capture and death. he was murdered by chinese communists a few days after the war in the east ended in august 1945 as he a 3 others were seeking to exit china. this was covered up by the u.s. state department.

when a child my father strongly supported the john birch society and my political philosophy was much formed by them. they were nearly universally vilified and anyone who was involved with them was generally considered a nut case. my father knew from personal experience that the things john birch had reported about communism and its influence even in the u.s. were true. my father exposed the communist connections of methodist bishop oxnam (sp?) who was in charge of all the u.s. chaplains at the time. dad was, at the time, a chaplain in korea during the korean conflict and oxnam had him removed from his chaplaincy and brought to the military facility at valley forge for the mentally insane and detained there a fair amount of time before finally being released. this is all i know but has been highly formative in who i am and possibly will yet be instrumental in what i will do.

it is interesting, though, about birch. i always thot he was alive while i was growing up in the 1950s and was the founder of the john birch society. however, i now find out, the society - begun after his death - was named in his honor because he typified the extent of power the communists had within the u.s. government. he was a man of great personal courage and tremendous ability, having single-handedly mobilized, in enemy territory a rescue system that saved many downed u.s. pilots from capture and/or death and from all current witnesses who knew and worked with him was universally loved and esteemed by everyone, chinese and american, who had known and worked with and for him. yet, instead of receiving a hero's recognition and many different medals for valor and courage., his death, the circumstances of his death and his contributions were all completely suppressed.

one of the many deep running veins within my inner world that keeps reemerging is that i am to at some point deliberately refuse to continue to support the legalized genocide now rampant worldwide. there are many factors that account for this but it's taproot is the 1960s sexual revolution in the u.s. that has created the ground as well as providing the ongoing nurture for wanton destruction of human life in the service of personal pleasure. worldwide all go on day-by-day acting as though it is acceptable to go on with one's own life in a time when an ongoing genocide of over 1 billion totally innocent people is happening. the emporer's new clothing is not just an interesting story for children but represents real life psychology: every human being has the capacity to totally ignore the occurance something that is totally unacceptable 1. because everyone else seems to be ignoring it too (so it must not really be that bad!), 2. more importantly, to acknowledge it for what it actually is will mean that, a. they will not be able to ignore it anymore but will have to do something about it, and b. that in so doing they will be 'going against' every other living person around...meaning, they are all alone.

currently i know of only a handful of people who have opposed this genocide by violent means which means they have taken vengeance or judgment for this wickedness into their own hands. there are now less than 20 people worldwide - who i have heard of - who have done this. i met a man who wrote to these people and provides an outlet for their voices to reach beyond prison walls in the form of a newsletter skyp (stop killing young people). when i subscribed and started receiving this there were somewhat under 100 subscribers. at the time i was wrestling fitfully with whether this was legitimate for me, as a believer in Jesus Christ, to do myself. it did not take long in reading all that was printed there to see that clearly this was not an option. i saw first that taking personal revenge for wrong doing is not an option. 'do not take your own revenge beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God. for vengeance is Mine. I will repay sayeth the Lord'.

at that time i came to the conclusion that there were only three other options in the face of raw evil, two as a part of a community and one as an individual. as a part of a community there can be the removal of elected officials who support raw evil (in this case, abortion) and putting in their place those who will make this a punishable, illegal offense. it is obvious that this is not happening and, barring developments unseen presently will not happen in the near future.

the second community-based option is called interposition where a local populace -state, county, municipal (!) decides that a certain thing, though generally considered legal is morally intolerable there and their government thus declares that, in this case, no abortions can happen within the confines of their authority (statewide, countywide, municipalwide). this is something that has its roots in the original way that the u.s. was a federation of states - each one totally sovereign from the rest. this has been used throughout the history of the u.s. especially by the southern states leading to the civil war. the civil war, though normally seen as 'good' because slavery was officially ended, was at the same time something that was destructive to political liberty, increasing the encroachment of centralized power we experience today. it would seem that it is two late, historically, for this to take place in the u.s. at this time even if such a unified group of people against abortion could be found. if such a group (statewide, countywide, municipalwide) did emerge i believe their liberty to do so would be violently crushed for the u.s., i believe is no longer, fundamentally, a free nation.

therefore, at this time, that leaves - in my own thinking, i say - only the individual option. we are all, as stated before in the emporers'-new-clothes fantasy, involved in the rationalization of evil here, i believe. the form this reasoning takes with me as a believer in Jesus and the bible is this: i cannot take the law into my own hands. God has instituted governmental authority (romans 13) and therefore i cannot take that authority into my own hands. if everyone did this it would be anarchy. moreover v.2 says clearly 'therefore do not resist authority. for he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God and they who have opposed will receive greater condemnation'. so no matter how much government-supported, legal evil is going on around me i must not oppose that and i must continue to support the government and the evil it supports with my taxes. there is a path provided here in the stance: i respect your governmental authority over me but i can no longer support you in this area. i will not resist you but i will not support you either. therefore, do to me as you must, for you are the authority given me by God but i cannot be complicit any longer in this evil. the three hebrew children not bowing before nebuchadnezzar's idol, and peter and john not refraining from proclaiming Jesus would be two you can see my paroxysms continue...prison keeps calling. may God lead me rightly.

have a good week, love, dad

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