Tuesday, October 31, 2017

10.31.2017 John Wesley Journal (September 13,1773 - January 2,1776) pp3-64 complete

*3        9.13. 1773  my cold remaining, i was ill able to speak. in the evening I was much worse, my palate and throat being greatly inflamed.  however, I preached as I could;  but I could then go no farther. I could swallow neither liquids nor solids and the windpipe seemed nearly closed. I lay down at my usual time,  but the Defluxion   (def - a copious discharge of fluid matter, as in Catarrh  {inflammation of a mucous membrane, especially of the respiratory tract, accompanied by excessive secretions} of rheum { a thin discharge of the mucous membranes, esp. during a cold} )was so uninterrupted, that i slept not a minute till near 3 in the morning . on the following 9 days I grew better.

9.17  I went to Kingswood and found several of the children still alive to God.

9.18  I gave them a short exhortation, which tired but did not hurt me.

I thought myself able to speak to the congregation,  which I did for half an hour; but afterwards I found a pain in my left side and in my shoulder by turns, exactly as I did at Canterbury 20 years before. in the morning I could scarce lift my hand to my head;  but, after being electrified, I was much better; so that I preached with tolerable ease in the evening and the next evening read the letters, though my voice was weak. from this time I slowly recovered my voice and my strength and on Sun.  preached without any trouble.
9.29  after preaching at Pensford,  I went to Pensford, I went to Publow, and in the morning spent a
little time with the lovely children. those of them who were lately affected, did not appear to have lost anything of what they had received and some of them were clearly gaining ground and advancing in the faith which works by love.
10.3  I  took solemn leave of the society at Bristol, now consisting of 800 members.

*4  10.11  and the following days, I took a little tour through Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire. between Northampton and Towcester we met with a great natural curiosity, the largest elm I ever saw;  it was 28 feet in circumference; 6' more than that which was some years ago in Magdalen-College walks at Oxford.
10.25  I went to Shoreham and spent 2 days both agreeably and profitably. the work of God, which broke out here 2 or 3 years ago, is still continually increasing....
11.1  I set out for Norfolk and came to Lynn while the congregation was waiting for me. here was once a prospect of doing much good;  but it was almost vanished away. Calvinism, breaking in upon them, had torn the infant society in pieces. i did all I could to heal the breach, both in public and private and , having recovered a few, i left them all in peace...

11.5 I preached at noon to the warm congregation at Loddon and in the evening to the cold one at Yarmouth. I know there is nothing too hard for God; else I should  go thither no more.

11.8  I found the society at Lakenheath was entirely vanished away. i joined them together once more, and they seriously promised to keep together. if they do, I shall endeavour to see them again,  if not, I have better work.
11.9 I preached at Bury and
11.10 at Colchester, where I spent a day or two with much satisfaction, among a poor, loving, SIMPLE HEARTED PEOPLE.
(def - the dictionary lists 29 definitions after the latin root simpla pec - simple fee or sum, equivalent to sim= one,
1. easy to understand, deal with;
2. not elaborate or artificial; plain
3. not ornate or luxurious; unadorned
4. unaffected, unassuming;  modest
9. ordinary
10. not grand or sophisticated; unpretentious
11. humble or lowly
18. not divided into parts
28. a person of humble origins; a commoner
synonyms - 1. clear, intelligible, understandable, unmistakable, lucid
2. natural, unembellished, neat
8. artless, , guileless, ingenuous.
10. see homely (...plain, unpretentious)
...I am judging that these may come the closest to Wesley's experience of a number of converts to Christ within the gatherings he sought to build up in the most holy faith. he uses the word 'simple' many times to describe the believers he encountered in his years of itinerant ministry.

*5   Nov. 22 - I set out for Sussex and found abundance of people willing to hear the good word; at Rye in particular. and they do many things gladly, but they will not part with the accursed thing, smuggling. so I fear, with regard to these, our labour will be in vain.
12.2  to Sheerness...the House was crowded sufficiently. i spoke exceeding plain to the bigots on both sides. May God write it on their hearts!...

*7  1.11.1774  I began at the east end of the town (note- unclear but I believe London)  to visit the society from house to house. I know of no branch of the pastoral office, which is of greater importance than this. but it is so grievous to flesh and blood, that I can prevail on few, even of our Preachers, to undertake it.
1.23  Mr Pentycross assisted me at the chapel. O what a curse upon the poor sons of men is the confusion of opinions!  worse by many degrees than the curse of Babel, the confusion of tongues. what but this could prevent this amiable young man from joining heart and hand with us?

1.28  I buried the remains of that venerable mother in Israel, Bilhah Aspernaell. she found peace with God in 1738; and soon after, purity of heart. from that time she walked in the light of god's countenance, day and night, without the least intermission. she was always in pain, yet always rejoicing and going about doing good, her desire was, that she might not live to be useless: and God granted her desire.  on Sunday evening she met her class, as usual. the next day she sent for her old fellow-traveller, Sarah Clay and said to her, 'sally, I am going. she asked, 'Where are you going? she cheerfully answered, 'to my Jesus, to be sure! and spoke no more.

*8   2.14   in my way to Dorking, I gave another reading to the 'Life of Anna Maria Schurman':  perhaps a woman of the strongest understanding that the world ever saw. and she was likewise deeply devoted to God. so was also Antionette Bourignon, nearly her equal in sense, though not in learning; and equally devoted to God. in many things there was a surprising resemblance between them, particularly in severity of tempter, leading them to separate from all the wold, whom they seemed to give up to the devil without remorse; only this difference,  - Madame Bourignon believed there were absolutely no children of God, but her and her three or four associates:  Anna Schurman believed there were almost none, but her and her little community. no wonder that the world returned their love, by persecuting them in every country.
3.3 (I preach at L.  but O what a change is there!~  the society is shrunk to five or six members and probably will soon shrink into nothing. and the family is not even a shadow of that which was for some years a pattern to all the kingdom!

3.12  i went over to Kingswood and put an end to some little misunderstandings which had crept into the family. at this I rejoiced; but i was grieved to find that Ralph Mather's falling into Mysticism and Quakerism had well nigh put an end to that uncommon awakening which he had before occasioned among the children. but the next day i found, the little maids at Publow, who found peace by his means, had retained all the life which they had received and had indeed increased therein.

3.18  I returned to Worcester. the society here continues walking together in love and are not moved by all the efforts of those who would fain tech them another Gospel. I was much comforted by their steadfastness

*9    and simplicity. thus let them 'silence the ignorance of foolish men!

3.22  at 5 i explained that important truth, that God trieth us every moment, weighs all our thoughts, words and actions and is pleased or displeased with us, according to our works. i see more and more clearly, that 'there is a great gulf fixed' between us and all those who, by denying this, sap the very foundation both of inward and outward holiness...

*13   5.1  I preached at 8 on that delicate device of Satan to destroy the whole religion of he heart,  - the telling men not to regard frames or feelings, but to live by naked faith;  that is, in plain terms, not to regard either love, joy, peace, or any other fruit of the Spirit:  not to regard whether they feel these or the reverse; whether their souls be in an heavenly or hellish frame! ...

(5.13-4)  ...I preached on the old Green, to a people, the greatest part of whom hear much, know everything and feel nothing.
5.16  in the afternoon, as also at 7 in the morning, I preached in the Kirk at port-Glasgow. my subjects were death and Judgment and I spoke as home (def - to a final, closed or standard position) as i possibly could. the evening congregation at Greenock was exceeding large. I opened and enforced these awful words, 'strait is the gate and narrow is the way, that leadeth unto life.  I know not that ever i spoke more strongly. and some fruit of it quickly appeared;  for the House, twice as large as that at Glasgow, was thoroughly filled at 5 in the morning. in

*14  5.18  ...I went to Edinburgh and on Thurs. to Perth. here likewise the morning preaching had been given up:  consequently the people were few, dead and cold. these things must be remedied, or we must quit the ground...

