found in chapter 17 of 'the way of the master', p187
perhaps you haven't been sharing your faith as you know you should and you are wondering how to get the same time, you have a very real fear of approaching strangers and talking about the things of God. besides, if you do approach someone, you don't want to blow it. these thoughts combine into one big, cold, ever-increasing snowball.
strangers are hard enough to approach. what do you say to someone you don't know? who about your neighbors? they are even harder to approach (if that's possible). if you make a mess of witnessing to your neighbors, you don't want to start a lifetime feud. then there's your mother in law. upsetting her could cause really big problems.
these are fears that all of us have and they are very real. however, there are certain principles that can help us to at least bring our fears into perspective. think of what you fear and then think of the terrible fate of those who die in their sins. which is worse? remember, when it comes to evangelism, you have a similar responsibility to that of a firefighter. think of his moral obligation as he looks at the mother screaming for help from a six-story building. you must deal with your fears in light of the sinner's terrible fate.
here are some simple suggestions for getting started: be friendly. talk with people. practice at the park, at the gas station or at the grocery store. perhaps you already have an outgoing and friendly personality, but if you tend to be shy and introverted, try to open up a little and start talking with people. a simple 'hi, how are you?" isn't hard. 'nice day, isn't it? my name is so-and-so...' with a bit of practice, anyone can learn to be friendly. most people respond warmly to warmth. once we see that this is true, it will help to calm our fear-filled imaginations. keep going back to the firefighter. think of a firefighter who is shy. he comes to you and complains that he doesn't have an outgoing personality. he's not too keen on climbing ladders. he's not very strong. he would rather listen to music and read books than rescue dying people. so, what are you going to tell him? you are going to let him know that if he professes to be a firefighter, he had better deal with his fears, build up his muscle and get his priorities straight. otherwise, he shouldn't deceive himself into thinking that he is a firefighter...after you have gained a measure of confidence in simply being friendly and talking to people, you are ready to learn the next step-how to swing the conversation to the subject of spiritual things. DON'T OPEN WITH GRACE it may be a relief to know that you shouldn't walk up to someone and begin a conversation by talking about Jesus. they'll most likely think you're strange. bright light in the eyes is always offensive. instead, start in the natural realm (talking about everyday things) and then swing the conversation toward the spiritual realm (talking about spiritual things). that's what Jesus did in john 4.7-26. when He met the woman at the well, He began by talking about natural things (a drink of water). He then swung the conversation to spiritual things ('living water')
you may start off talking about football or the weather and then perhaps use something in the news to swing into the subject of spiritual things. of you might simply ask if the person knows of a good church in the area. perhaps you can use a gospel tract. that's what i do almost every time. (my favorite- the $1,000,000 bill) just say, 'hi. where are you from? i'm from such and such, etc.' then you muster up the courage to say, 'did you get one of these? it's a gospel tract. have you had a christian background?' another good question, 'what do you think happens after people die? where do they go to?" you haven't mentioned God, sin, judgment day or hell. you are just asking what they think, so you won't feel uncomfortable. most people are pleased to give their opinion on anything.
it doesn't matter how you do it, only that you do it. again, start in the natural realm so they don't think you're a religious nut and then make the transition any way you want. that will lead you directly into a conversation about the things of God. remember, most people are not offended when the subject of God comes up, despite what our overripe, fear-filled imaginations tell us.
WDJD (WHAT DID JESUS DO): THE FOUR STEPPING STONES if you can remember four stepping stones, you can confidently lead any witnessing encounter and you will be in control of every conversation you have about your faith. imagine, you will know exactly where you are and you will know exactly where the conversation is going. you don't have to study greek; you don't have to understand archaeology. just remember four points and you can begin to say good bye to most of your fears about evangelism. there is no doubt that the most difficult thing to do is to bring up the things of God. the next hurdle isn't quite so high. it naturally issues out of asking someone about spiritual things.
W=WOULD YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A GOOD PERSON? you will be surprised to find that people are not offended by your asking if they consider themselves good people. if they say no (which is highly unlikely), ask them what they mean. remember, you are asking them about their favorite subject-themselves. most likely, you'll find that they are kidding or that they've done something in their life that they feel bad about. otherwise, expect almost everyone to say, 'i'm a pretty good person' or 'i'm a really good person' (proverbs 20.6- most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?) this reveals their proud self-righteousness. now you are ready to use the Law to humble them...the same way Jesus did (see mark 10.17-22) (note: The Way of the Master Basic Training Course includes videos that show how this approach works with dozens of people. see for details.)
