Tuesday, January 6, 2009

1.6.09 RESPONSE TO CHRISTIANITY TODAY: pivoting toward the faraway neighbor

to the editor,

you may not know the answer to this but why does the international justice mission focus on all the little injustices of the world and not at all on the most massive and heinous of all - abortion, defenseless human beings murdered 'legally' now over 50 MILLION here and 1.5 BILLION around the world? or is this just another instance of 'the emporers new clothing'? why are we all in such denial? IJM is in the himilayan foothills with mt. everest untouched. hitler's germany, stalin's russia, mao's china will all rise up in the judgment and condemn us for surely we are far more murderous than they, are we not? thanks for the article by richard foster. very helpful. God bless you. stephen paine

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