5.21  ...I returned to Perth, and preached in the evening to a large congregation.but i could not find the  way to their hearts. the generality of the people here are so wise that they need no more knowledge and so good that the need no more religion! who can warn them that are brimful of wisdom and goodness, to flee from the wrath to come.

5.22  i endeavoured to stir up this drowsy people, by speaking as strongly as i could, at 5, on, 'awake, thou that sleepest';  at 7, on 'where their worm dieth not' and in the evening, on, 'i saw the dead, small and great, stand before

*15  God.

*16  6.1 I went on to Edinburgh, and the next day examined the society one by one. i was agreeably surprised. they have fairly profited since I was here last. such a number of persons having sound Christian experience i never found in this society before. i preached in the evening to a very elegant

*17  congregation and yet with great enlargement of heart.
6.4  I found uncommon liberty at edinburgh in applying Ezekiel's vision of the Dry Bones. as i was walking home, 2 men followed me, one of whom said, 'Sir, you are my prisoner. i have a warrant from the Sheriff, to carry you to the Tolbooth'.  at first i thought he jested,  but finding the  thing was serious, I desired one or two of our friends to go up with me. when we were safe lodged in a house adjoining to the Tolboot, i desired the  officer to let me see his warrant. i found the prosecutor was one George sutherland, once a member of the society. he had deposed, 'that Hugh Saunderson, one of John Wesley's preachers, had taken from his wife 100 pounds in money and upwards of 30 pounds in goods and had, besides that, terrified her into madness; so that, through the  want of her help and the loss of business, he was damaged 500 pounds.
before the  Sheriff, Archibald Cockburn, Esq., he had deposed,  'that the said John Wesley and Hugh Saunderson, to evade her pursuit, were preparing to fly the country and therefore he desired his warrant to search for, seize, and incarcerate them in the Tolbooth, till they should find security for their appearance'.  to this request the  Sheriff had assented and given his warrant for that purpose.

but why does he incarcerate John wesley? nothing is laid against him, less or more. Hugh Saunderson preaches in connexion with him. what then? was not the Sheriff strangely overseen?

6.5  ...at noon...I strongly insisted, that God 'now commandeth all men every where to repent. in the evening the  House was thoroughly filed and many seemed deeply affected. i do not wonder that Satan, had

*18  it been in his power, would have had me otherwise employed this day.

6.8  ..preached....in the evening near the preaching house in Waredale.

6.12  the  rain drove us into the house , both morning and afternoon, afterwards i met the poor remains of the  select society,  but neither of my 2 lovely children, neither peggy spence nor sally Blackburn, were there.  indeed a whole row of such I had seen before; but 3 in 4 of them were now as careless as ever. in the evening I sent for Peggy Spence  and Sally Blackburn. Peggy came and I found she had well nigh regained her ground, walking in the  light and having a lively hope of recovering all that she had lost. sally flatly refused to come and then ran out of doors. being found at length, after a flood of tears, she was brought almost by force. but i could not get one look and hardly a word, from her. she seemed to have no hope left: yet she is not out of God's reach.

i now inquired into the causes of that grievous decay in the vast work of God, which was here 2 years  since and i found several causes had concurred:
1. not one of the Preachers that succeeded was capable of being a nursing-father to the  new-born children
2. Jane Salkeld, one great instrument of the  work, marrying, was debarred from meeting the young ones; and there being none left who so naturally cared for them, they fell heaps upon heaps
3. most of the liveliest in the  society were the single men and women and several of these in a little time contracted an inordinate affection for each other; whereby they so grieved the Holy Spirit of God, that he in great measure departed from them
4. men arose among ourselves, who undervalued the work of god and called the  great work of sanctification a delusion. by this they grieved some and angered others; so that both the one and the other were much weakened
5. hence, the love of many waxing cold,

*19     the Preachers were discouraged and jealousies, heart-burnings, evil-surmisings, were multiplied more and more. there is now a little revival: god grant it may increase!
6.13  ...some years since, many had been awakened  here and joined together by Mr. Ingham and his preachers. but since the bitter dissension between their Preachers, the poor sheep have all been scattered. a considerable number of these have been gleaned up, and joined together by our Preachers. i came into the midst of them at Redmire. as i rode through the  town, the people stood staring on every side, as if we had been a company of monsters. i preached in the  street and they soon ran together, young and old, from every quarter. i reminded the elder of their having seen me 30 years before, when I preached in Wensley church and enforced once more, 'Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. when I rode back through the town, it wore a new face. the people were profoundly civil:  they were bowing and courtesying on every side. such a change in 2 hours i have seldom seen....
6.20  about 9 I set out for Horsley, with Mr. Hopper and Mr. Smith. I took Mrs. Smith and her 2 little girls, in the chaise with me. about 2 miles from town just on the brow of the  hill, on a sudden both the horses set

*20  out, without any visible cause and flew down the hill, like an arrow out of a bow. in a minute Jon feel off the coach-box. the horses then went on full speed, sometimes to the edge of the  ditch on the right, sometimes on the left. a cart came up against them: they avoided it as exactly as if the man had been on the box. a narrow bridge was at the foot of the  hill. hey went directly over the middle of it. they ran up the next hill with the  same sped; many persons meeting us, but getting out of the way. near the  top of the hill was a gate, which led into a farmer's yard. it stood open. they turned short and run, through it, without touching the gate on one side, or the  post on the other. i thought, 'However, the  gate which is on the other side of the yard and is shut, will stop them :  but they rushed through it as if it had been a cobweb and galloped  on through the corn-field. the little girls cried out, 'Grandpapa, save us! i told them, 'Nothing will hurt you: do not be afraid'; feeling no more fear o car (blessed by God!) than if I had been sitting in my study. the horses ran on, till they came to the edge of a steep precipice. just then Mr. Smith, who could not overtake us before, galloped in between. they stopped in a moment. had they gone on ever so little, he and we must have gone down together!

I am persuaded both evil and good angels had a large share in this transaction: how large we do not know now; but we shall know hereafter.
I think some of the most remarkable circumstances were,
1. both the horses, which were tame and quiet as could be, starting out in a moment just at the top of the hill and running down full speed.
2. the coachman's being thrown on his head with such violence and yet not hurt at all.
3. the  chaise running again and again to the  edge of each ditch and yet not into it.
4. the avoiding the cart.
5. the keeping just the middle of he bridge.
6. the  turning short through the first gate, in a manner that no coachman in England could have turned them when n full gallop.
7. the going through the  second gate as if it had been but smoke, without slackening their pace at all this would have been impossible, had not he end of the  chariot-pole struck exactly on the centre of the  gate; whence the whole, by the sudden impetuous shock, was broke into small pieces.
8.  that the little girl, who used to have fits, on my saying, 'Nothing will hurt you' ceased crying and was quite composed.

*21    Lastly, that Mr. Smith struck in just then: in a minute more we had been down the  precipice and had not the horses then stopped at once, they must have carried him and us down together.  'Let those give thanks whom the  Lord hath redeemed and delivered from the  hand of the  enemy!'...

this being my birthday, the first day of my 72nd year, I was considering, How is this, that i find just the same strength as i did 30 years ago?  that my sight is considerably better now and my nerves firmer, than they were then?  that I have none of the infirmities of old age and have lost several I had in my youth? the grand cause is, the good pleasure of god, who doeth whatsoever pleaseth Him. the chief means are,
1. my constantly rising at 4, for about 50 years.
2. my generally preaching at 5 in the morning; one of the  most healthy exercises in the  world.
3. my never traveling less, by sea or land, than 4500 miles in a year.