D=DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE KEPT THE TEN COMMANDMENTS? some will say yes; others will say that they haven't. either way, you simply continue by saying, 'may i ask you a few questions to see if that's so?' they will almost always say that you can, because they know that they are a good person, so they don't feel at all threatened. you may want to start with the Ninth Commandment ('you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor'), because most people will readily admit to having
lied-at least once. next, you may want to ask about stealing, then adultery (lust), then taking the Lord's name in vain. here is how to go through each one (in the order that i typically use).
THE NINTH COMMANDMENT after you've said, 'may i ask you a few questions to see if that's so?' simply ask, 'have you ever told a lie?' some will admit to lying; others will say they have told only 'white lies;' and a few will claim they have never told even one lie. if so, gently press the issue: 'do you mean to say that you have never told anyone a lie? even once?' usually they will say something like, 'maybe when i was a kid'. ask, 'what does that make you?' (note: by asking questions you are not judging or accusing. you are simply helping the patient diagnose his own disease.) they will hesitate to say it, but get them to admit it: 'a liar'. if they refuse to say 'a liar', ask, 'what would you call me if i told a lie?'
it may surprise you to know that people don't get angry as this approach; instead, they become sober. they may try to sidetrack you by saying, 'i don't believe in the bible'. simply continue on your course. if they argue about the bible, say, 'i know you don't believe in it. i am simply sharing with you what the bible says. okay? let's keep going'.
THE EIGHTH COMMANDMENT ('you shall not steal'): 'have you ever stolen anything?' many will claim that they haven't 'have you ever taken anything that did not belong to you, regardless of its value? anything? even when you were younger? be honest before God'. some will try to trivialize theft by saying that they stole when they were children. ask, 'what does that make you?' and gently press them to say, 'a thief'.
THE SEVENTH COMMANDMENT ('you shall not commit adultery'): 'have you ever committed adultery?' again, most will say no. then add, 'Jesus said whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. have you ever looked at someone with lust?'
THE THIRD COMMANDMENT ('you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain'): 'have you ever taken the Lord's name in vain?' most will admit to this one. then gently explain, 'so instead of using a four-letter filth word to express disgust, you have taken the name of the One who gave you life and everything that is precious to you and used it to express disgust. that is called 'blasphemy' and God promises that He will not hold anyone blameless who takes His name in vain'.
at this point you should be noticing something: the individual will either grow quiet (shut up under the Law, (now we that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God. romans 3.19) or will be getting agitated. if the person seems to recognize his guilt, you may want to say at this point, 'by your own admission, you're a lying thief, a blasphemer and an adulterer at heart and we've only looked at four of the Ten Commandments'.
if he is still tying to defend himself ('i'm not a bad person'), to through a few more commandments.
THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT ('you shall not murder'): 'have you ever murdered anyone?' most will say that they haven't. simply point out that 'Jesus said (my note: ,'whosoever shall say, thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire'. mt. 5. 22 whereas Jesus has just said, 'whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment' anger (hate) is more serious than murder in God's eyes.) God does not simply judge actions. He knows the intentions of the heart'.
THE FIRST COMMANDMENT ('you shall have no other gods before Me'): 'have you always put God first in your life?' most will admit that they haven't. God should be first in our lives. we are commanded to love Him with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength. in fact, Jesus said that our love for god should be so great that our love for our parents, kids, friends, even our own lives should seem like hatred by comparison'. (my note: how much of my life is an outworking, a conscious looking to God for, His will? how much do i do because i want to and how much of the time am i consciously doing what He says in His word and guides by His Spirit?)
THE SECOND COMMANDMENT ('you shall not make for yourself an idol'): have you ever made an idol, a god to suit yourself?' people will usually say that they haven't . 'have you pursued money more than God? then you have made money an idol. have you given work more attention than God? then work is an idol. if you have ever thought, 'God is loving and wouldn't send me to hell', you are right; your god wouldn't send anyone to hell, because your god doesn't exist. he is a figment of your imagination. you created a god in your own mind that you're more comfortable with and that is called 'idolatry'. it's the oldest sin in the book and God warns us that idolaters will not inherit the kingdom of God'. THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT ('remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy'): 'have you kept the sabbath holy? God requires one day out of seven for you to rest and acknowledge Him (my note: rather than doing your own pleasure. isaiah 58.13)
(also, how many times have you neglected to bow your head before your meal and thank Him for the food He has provided? how many thousands of times do you think you've just greedily dug in without thanking your Provider?' (my note: 'in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.' I thess. 5.18; for every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused , if it be received with thanksgiving: for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. I tim. 4.4-5)
THE FIFTH COMMANDMENT ('honor your father and your mother'): 'have you always honored your parents, treating them in a way that is pleasing to God'? (my note: 'requite' ('make repayment or return for') 'for that is good and acceptable before God' I tim. 5.4)
THE TENTH COMMANDMENT ('you shall not covet...anything that belongs to your neighbor'): 'have you ever coveted or jealously desired something that did not belong to you? covetousness reveals a lack of gratitude for what god has already given you'.
