Tuesday, February 10, 2009



thanks again for taking time over the phone to explain things atthe reporter in regard to the sharing of opinion. thank you also forprinting my open letter to senators casey and specter as well asrepresentative dent. when i saw the letter i realized that i had notshared with you that this was an open letter from myself to my threecentral government reps. i'll try to remember to let you know that ifit occurs again. i think an open letter is much more powerful in manyways, not the least of which is that it has greater ability, i opine,to stir others to do the same. i feel akin to a little boy at the edgeof a blazing forest fire threatening my town with immanentdestruction...with a water pistol. i believe this is a WATERSHED and if passed will usher us away from personal responsibility and freedominto the chains and untold miseries of national slavery.

as you may be aware, we now, with our emphasis on rule by man and not by theunchanging law of the God of the Bible stand in the governmentalspectrum right next to anarchy-totalitarianism. a people reach anarchy(lit. everyone does what is right in their own sight without anyconstraint of law) by progressively turning their back on submissionto law based in the character and commands of the GOD of the Bible anddoing what THEY want. in so doing they rush down the slope ofself-created difficulties and into the arms of a perceivedsavior...alas,just another self-seeking fallible person. when thedifficulties become or are perceived to become too great, this saviormust save the people from themselves and one another by taking awayliberties that have roundly been abused.

this leads to my next thought.i was disappointed that you deleted the part that touched on what president obama is doing by exercisingpersonal oversight of the bailout (including his setting limits onfinancial executives). you see, in so doing, he is acting the part ofa dictator. granted, when a people lose the ability to governthemselves so as not to hurt one another, a dictator is necessary. butnecessary is not, in this case, right. right is to not giving theleading financial houses $25 billion of our money last year only tohave them pay out $26 billion in bonuses to their top men for failure.(the bulletin, 2.6.09) the cure (dictatorial oversight) is much worsethan the disease. we need to be made aware of what is being done andabsolutely deny $1 to bailout anyone and let the market do its ownwork. the market left untinkered with always rewards those who bless others and curses those who curse others...

so i was sorely disappointed that my questioning of president obama's choices in this area did not see print. they need to be scrutinized and continually checked and denied. sigh. however it is possible that we are already so decieved and enslaved as a people that we have not the ability to see or to shake off the chains that currently being forged to bind us fast. God bless you, nona. sincerely, stephen paine

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