6.30  I preached in Hutton-Rudby and found still remaining a few sparks of the  uncommon flame which was kindled there ten years ago. it was quenched chiefly by the silly, childish contentions of those who were real partakers of that great blessing.

7.1  I preached in Stokesley at 6 and many determined to set out anew.

*22  7.12  was the Quarterly meeting. it was a busy, and yet a comfortable,day. many were refreshed, both at the love-feast and while i was describing the 144,000 standing 'with the lamb on Mt. Sion'. who is ambitious to be of that number?

*23   7.18   ...hence I went on to Tealby and preached near the church to a multitude of plain, serious country-people: very different from the wild, unbroken herd, to whom I preached at Horncastle in the  evening.
7.20  ...i preached at Wimberton. none of the hearers was more attentive than an old acquaintance of my father's - Mr.Georg Stovin, formerly a Justice of the peace near Epworth, now as teachable as a little child and determined to know nothing save Christ crucified.

*24   7.25  I went on to Sheffield and on Tues. met the select society. but it was reduced from 60 to  20 and but half of these retained all that they once received! what a grievous error, to think those that are saved from sin cannot lose what they have gained!  it is a miracle if they do not; seeing all earth and hell are so enraged against them: while meantime, so very few, even of the children of God, skillfully endeavour to strengthen their hands.7.30  I went on to Madeley and in the evening preached under a sycamore-tree, in Madeley-Wood, to a large congregation, good part of the  colliers, who drank in every word. surely never were places more alike, than Madeley-Wood, Gateshead-Fell and Kingswood.
7.31  ...I preached to a still larger congregation at Broseley and equally attentive. I now learned the particulars of a remarkable story, which i had heard imperfectly before: some time since, one of the colliers here, coming home at night, dropped into a coal pit 24 yards deep he called aloud for help, but none heard all that night and all the following day. the second night, being weak and faint, he fell asleep and dreamed that his wife, who had been some time dead, came to him and greatly comforted him. in the morning, a gentleman going a hunting,

*25   an hare started up just before the hounds, ran straight to the mouth of the  pit and was gone; no man could tell how. the  hunters searched all round the pit, till they heard a voice from the  bottom. they quickly procured proper help and drew up the  man unhurt.
8.2   ..I went then to Cheltenham. as it was the high season for drinking the waters, the town was full of Gentry: so I preached near the marketplace in the evening, to the largest congregation that was ever seen there. some of the footmen at first made a little disturbance; but I turned to them and they stood reproved...

*26  8.19  ...we rode on to Larn-Ferry and seeing a person just riding over the ford, we followed him with ease, the water scarce reaching above our horses' knees...

8.21   at 9 I began the   service at St. Daniel's and concluded a little before 12. it was a good tie. the power of the Lord was unusually present, both to wound and to heal. many were constrained to cry, while others were filled with speechless awe and silent love.

after dinner i went over to Haverfordwest, but could not preach abroad because of the rain. both here and at Penbroke, I found the people in general to be in a clod, dead, languid (def - lacking spirit or interest; listless, indifferent) state. and no wonder, since there had been for several months a total neglect of discipline. I did all I could to awaken them once more and left them full of good resolutions. (def - determining upon a course of action)

 *27  in the evening I preached in the Town Hall to most of the Gentry (def - the class below nobility)
in the town. they behaved well, though I used great plainness of speech in describing the narrow way.

8.25  at 11 I preached within the walls of the old church at the  Hay. here and everywhere I heard the same account of the proceedings at ----. the Jumpers (all who were there informed me) were first in the  court and afterwards in the  house. some of them leaped up many times, men and women, several feet from the ground:  they clapped their hands with the utmost violence; they shook their heads; they distorted all their features; they threw their arms and legs to and fro, in all variety of postures; they sung, roared, shouted, screamed with all their might, to the no small terror of those that were near them. one gentlewoman told me, she had not been herself since and did not know when she should. meantime the person of he house was delighted above measure and said, 'Now the power of God is come indeed.
 8.29  I set out for Cornwall and preached at Collumption in the evening I spoke strong words to he honest, sleepy, congregation: perhaps some may awake out of sleep.
8.30  I preached to a far more elegant congregation at Launceston; but what is that unless they are alive to God?
8.31  the  rain, with violent wind, attended us all the way to Bodmin. a little company are at length united here. at their request I preached I the  Town-Hall,  (the most dreary one I ever saw) to a mixed congregation of rich and poor. all behaved well: and who knows but some good may be done even at poor Bodmin?
...9.1   after preaching at St. John's about noon, I went on to Penzance. when the people here were as roaring lions, we had all the  ground to ourselves; now they are become lambs, Mr S and his friends step in and take true pains to make a rent in the society. but hitherto, blessed be God, they stand firm in one mind and in one judgment! only a few, whom we had expelled, they have gleaned up: if they can do them good, i shall rejoice. in the  evening took my stand a the end of the  town and preached the whole gospel to a listening multitude. I then earnestly exhorted the society to follow after peace and holiness.

*28   9.2  i preached in the  marketplace at St. Ives to almost the  whole town. I could not but admire the  number of serious children, as well-behaved as the eldest of the  congregation. this was a happy meeting: so was that of the  society too, when all their hearts were as melting wax.

9.3  we had the Quarterly Meeting at Redruth. this is frequently a dull, heavy meeting; but it was so lively a one today, that w hardly knew how to part about 6 I preached at Treworgey and applied closely to the  Methodists,  'what do ye more than others? one cried out, 'Damnable doctrine!' True; it condemns all those who hear and do not obey it.
9.4  the rain drove us into the House at St. Agnes. at one it was fair; so I preached in the  street at Redruth. but the glorious congregation was assembled at 5, in the amphitheater at Gwennap. they were judged to cover fourscore yards and yet those farthest off could hear.

today i received the following note:
'the  sermon you preached last Thursday evening was, by the grace of God of great good to my soul. and when you prayed so earnestly for backsliders (of whom I am one) an arrow dipped in blood reached my heart. ever since I have been resolved, never to rest till i find again the  rest that remains for the people of God.
I am , dear Sir,
A vile backslider from the  pure love of Jesus, and from the  society at Gwennap..

9.7 ...having preached at Camelford and Launceston, I did not think of preaching at Tavistock; but finding a congregation waiting, I began without delay. I had scarce half finished my discourse in  the  Square at Plymouth-Dock, when the rain began. at first i did not regard it, but as it grew heavier and heavier, i thought it best to shorten my sermon.
it seems, after a long interval of deadness, God is again visiting this poor people the society is nearly double within this year and is still continually increasing. and many are athirst for full salvation; particularly the young men.  at Bath, where man  of the people seemed much moved; chiefly those who had long imagined they were 'built on a rock' and now found they had been  'building upon the sand'.

*29  I preached at Pill, on the 'worm' that 'dieth not and the fire;' that 'is not quenched' if haply  (def - chance, luck, accident)  some of these drowsy ones might awake and escape from everlasting burnings.
10.6  I met those of our society who had votes in the ensuing election and advised them,
1. to vote, without fee or reward, for the person they judged most worthy
2. to speak no evil of the person they voted against and,
3. to take care their spirits were not sharpened against those that voted on the other side.

10.9  ...in the evening we had a solemn opportunity of renewing our covenant with God; a means of grace which I wonder has been so seldom used either in romish or Protestant churches!