J=ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, IF GOD JUDGES YOU BY THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, WILL YOU BE INNOCENT OF GUILTY? don't worry if the person becomes a little fidgety or begins to look uncomfortable. some will say, 'innocent'. just ask 'really, why is that?' them: 'i still think that i'm a pretty good person'. You (smiling slightly): 'you just told me that you broke God's Commandments. by your own admission, you're a lying thief, an adulterer at heart, a murderer and a blasphemer. think about it. will you be innocent of guilty?' Them: 'but i haven't done those things for a long time'. You: 'imagine saying that in a court of law. 'Judge, i know i am guilty, but it has been years'. he won't ignore your crime (my note: if he's a righteous Judge.) he will see that justice is served and will punish you no matter how much time has elapsed. the courts punish war criminals from decades ago and God doesn't forget sin, no matter how long ago a person did it. do you think you will be innocent of guilty?' Them: 'but i have done more good than bad'. You: 'again, think of a court of law. if you have broken the law, you are guilty. it doesn't matter how many good deeds you've done when you are being tried for your crime. you have broken God's Law. will you be innocent of guilty?' (my note: 'for whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all'. james 2.10; 'be ye therefore perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect'. mt. 5.48) Them: 'but that's man's law. God is different'. You: 'you're right. God can never be bribed. and His standards are much higher than a human judge's. He loves justice and has promised that He will punish not only murderers and rapists, but also liars, thieves, adulterers, and blasphemers. you are in big trouble, aren't you?'
often, people become awakened-aware of their sin-but not alarmed. in other words, they understand they have broken God's Law, but it seems that they just don't care. your goal is to see them alarmed, because they should be-they are in great danger. the following line of reasoning can help: let's imagine that a computer chip had been placed behind your ear and it records everything that runs through your mind for a whole week: every secret thought, every deed and every word that comes out of your mouth. then all of your friends and family are called together and all of your thoughts are displayed on a big screen for them to see. how would that make you feel? embarrassed? ashamed? that is just what will happen on the day when God requires you to give an account for everything you've said and done for your whole live. all of your secret thoughts will be laid before Him. you are in big trouble.
it is wonderful to get a confession of guilt, but if the person simply won't be honest and admit his guilt, at some point you may have to help him. say, 'if you would just be honest, you know you will be guilty before God. besides. that is what the bible says and if you claim to be innocent, you are calling God a liar'. (my note: 'for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God'. romans 3.23)
D=DESTINY-WILL YOU GO TO HEAVEN OR HELL? gently ask, 'do you think you will go to heaven or hell'? people won't be offended, because you are simply asking a question rather than telling them where they're going.some will say, 'hell,' but most will say, 'heaven'. if they think they are going to heaven, use this analogy: consider this. you are standing in a court of law, guilty of a serious crime. there is a fifty thousand dollar fine. the judge says, 'you are guilty. anything to say before i pass sentence?' you answer, 'yes, judge. i'm sorry for what i have done. please forgive me'. can a good judge let you go simply because you say that you are sorry or that you won't do it again? of course not. there is a fifty thousand dollar fine that must be paid . however, if someone pays the fine for you, can the judge then let you go? yes. once the fine has been paid, your debt to the law has been satisfied and the judge can set you free.
in the same way, each of us is guilty before God and He will not let us go simply because we say that we are sorry or that we won't do it again. of course, we should be sorry and we shouldn't do it again. however, the fine for our crime must still be paid. two thousand years ago, someone paid our fine for us. Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, suffered and died on the cross on our behalf. if we turn from our sins and trust in Him, God will dismiss our case-not just because we are sorry, but because Jesus paid our fine.
if the person responds by saying that this is man's justice, and that God's ways are different, agree with him. say that God's justice is far stricter than man's justice and His standards are infinitely higher.
do not be afraid to tell people that if they die in their sins the bible makes it clear that they will go to hell. ask, 'does that concern you?'
