To The Reader
Not as though I had already attained.
1. since the name first came abroad into the world, many have been at a loss to know what a Methodist is; what are the principles and the practice of those who are commonly called by that name and what the distinguishing marks of this sect, 'which is everywhere spoken against'.
2. and it being generally believed, that i was able to give the clearest account of these things, (as having been one of the first to whom that name was given and the person by whom the rest were supposed to be directed) I have been called upon, in all manner of ways and with the utmost earnestness, so to do. I yield at last to the continued importunity both of friends and enemies and do now give the clearest account I can, in the presence of the Lord and Judge of heaven and earth, of the principles and practice whereby those who are called Methodist are distinguished from other men.
3. I say those who are called Methodists; for, let it be well observed, that this is not a name which they take to themselves, but one fixed upon them by way of reproach, without their approbation or consent. it was first given to 3 or 4 young men at Oxford, by a student of Christ Church; either in allusion to the ancient sect of Physicians so called, from their teaching, that almost all diseases might be cured by a specific Method of diet and exercise, or from their observing a more regular Method of study and behaviour than was usual with those of their age and station.
4 I should rejoice (so little ambitious am I to be at the head of any sect or party) if the very name might never be mentioned more, but be buried in eternal oblivion. but if that cannot be, at least let those who will use it, know the meaning of the word they use. let us not always be fighting in the dark. come, and let us look one another in the face. and perhaps some of you who hate what i am Called, may love what I Am by the grace of God; or rather, what 'I follow after, if that i may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus'.
*340 The Character of a Methodist
1. the distinguishing mars of a Methodist are not his opinions of any sort. his assenting to this or that scheme of religion, his embracing any particular set of notions, his espousing the judgment of one man or of another, are all quite wide of the point. whosoever, therefore, imagines that a Methodist is a man of such or such an opinion, is grossly ignorant of the whole affair; he mistakes the truth totally. we believe, indeed, that 'all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God' and herein we are distinguished from Jews, Turks and Infidels. we believe the written word of God to be he lonely and sufficient rule both of Christian faith and practice and herein we are fundamentally distinguished from those of the Romish Church. we believe Christ to be the eternal, supreme God and herein we are distinguished from the Socinians and Arians. but as to all opinions which do not strike at the root of Christianity, we think and let think. So that whatsoever they are, whether right or wrong, they are no distinguishing marks of a Methodist.
2. Neither are words or phrases of any sort. we do not place our religion, or any part of it, in being attached to any peculiar mode of speaking, any quaint or uncommon set of expressions. the most obvious, easy, common words, wherein our meaning can be conveyed, we prefer before others,, both on ordinary occasions and when we speak of the things of God. we never, therefore, willingly or designedly, deviate from the most usual way of speaking; unless when we express scripture truths in scripture words, which, we presume, no Christian will condemn. neither do we affect to use any particular expressions of Scripture more frequently than others, unless they are such as are more frequently used by the inspired writers themselves. so that it is as gross an error, to place the marks of a Methodist in his words as in opinions of any sort.
*341 3. Nor do we desire to be distinguished by actions, customs, or usages, of an indifferent nature. our religion does not lie in doing what God has not enjoined or abstaining from what he hath not forbidden. it does not lie in the form of our apparel in the posture of our body or the covering or dour heads; nor yet in abstaining from marriage or from meats and drinks, which are all good if received with thanksgiving. therefore, neither will any man, who knows whereof he affirms, fix the mark of a Methodist here, - in any actions or customs purely indifferent, undetermined by the word of God.
4.nor, lastly, is he distinguished by laying the whole stress of religion on any single part of it. if you say, 'Yes, he is; for he thinks 'we are all saved by faith alone'; I answer, You do not understand teh terms. by salvation he means holiness of heart and life. and this he affirms to spring from true faith alone. can even a nominal Christian deny it? is this placeing a part of religion for the whole? 'Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid! yea, we establish the law'. we do not place the whole of relgion (as too many do, god knoweth eithr in
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