10.10  I preached at Salisbury and on 10.11, set out for the Isle of Purbeck. when we came to Corfe-Castle, the  evening being quite calm and mild, I preached in a meadow near the  town, to a deeply attentive congregation,

*30   10.12  about noon I preached at Langton...here is likewise a little society; but I did not find any among them who knew in whom they had believed.

10.13  I...reached Gosport...
10.14  I visited as many as I could, sick or well, and endeavoured to settle those that had been shaken by those bigots who are continually waiting to receive the weak 'unto doubtful disputations'.   i had intended, after preaching in the evening, to meet the society alone, but the eagerness of he people to stay, induced me to suffer a great part of them. yet it was little to their satisfaction; for when i warned our brethren not to have 'itching ears', they ran away in all haste.

*36  11.23  Mr. Dancer met me with a chaise and carried me to Ely.

*37  O what want of common sense! water covered the highroad for a mile and a half. i asked, 'how must foot-people come to the town? 'Why, they must wade through!'

 ..we went..to Sutton.
11.25  i set out between 8 and 9 in a one horse chaise, the wind being high and cold enough. much snow lay on the ground and much fell as we crept along over the fen banks. (def - lowland covered with water)
honest Mr. Tubbs would needs walk and lead the horse through water and mud up to his mid-leg, smiling and saying, 'we fen-men do not mind a little dirt. when we had gone about 4 miles, the  road would not admit of a chaise. so i borrowed a horse and rode forward; but not far, for all the  grounds were under water. here therefore I procured a boat full twice as large as a kneading-trough. I was at one end, and a boy at the other, who paddled me safe to Erith. there Miss L waited for me with another chaise, which brought me to St. Ives.
No Methodist,  I was told, had preached in this town:  so I thought it high time to begin and about 1 I preached to a very well-dressed and yet well-behaved congregation. thence my new friend (how long will she be such?) carried me to Godmanchester, near Huntingdon. a large barn was ready, in which Mr. Berridge and Mr. Benn used to preach. and though the weather was still severe, it was well filled with deeply attentive people...

*38  ....Wed., 12.7  as i was setting out..a wagon, jostling us, disabled our chaise.  our coachman went back to procure another, saying, he would soon overtake us. he did so after we had walked 9 or 10 miles and brought us safe to Canterbury, where I spent a day or two with much satisfaction ...

12.14  I rode to Chatham and found that James Wood, one of our Local Preachers, who, being in a deep consumption, had been advised to spend some time in France, had come back thither 2 or 3 days before me. the day after he came he slept in peace. and two days after, his body was interred, all our brethren sinning him to the fave and praising God on his behalf. I preached his funeral sermon to a crowded audience, on the text which he had chose:  'Let me die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like his!
12.19  and the following days, I read with the Preachers what I judged most useful:  and we endeavoured to 'provoke one another to love and to good works.

12.25  I buried the body of Esther Grimaldi, who died in the full triumph of faith.  'A mother in Israel'  hast thou been and they works shall praise thee in the gates! during the 12 festival days, we had the Lord's Supper daily; a little emblem of the Primitive Church. may we be followers of them in all things, as they were of Christ!
January 1, 1775  we had a larger congregation at the renewal of the Covenant than we have had for many years:

*39  and I do not know that ever we had a greater blessing. afterwards many desired to return thanks, either for a sense of pardon, for full salvation or for a fresh manifestation of His grace, healing all their backslidings.
...1.11 I crept on through a miserable road to Bedford, but was well rewarded by the behaviour of the congregation.
1.12 we crossed over the country to Godmanchester. the whole town seemed to be moved. the people flocked together from all parts, so that the barn would in nowise contain them.  I found great liberty of speech among them and could not doubt but God would confirm the word of his messenger.

1.13  even at poor, dead Hertford was such a concourse of people, that the  Room would not near contain them. and most of them were deeply attentive while I explained these awful words, 'I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God.
1.29  finding many were much dejected by the threatening posture of public affairs, I strongly enforced our Lord's  words, 'Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? and of a truth God spoke in His word. many were ashamed of their unbelieving fears and many enabled to 'be careful for nothing', but simply to 'make' all their 'requests known unto God with thanksgiving.

2.5 I saw a glorious instance of the power of faith. Thomas Vokins, a man of a sorrowful spirit, used always to hang down his head like a bulrush. but a few days since, as he was dying without hope, god broke in upon his soul and from that time he has been triumphing over pain and death and rejoicing with joy full of glory.

*40  3.2 ...met our brethren at Reading. a few were awakened and perhaps converted here, by the ministry of Mr. Talbot. but s he did not take any account of them or join them together, we found no trace of them remaining. a large room was presently filled and all the spaces adjoining.  and I have hardly ever seen a people who  seemed more eager to hear.

3.13   I set out for Ireland.
3.14  at noon I preached in Tewkesbury, now the liveliest place in the Circuit. many here have been lately convinced of sin and many converted to God. some have been made partakers of the great salvation and their love and zeal have stirred up others. so that the flame now spreads wider and wider. O let none be able to quench it!
in the evening I preached at Worcester. here also the flame is gradually increasing. while I was here, there was a very extraordinary trial at the assizes. a boy being beaten by his master, ran away and wandering bout till he was half starved, was the allowed to lie in the hay-loft of an inn.. in the night he stole into the room where 2 gentlemen lay; (probably not very sober) and , without waking them, picked the money out of both their pockets; though their breeches lay under their head. in the morning, having confessed the fact, he was committed to gaol. he made no defence: so one of the Counsellors rose up and said, 'My Lord, as there is none to plead for this poor boy, I will do it myself '.  he did so and then added, 'My Lord, it may be this bad boy may make a good man. and I humbly

*41  conceive, it might be best to send him back to his master. I will give him a guinea towards his expenses.  'and I will give him another, said the Judge. which he did, with a mild and serious reproof. so he was sent back full of good resolutions.
3.17  in the evening, though it was cold, I was obliged to preach abroad at Newcastle. one buffoon laboured much to interrupt. but as he was bawling, with his mouth wide open, some arch (def - playfully roguish or mischievous) boys gave him such a mouthful of dirt as quite satisfied him.

...3.21  I preached at Knutsford;  but the house would by no means contain the congregation. the street too was filled and even those which could not hear were silent. this is uncommon; especially in a town little accustomed to this strange way of preaching: those who cannot hear themselves usually taking care to hinder others from hearing.
in the evening I opened the new House at Northwich, which was sufficiently crowded both this night and the next. after preaching at many places in the way, on Sat., 25, I came to Liverpool. the congregations here, both morning and evening, were so large and so deeply attentive, that i could no be sorry for the contrary winds, which detained us till Thurs, the 30th, when we went on board the Hawk...
4.2, we landed at Dunleary and between 9 and 10 reached Whitefriar- Street.

on Mon. and Tues. I examined the society, in which, 2 years ago, there were 376 persons. and I found 376 still, not one more or less. but i found more peace and love among them, than I had done for many years.
4.6  I visited that venerable man, Dr. Rutty,  just tottering over the grave;  but still clear in his understanding, full of faith and love and patiently waiting till his change should come.

*42  4.9  the good old Dean of St. Patrick's  desired me to come within the rails and assist him at the Lord's supper. this also was a means of removing much prejudice from those who were jealous for the Church.
4.10  leaving just 400 members in the society, I began y tour through the kingdom...

4.18  ...I was desired to walk down to Lord Eyre's.  I was a little surprised at the inscription over the door, 'welcome to the house of liberty. does it mean liberty from sin?

it is a noble old house. the staircase in grand and so are 2 or 3  of the rooms. in the rest of the house, as well as in the ruinous outhouses, gardens and fish-ponds, the owner seemed to say to every beholder,  'All this profiteth me nothing!'
I preached in the evening at Birr, with a good hope that God would at length revive His work.

