Wednesday, October 4, 2017

10.4.2017 YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT - Relativism is history and a confused absolutism is taking its place.

...times do change.  and the days of allowing everyone to do their own thing and adopt their own truth have passed into memory. christians railing about realtivism sound almost quaint. where have yo been Grandpa? my truth/tour truth enjoyed a brief sunlit stay in popular culture for, perhaps, 30 years, from the mid-1970s to the mid-aughts.  during that period it was OK to bgay but also sort of OK to be skeptical about the naturalness and normality of the lifestyle. most couples still aimed toward traditional marriage, even if more and more of them didn't achieve it. 'Tolerance' was  a virtue:  you could believe what you wanted as long as you didn't crush anyone else's beliefs. there were serious flare-ups, some plaintive cries of Can't we all get along? and so disturbing equivalences (like the definition of 'is'), but looking back, it seems we mostly got along.

when did this change?

the United States is the greatest terror threat in the world today (both from the far left and the far right.)
-christian extremism is as lethal as Muslim extremeism.
-same ex marriage is as lgitimate as opposite-sex marriage and to deny that is rank bigotry.
-Caitlyn Jenner is a woman.

all these opinions had their roots in earlier decades; none of them cam out of the blue. what shifted is the conviction among former relativists that whoever disagrees with the latest doctrine is not mistaken of misled, but evil, hateful and Wrong. 
this state of affairs became clear to me during the 2004 presidential campaign.  Howard Dean was on the debate platform with several Democratic rivals hoping to unseat George W. Bush. things were getting contentious, as they always do during this stage of a campaign, when Dean called his rowdy fellow Dems to order, reminding them that 'George Bush is the enemy, not each other. the biggest applause line of the night and probably not unprecedented, but no one corrected him.  when did the opponent become the enemy?
Dean crossed a line that politicians have stampeded over ever since:  My opponent is the foe of all that's good; the reactionary, (def - one who takes a reverse movement or tendency), the dinosaur, the obstacle to a better world. and the main reason we can't have nice things. to them  it's mostly rhetoric, but to some public sectors (such as college students and aggrieved minorities,) it's for real.

relativism is dead. it always dies, because Truth Will Out or Power fusing God's standard takes us back to a manichean divide between good and evil, with the armor of intolerance hardening on those who cried the loudest for tolerance.
their truth is no longer their truth, but The truth. absolute value reappears, but on the other side of the looking glass.

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