4.19  about noon I preached in the market-place at Clara. it was the market-day; but that did not lessen the congregation. the poor people eagerly flocked from the market; and there was no buying or selling till I concluded.
after preaching at Coolylough, Tullamore and Portarlington, (still 'unstable as water') Sat, 22, I found, at Mount-Mellick, a little company, who appeared to be better established. I spent Sat. and Sun. comfortably among them, building them up in our most holy faith.

*43  4.24  in the evening I was scandalized (def -(scandal - snare, cause of moral stumbling) to shock or horrify by something considered immoral or improper) both at the smallness and deadness of the congregation at Kilkennyh. the next evening it was a little mended, but not much. of all the dull congregations I have seen, this was the dullest.

*44  5.17  I examined the society at Limerick, containing now 101 persons, 7  less than they were two years ago. I a little wonder at this; considering the scandal of the cross is well nigh ceased here, through the wise and steady behaviour of our brethren.  but THEY WANT ZEAL; they ARE NOT FERVENT IN SPIRIT:  THEREFORE, THEY CANNOT INCREASE.

*45  5.22 I spent 2 or 3 hours in one of the loveliest places and with one of the lovliest families, in the kingdom. almost all I heard put me in mind of those beautiful lines of Prior,
the nymph did like the scene appear,
serenely pleasant, calmly fair;
soft fell her words, as flew the air.

how willingly could I  have accepted the invitation to spend a few days here! nay, at present I must be about my Father's business;  but I trust to meet them in a still lovelier place.

5.26  ..knowing a large part of the congregation to have 'tasted of the powers of the world to come', I spoke on the glory that shall be revealed; and all seemed deeply affected, except a few Gentry, so called, who seemed to understand nothing of the matter.

5.28  I preached at 10 to a far larger congregation, on, 'God now commandeth  all men everywhere to repent' and after church, to a still greater multitude, on,  'It is appointed unto men once to die.

5.29  being desired to give them a sermon at Belturbet, about 8 I preached in the Town-Hall. it was not in vain. god opened, as it were, the windows of heaven and showered His blessings down.

I called afterwards at Ballyhays and spent an hour with that venerable old man, Colonel Newburgh. it does me good to converse with those who have just finished their course and are quivering over the great gulf.

*46  5.31  I hobbled on, through a miserable road, as far as wheels could pass and then rode on to Lisleen. after dinner, we hastened to Dargbridge and found a large congregation waiting. they appeared, one and all, to be deeply serious. indeed there is a wonderful reformation spreading throughout this whole country, for several miles round. outward wickedness is gone and many, young and old, witness that the kingdom of God is within them.

6.13  I was not very well in the morning, but supposed it would soon go off. in the afternoon, the weather being extremely hot, I lay down on the grass, in Mr. Lark's orchard at Cock Hill. this I had been accustomed to do for 40 years and never remember to have been hurt by it:  only I never before lay on my face; in which posture I fell asleep. I waked a little and but a little, out of order and preached with

*48  ease to a multitude of people afterwards I was a good deal worse. however, the next day i went on a few miles to the Grange. the table was place here in such a manner, that all the time I was preaching, a strong and sharp wind blew full on the left side of my head; and it was not without a good deal of difficulty that I made an end of y sermon. I know found a deep obstruction in my breast:  my pulse was exceeding weak and low; I shivered with cold, though the air was sultry hot;  only now and then burning for a few minutes. I went early to bed, drank a draught of treacle and water and applied treacle to the  soles of my feet. I lay till seven on Thurs. 15 and then felt considerably better. but I found near the same obstruction in my breast:  I had a low, weak pulse;  I burned and shivered by turns; and, if I ventured to cough, it fared my head exceedingly. in going on to Derry-Anvil, I wondered what  was the matter, that I could not attend to what I was reading; no. not for 3 minutes together; but my thoughts were perpetually shifting. yet, all the time I was preaching in the evening, (although I stood in the open air, with the wind whistling round my head), my mind was as composed as ever.
6.16 in going to Lurgan, I was against surprised that I could not fix my attention on what I read: yet, while I was preaching in the evening, on the parade, I found my mind perfectly composed; although it rained a great part of the time, which did not well agree with my head,

6.17  I was persuaded to send for Dr. Laws, a sensible and skillful Physician. he told me I was in a high fever, and advised me to lay by. but I told him that could not be done; as I had appointed to preach at several places and must preach as long as I could speak.  he then prescribed a cooling draught, with a grain or two of camphor, as my nerves were universally agitated. this I took with me to Tanderagee:  but when i came there, i was not able to preach; my understanding being quite confused and my strength entirely gone. yet i breathed freely and had not the least thirst, nor any pain, from head to foot.
I was now at a full stand, whether to aim at Lisburn or to push forward for Dublin. but my friends doubting whether I could bear so long a journey, I went straight to Derry-Aghy;  a gentleman's seat, on the side of a hill, 3 miles beyond Lisburn. here nature sunk and I took my bed. but I could

*49  no more turn myself therein, than a new born child. my memory failed, as well as my strength and well nigh my understanding. only those words ran in my mind, when I saw Miss Gayer on one side of the bed, looking at her mother on the other:
She sat, like patience on a monument
Smiling at grief.

I can give no account of what followed for 2 or 3 days, being more dead than alive. only I remember it was difficult for me to speak, my throat being exceeding dry. but Joseph Bradford tells me I said on

6.21  'it will be determined before this time tomorrow';
that my tongue was much swollen and as black as a coal;
that I was convulsed all over
and that for some time my heart did not beat perceptibly, neither was any pulse discernible.

6.22  ..in the night, Joseph Bradford came to me with a cup and said, 'Sir, you must take this.
I thought, 'I will, if I can swallow, to please him;  for it will do me neither harm nor good'.
immediately it set me a vomiting; my heart began to beat and my pulse to play again and from that hour the extremity of the symptoms abated. the next day I sat up several hours and walked 4 or 5 times across the room. on
6.24   I sat up all day and walked across the room many times, without any weariness; on
6.25  I came down stairs and sat several hours in the parlour; on
6.26  I walked out before the house; on
6.27  I took on airing in the chaise and on
6.28  trusting in God,  to the astonishment of my friends, I set out for Dublin.
I did not determine how far to go that day, not knowing how my strength would hold. but finding myself no worse at Bannbridge, I ventured to Newry and after travelling 30 (English) miles,
I was stronger than in the morning.
6.29  I went on to the Man-of-war,  40 (Irish) miles from the Globe, at Newry.
6.30  we met Mr. Simpson,  (with several other friends,) coming to meet us at Drogheda;  who took us to his country seat at James-Town, about 2 miles from Dublin.
7.4  finding myself a little stronger, I preached for the first time; and I believe most could hear. i

*50    preached on 7.6 again;  and my voice was clear, though weak.  so on
7.9  I ventured to preach twice and found no weariness at all.
7.10  I began my regular course of preaching, morning and evening...

7.23  I again assisted at St. Patrick's  in delivering the elements of the Lord's supper. in the evening I embarked in the Nonpareil (def - a person or thing having no equal ?) and about 10 AM (7.25)  landed at Park-Gate.
7.26  I found one relic of my illness,  - my hand shook, so that I could hardly write my name. but after I had been well electrified, by driving 4 or 5 hours,  over very rugged, broken pavement, my complaint was removed, and my had was as steady as when I was 10 years old.
about noon I preached in the shell of the House at Wigan. in the middle of the sermon, came an impetuous storm of thunder, lightning and rain, which added much to the solemnity of the occasion.

7.27  I went on to Miss bosanquet's and prepared for the conference. how willingly could I spend the residue of a busy life in this delightful retirement! but,
Man was not born in shades to lie!
Up and be doing! Labour on, till
Death sings a requiem (def - mass or  music for the repose of the dead) to the parting soul.
7.30  I preached under al-Hill and the greater part of the huge audience could hear while I enforced, 'When the breath of man goeth forth, he turneth again to his dust, and then all his thoughts perish'.  I preached at Leeds in the evening and found strength in proportion to my work.

8.1  our conference began. having received several letters, intimating that many of the Preachers were utterly unqualified for the work, having neither grace nor gifts sufficient for it. I determined to examine this weighty charge

*51  with all possible exactness. in order to this, I read those letters to all the conference; and begged that every one would freely propose and enforce whatever objection he had to any one. the objections proposed were considered at large: in 2 or 3 difficult cases, Committees were appointed for that purpose.  in consequence of this , we were all fully convinced that the charge advanced was without foundation;  that God has really sent those labourers into his vineyard and has qualified them for the work:  and we were all more closely united together than we have been for many years.

8.4  I preached at Bradford, where the people are all alive. many here have lately experienced the great salvation, and their zeal has been a general blessing. indeed, this I always observe, - wherever a work of sanctification breaks out,  the whole work of God prospers. some are convinced of sin, others justified and all stirred up to greater earnestness for salvation.

I breakfasted at Great-Horton. 2 or 3 of the neighbours then came in to prayer. quickly the house was filled; and , a few minutes after, all the space before the door. I saw the opportunity and without delay got upon the horse-block, in the yard. abundance of children crowded round me and round them a numerous congregation.  so I gave them  an earnest exhortation and then commended them to the grace of God.
8.6  at one I proclaimed the glorious gospel to the usual congregation at Birstal and in the evening at Leeds. then, judging it needful to pay  a short visit to our brethren at London, I took the stage-coach, with 5 of my friends, about 8 o'clock. before 9, a gentleman in a single horse chaise struck his wheel against ours.  instantly the weight of the men at top overset the coach; otherwise, ten times the shock would not have moved it; but neither the coachman, nor the men at top, nor any within, were hurt at all. on Tuesday, in the afternoon, we were met at Hatfield by many of our friends, who conducted us safe to London.
having spent a few days in town, on Mon., 14, I set out for Wales and
Wed, 16, reached the Hay.  being desired to give them one sermon at Trevecka, I turned aside thither and on Thurs., 17, preached at 11 to a numerous congregation. what a lovely place! and what a lovely family! still consisting of bout 120 persons. so

*52  the good 'man is turned again to his dust!'  but his thoughts do not perish.

I preached at Brecon the next day and on Sat. 19,  went on to Carmarthen. how is this wilderness become a fruitful field! a year ago I knew no one in this town who had any desire of fleeing from the wrath to come; and now we have 80 persons in society. it is true not many of them are AWAKENED but they  have broke off their outward sins. now let us try whether it be not possible to prevent the greater part of these from drawing back.
about this time I received a remarkable letter, from one of our preachers at West-Bromwich,  near Wednesbury.  the substance of it is as follows:
                                                                                                                            August 16,1775
'about 3 weeks since, a person came and told me, Martha Wood, of Darlaston, was dying, and had a great desire to see me. when I came into the house, which, with all that was in it, was scarce worth 5 pounds, I found, in that mean cottage, such a jewel as my eyes never beheld before. her eyes even sparkled with joy and her heart danced like David before the ark:  in truth she seemed to be in the suburbs of heaven, upon the confines of glory.
she took hols of my hand and said, 'i am glad to see you; you are my father in Christ. it is 20 years since i heard you first. it was on that text, Now ye have sorrow: but I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice and your joy no man taketh from you.  IN THAT HOUR GOD BROKE INTO MY SOUL, delivered me from all sorrow and filled my heart with joy and, blessed by His name, I never have lost it, from that hour to this'.
for the first 10 years, she was sometimes in transports of joy, carried almost beyond herself; but for these last 10 years, she has had the constant witness that God has taken up all her heart. 'He has filled me', said she, with perfect love and perfect love casts out fear. Jesus is mine; God, and heaven and eternal glory, are mine. my heart, my very soul is lost, yea, swallowed up, in God.'

there were  many of our friends standing by her bedside. she exhorted them all, as one in perfect health, to keep close to God. 'You can never', said she, do too much for God:  when you have done all you can, you have done too little.

*53  O, who that knows Him, can love, or do, or suffer too much for Him!

some worldly people came in. she called them by name, and exhorted them to repent and turn to Jesus. she looked at me and desired I would preach her funeral sermon on those words,  'I have fought the good fight;  I have finished my course; I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord , the righteous Judge, will give me at that day.

she talked to all round about her in as scriptural and rational a manner as if she had been in her full strength, (only now and then catching a little for breath) with all the smiles of heaven in her countenance. indeed several times she seemed to be quite gone;  but in a little while the taper lit up again, and she began to preach, with divine power, to all that stood near her. she knew every person and if any came into the room whom she knew to be careless about religion, she directly called them by name, and charged them to seek the Lord while he might be found. at last she cried out, 'I see the heavens opened; I see Abraham , Isaac and Jacob, with numbers of the glorified throng, coming nearer and nearer. they are just come! at that word, here soul took its flight, to mingle with the heavenly host. we looked after her, as Elisha after Elijah; and I trust some of us have catched her mantle.
after making a little tour through Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Glamorganshire, on Mon.,28, setting out early from Cardiff, I reached Newport about 8;  and soon after preached to a large and serious congregation. I believe it is 35 years since I preached here before, to a people who were then wild as bears. how amazingly is the scene changed! o what is too hard for God!

we came to the New-Passage just as the boat was putting off; so I went in immediately. some friends were waiting for me on the other side, who received me as one risen from the dead. the Room at Bristol was thoroughly filled in the evening; and we rejoiced in Him that heareth the prayer. having finished my present business here, on Wed.  30, I set out at 3 and at 12 preached in the great Presbyterian meeting-house in Taunton and indeed with such freedom and openness of spirit as i did  not expect in so brilliant a congregation. in the evening I preached in the dreary preaching-house

*54  a house at Tiverton. the people appeared as dull as the place. yet who knows but that many of them may again hear the voice that raiseth the dead?

on Thurs and Fri I preached at Launceston, Bodmin and Truro;  an Sat,  in the main street at Redruth, to the usual congregation, on,  'Happy are the people that have the Lord for their God.

Sun 9.3 I preached at eight in St. Agnes Church-town, on, 'believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.  a young woman followed me into the house, weeping bitterly and crying out,
"I must have Christ
I will have Christ.
Give me Christ, or else I die!
2 or3 of us claimed the promise in her behalf.  she was soon filled with joy unspeakable and burst out,
'O let me die!
Let me go to Him now!
How can i bear to stay here any longer?
we left her full of that peace which passeth all understanding.  about 11 i preached at redruth;  at 5 in the morning in the amphitheatre at Gwennap.  I think this is the most magnificent spectacle which is to be seen on this side heaven. and no music is to be heard upon earth comparable to the sound of many thousand voices when they are all harmoniously joined together, singing praises to God and the lamb.
9.4  I went on to our friends at St. Ives, many of whom are now grey-headed, as well as me. in the evening I preached in the little meadow above the town, where i was some years ago. the people in general here (excepting the rich) seem almost persuaded to be Christians. perhaps the prayer of their old Pastor, Mr. Tregoss, is answered even to the fourth generation.

9.6  about 9 I preached at Cararack and crossed over to Cubert, where I found my good old friend Mr. Hoskins, quivering over the rave. he ventured, however, to the Church-town and I believe found a blessing under the preaching.
9.7  about 11 I preached in the Town-Hall at Liskeard, to a large and serious congregation. at Saltash some of our brethren met me with a boat, which brought me safe to Plymouth-Dock.

understanding some of our friends here were deeply prejudiced against the King and all his Ministers, I spoke freely and largely on the subject at the meeting of the society. God

*55  applied it to their hears;  and I think there is not one of them now who does not see things in another light.
9.8  I preached at noon on the quay (def - a landing place) in Plymouth;  in the evening, in the new Square at the Dock. many here seemed to feel the application of those words,  'o thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
9.9  I preached in Exeter at 4 in the afternoon, and about 7 at Columpton.  sun., 10 I came to Wellington in an acceptable time; for Mr. Jesse was ill in bed;  so that if I had not come, there could have been no service either morning or evening.  the church was moderately filled in the morning :  in the afternoon it was crowded in every corner and a solemn awe fell on the whole congregation, while I pressed that important question, 'What is a man profited, if he should gain the whole world  and lose his own soul?
9.11  I preached again in the new meeting at Taunton, to such a congregation as I suppose was never there before. I was desired to preach on the same text as at Wellington...Wed. at Pensford. thence I went on to the lovely family at Publow, a pattern for all the boarding-schools in England. every thing fit for a Christian to learn is taught here;  but nothing unworthy the dignity of the Christian character. I gave a short exhortation to the children, which they received with eagerness. many of them have the fear of God: Some of them enjoy his love.
9.21  at the earnest request of the prisoner, who was to die next day, (and was very willing so to do; for, after deep agony of soul, he had found peace with God) i preached at Newgate to him and a crowded audience; many of whom felt that God was there....

*56  10.6 ..I returned to London.
10.8  I preached in Moorfields to a larger congretation than usual. strange that their curiosity should not be satisfied yet, after hearing the same thing near 40 years!

10,9  i preached at Chesham, on the strait gate;  and all that heard seemed affected for the present.

10.19  I went on to Wycomb and was much refreshed by the earnest attention of the whole congregation.
10.11  I took a walk to Lord Shelburne's house. what variety, in so small a compass! a beautiful grove, divided by a serpentine walk, conceals (foot - what a vast disparity between the two!) the house from the town.  at the side of this runs a transparent river , with a smooth walk on each bank. beyond this is a level lawn;  then the house with sloping gardens behind it.  above these is a lofty hill; near the top of which is a lovely wood, having a grassy walk running along, just within the skirts of it.  but can the owner rejoice in this paradise?  No; for his wife is snatched away in the bloom of youth!
10.12....I borrowed here a volume of Lord Chesterfield's Letters, which I had heard very strongly commended. and what did I learn? - that he was a man of much wit, middling sense and some learning; but as absolutely void of virtue, as any Jew. Turk, or Heathen that ever lived. I say, not only void of all religion, (for I doubt whether he believed there is a God, though he tags most of his letters with the name for better sound sake) but even of virtue, of justice and mercy, which he never once recommended to his son. and truth he sets at open defiance: He continually guards him against it half his letters inculcate deep dissimulation, as the most necessary of all accomplishments. add to this, his studiously instilling into the young man all the principles of debauchery, when himself was between 70 and 80 years old. add his cruel censure of that amiable man, the Archbishop of Cambray (foot - what a vast disparity between the 2!) as a mere time-serving hypocrite! and this is

*57  the favourite of the age! whereas, if justice and truth take place, if he is rewarded according to his desert, his name will stink to all generations.
10.14  I preached at Finstock. how many days should I spend here if I was to do my won will!  not so: I am 'to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work'.  therefore this is the first day I ever spent here: and perhaps it may be the last.
10.15 about 8 i preached at Witney. I admired the seriousness and decency of the congregation at church. I preached at 5 on,  'thou shalt love they neighbour as thyself..a word that is sufficient to convince all mankind of sin.  in meeting the select society, i was much comforted to find so few of them losing ground and the far greater part still witnessing that 'the blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin...
10.24  about noon we took horse for Whittlebury in a fine day:  but before we had rode half an hour, a violent storm came, which soon drenched us from head to  foot. but we dried ourselves in the afternoon and were no worse...

*58   ...Sun. 10.29  I  visited one who was full of good resolutions,  - if he should recover. they might be sincere, or they might not:  but how far will these avail before God? he was not put to the trial, how long they would last; quickly after, God required his soul of him.
Mon. and the following days, I visited the little societies in the neighbourhood of London. I made some additions to the 'Calm Address to our American Colonies' need any one ask from what motive this was wrote? let him look round: England is in a flame! a flame of malice and rage against the King and almost all that are in authority under him. I labour to put out this flame. ought not every true patriot to do the same? if hireling writers on either side judge of me by themselves, that I cannot help.
11.12  I was desired to preach, in Bethnal-Green church, a charity sermon for the widows and orphans of the soldiers that were killed in America.  knowing how many would seek occasion of offence, I wrote down my sermon. i dined with Sir John Hawkins and 3 other gentlemen that are in commission for the peace and was agreeably surprised at a very serious conversation, kept up during the whole time I stayed.
11.15  ...the next evening at Ryegate-place, i think, to the largest congregation that I have seen there. but still I fear we are ploughing upon the sand:  we see no fruit of our labours...

11.21  ..the next evening I applied part of the 13th chapter of the First

*59  Epistle to the Corinthians. many were shaken when thy weighed themselves in that balance.may we not be found wanting in that day.
Mon. 11.27...about this time I published the following letter in Lloyd's 'Evening post':

'I  have been seriously asked, 'from what motive did you publish your Calm address to the American Colonies?
I seriously answer, not to get money. had that been my motive, I should have swelled it into a shilling pamphlet and have entered it at Stationers' Hall.
not to get preferment for myself or my brother's children. I am a little too old to gape after it for myself: and if my brother or I sought it for them, we have only to show them to the world.

not to please any man living, high or low. i know mankind too well. I know they that love you for political service, love you less than their dinner; and they that hate you, hate you worse than the devil.
Least of all did I write with a view to inflame and: Just the contrary. I contributed my mite toward putting out the flame which rages all over the land. this I have more opportunity of observing than any other man in England. I see with pain to what an height this already rises, in every part of the nation.  and I see many pouring oil into the fame, by crying out, 'How unjustly, how cruelly, the King is using the poor americans; who are only contending for their liberty and for their legal privileges!

*60  now there is no possible way to put out this flame or hinder its rising higher and higher, but to show that the Americans are not used either cruelly or unjustly;  that they are not injured at all, seeing they are not contending for liberty;  (this they had, even in its full extent , both civil and religious) neither for any legal privileges;  for they enjoy all that their charters grant. but what they contend for, is, the illegal privilege of being exempt from parliamentary taxation. a privilege this, which no charter ever gave to any American colony yet; which no charter can give, unless it be confirmed both by King, Lords, and Commons; which, in fact, our colonies never had; which they never claimed till the present reign:  and probably they would not have claimed it now,  had they not been incited thereto by letters from England. one of these was read, according to the desire of the writer, not only at the continental Congress,  but likewise in many congregations throughout the Combined Provinces. it advised then to seize upon all the King's Officers and exhorted them, 'Stand valiantly, only in England that you may have your own terms.
this being the real state of the question, without any colouring or aggravation, what impartial man can either blame the King, or commend the Americans?
with this view, to quench the fire, by laying the blame where it was due, the 'Calm Address' was written. I am, Sir,                         Your humble servant, John Wesley

as to reviewers, newswriters, London Magazines,  and all that kind of gentlemen, they behave just as I expected they would and let them lick up Mr. Toplady's spittle still:  a champion worthy of their cause.
11.30  I preached at Lowestoft at noon and Yarmouth in the evening. here a gentleman, who came with me from London, was taken ill (he informed me) of the bloody flux.  this being stopped, I thought his head was disordered; and would fain have sent him back without delay, offering him my chaise and my servant to attend him; though i could ill spare either one or the other.  but he could not in anywise be prevailed on to accept of the proposal. I afterwards heard, he had been insane before he left London. however, I could now only make the best of it.

*61  12.1  after preaching at Loddon, I returned to Norwich and procured Mr.----a lodging in a friend's house, where I knew he would want nothing. I now again advised him to go straight to London in my chaise; but it was lost labour.
12.2  I procured 'the History of Norwich',  published but a few years since. the author shows, that it was built about the year 418.  but it increased in succeeding ages, till it was more than double to what it is now, having no less than 60 churches. its populousness may be indisputably proved, by one single circumstance:  - the first time it was visited with the sweating-sickness, (which usually killed in 10 hours) there died in about 6 months, upwards of 57,000 persons; which is a considerably greater number than were in the whole city a few years ago. he remarks concerning this unaccountable kind of plague,
1. that it seized none by Englishmen;  none of the French, Flemings or other foreigners then in the kingdom, being at all affected
2. that it seized upon Englishmen in other kingdoms and upon none else, and
3. that the method at last taken was this,
the patient, if seized in the day-time, was immediately to lie down in his clothes and to be covered up;  if in the night-time , he was to keep in bed; and if they remained 24 hours without eating or drinking any thing, then they generally recovered.
in the evening a large mob gathered at the door of the preaching house,  the captain of which struck many (chiefly women) with a large stick. Mr. Fandal going out to see what was the matter, he struck him with it in the face.  but he was soon secured and carried before the Mayor, who, knowing him to be a notorious offender, against whom one or 2 warrants were then lying, sent him to gaol without delay.
12.6  about one, I heard a shrill voice in the street, calling and desiring me to come to Mr. ---. going directly, I found him ill in body and in a violent agony of mind. he fully believed he was at the point of death; nor could any arguments convince him of the contrary. we

*62  cried to Him who has all power in heaven and earth and who keeps the keys of life and death. he soon started up in be and said with a loud voice,  'I shall not die, but live.

in the day I visited many of those that remained with us, and those that had left us since they had learned a new doctrine. i did not dispute, but endeavoured to soften their spirits, which had been sharpened to a high degree. in the evening the chapel was quite too mall:  and yet even those who could not get in were silent: a circumstance which I have seldom observed in any other part of England.
12.7  Mr. ----was so thoroughly disordered, that it was heavy work to get him forward. at every stage, 'he could not possibly go any farther; he must die there...
12.9  in answer to a very angry letter, lately published in 'the Gazetteer, I published the following:

'To the Rev. Mr. Caleb Evans.

Rev. Sir,
you affirm,
1. that i once 'doubted whether the measures taken with respect to America could be defended either on the foot of law, equity or prudence'. I did doubt of these 5 years, nay indeed 5 months ago...
2. that I 'declared  (last year) the Americans were an oppressed, injured people'. I do not remember that I did; but very possibly I might.
3. that i then 'strongly recommended an argument for the exclusive right of the colonies to tax themselves'. I believe i did; but i am now of another mind...
4. 'you say in the Preface, 'I Never Saw That Book'.  i did say so. the plain case was, I had so entirely forgotten it, that even when I saw it again, I recollected nothing of it, till i had read several pages. if I had, I might have observed that you borrowed more from Mr. P. than I did from

*63  Dr. Johnson. though I know not whether I should have observed it, as it does not affect the merits of the cause
5. you say, 'But I Really Believe He Was Told So', and add, 'Supposing What I Really Believe He Was Told So' and add, 'supposing what I asserted was false, it is not easy to conceive what reason you could have for believing I was told so'. my reason was, I believed you feared God and therefore would not tell a willful untruth;  so I made the best excuse for you which I thought the nature of the thing would admit of.  had you not some reasons to believe this of me; and therefore to say, (at least), I hope he forgot it?
'but at this time I was perfectly unknown to you'.  no at this time I knew you wrote that tract; but had I not, charity would have induced me to hope this, even of an entire stranger.
you now have my 'feeble reply', and if you please to advance any new argument, (personal reflections I let go) you may perhaps receive a farther reply from
Your humble servant,                    John Wesley
 London, December 9.
I did not see your letter till this morning.

12.11  I began a little journey into Kent. in the evening I preached at Chatham, the next evening at Canterbury. I know not that ever I saw such a congregation there before.

12.12  I preached at Dover. as many as could, squeezed in the House and the rest went quietly away.

12.14  I returned to Canterbury and had a long conversation with that extraordinary man, Charles Perronet. what a mystery of Providence! why is such a saint as this buried alive y continual sickness?  in the evening we had a larger congregation than before. i never saw the House thoroughly filled till now:  and i am sure the people had now a call from god, whether they will hear or whether they will forbear.
12.15  in the evening i preached at Chatham and on Sat. returned to London. in the evening I preached a kind of funeral sermon at Snowsfields, for that upright woman, Jane Binknell. for may years she was a pattern of all holiness and, for the latter part of her life, of patience. yet as she laboured under an incurable and painful disorder, which allowed her little rest, day or night, the corruptible body pressed down the sou l and frequently occasioned much heaviness. but,

*64  before she went, the clouds dispersed and she died in sweet peace;  but not in such triumphant joy as did Ann Davis, 2 or 3 weeks before . she died of the same disorder; but had withal, of some years, racking pains in her head day and night, which in a while rendered her stone-blind. add to this that she had a Kind husband;  who was continually reproaching her for living so long and cursing her for not dying out of the way.  yet in all this she did not 'charge God foolishly' but meekly waited till her change should come.

12.18  I took another little journey and in the evening preached at Gedford.  Tues., 19 I dragged on, through miserable roads, to St. Neot's and preached in a large room to a numerous congregation. understanding that almost all the Methodists, by the advice of Mr. ----, had left the church, I earnestly exhorted them to return to it.  in the evening I preached at Godmanchester.

12.20  I preached at Luton; the next evening, at Hertford and on Fri. morning, returned to London.

this day we observed as a day of fasting and prayer and were much persuaded God will yet be entreated.
12.21  I revised a volume of Latin Poems,  wrote by a gentleman of Denmark. I was surprised.  most of the verses are not unworthy of the Augustan Age (def - the time of Caeser Augustus, the golden age of Latin literature.) among the rest, there is a translation of two of Mr. Pope's Epistles, line for line. and yet, in language, not only as pure as Virgil's,  but as elegant too.

1.2.1776  being pressed to pay a visit to our brethren at Bristol, some of whom had been a little unsettled by the patriots, so called, I set out early; but the roads were so heavy, that i could not get thither till night. I came just time enough, not to see, but to bury, poor Mr. hall, my brother-in-law, who died on Wed. morning; I trust, in peace;  for God had given him deep repentance. such another monument of divine mercy, considering how low he had fallen, and from what height of holiness, I have  not seen, no, not in 70 years! I had designed to visit him in the morning; but he did not stay for my coming. it is enough, if, after all his wanderings, we meet again in abraham's bosom.

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