if they say that it doesn't concern them or if you sense they are not humbled and don't recognize their need of God's forgiveness, it's very helpful to describe what hell is like until they show signs of concern. according to the bible, hell is a place of eternal, conscious torment, where 'their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched' (mark 9.44), there is 'weeping and gnashing of teeth' (luke 13.28), 'everlasting punishment' (mt. 25.46), 'shame and everlasting contempt' (daniel 12.2), and 'eternal fire...the blackness of darkness forever' (jude 7,13). tell them that you don't want them to go to hell and God doesn't want them to go to hell. plead with them. if they do not seem concerned, it may be that they are just hiding it. talk to them with the thought that they could die tonight. this could be their last opportunity to get right with God.
don't feel pressured to share the good news with a proud, self righteous sinner (rebellious, cussing, arrogant) who is not willing to admit his guilt before God. remember, Jesus didn't present the gospel to the rich young man, because he needed the Law to humble him first. you will have to watch and listen carefully, because humility is not always obvious.
if the person admits that the possibility of going to hell does concern him, only at that point should you present the gospel. if you are able to detect humility (the person is no longer justifying and defending himself) or his responses indicate that he has been humbled, you now have the glorious pleasure of sharing the Good News.
SHARING THE GOSPEL begin your presentation of the gospel this way: 'do you know what God did for you so that you wouldn't have to go to hell? He provided a way for you to be forgiven. the question is, how do you obtain this forgiveness?' take the time to explain the plan of salvation thoroughly: 'God loves you so much that He sent His only Son to suffer and die in your place, taking your punishment for you so that you could live. then Jesus rose from the dead and defeated death. it is this simple: you broke the Law and Jesus paid your fine. if you will repent-turn away from sin-and place your trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior, God will forgive you and grant you everlasting life. he will change you from the inside out and make you a new person in Christ'.
this is the time to magnify the love of God to the sinner. now you have the green light-go for it! don't hold back. show the amazing length, width, depth, and height of God's love for the person as a sinner. this is the moment to pull out john 3.16. God offers complete forgiveness of sin and the gift of everlasting life freely to those who will surrender everything to Him through faith in Jesus Christ.
ask the individual if he understands what you have told him. if he is willing to confess and turn from his sins and trust the savior for his eternal salvation, encourage him to pray and ask God to forgive him. THE PRAYER OF CONFESSION should we pray the traditional sinner's prayer with someone who we think is willing to turn from sin and receive Christ? perhaps an analogy will shed some light on the subject: if someone you know committed adultery, would you lead him back to his wife and say, 'repeat after me: 'i am really sorry. i should not have slept with that woman'. more than likely, you wouldn't. if someone says he wants to pray right then and there, encourage him to do so. you might like to say, 'you can pray right now. confess your sins and turn from them and then tell God you are placing your trust in Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your life. surrender your heart to Him. (note: the key to genuine conversion is total surrender.) after you've prayed, i'll pray for you'.
make sure the person has a bible (get him one if necessary), and encourage him to read it daily and obey what he reads. (note: ray comfort has a publication 'how to live forever...without being religious.
this pocket-sized book is 100 pages and begins with a very clear gospel message (using the Law), contains 'save yourself some pain' (ten principles for christian growth) and the entire gospel of john..from comfort's Evidence Bible.) also, encourage him to think deeply about your conversation and to get his heart right with the Lord as soon as possible. you can then leave him in the hands of a faithful God, who will continue to speak to him through His Holy Spirit and bring him to genuine repentance in his time. FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE you may be wondering if these principles work in other countries. do you have to live with the pygmies and become one with them for a few years before you can preach to them? while you should be culturally sensitive, you don't need to wait to witness. half of your pygmies may die in a tribal war, while you are building your ridge. God has given light to every man. every sane man and woman has been given a conscience and the Moral Law will therefore bring to him or her the knowledge of sin, no matter where they live.
to help make this point, i have included an email from a russian woman who attended a 'Way of the Master' seminar that someone conducted near siberia. (note: anyone can host a seminar by screening 'the basic training course'. all you need do is switch on a DVD player and play the DVDs. kirk and ray facilitate the entire course and provide you with a comprehensive study guide and other relevant materials. includes 4 DVDs, audio CDs, study guide, quick reference card and 300 icebreakers (tracts) to help you get your feet wet. see www. for details or call 1.800.4371893) she types into her computer in russian and it (supposedly) translates into english:
greetings, my dear! thanks you for the letter! i simply wanted to share with you the experiences...that has taken place today with me! today we addressed having a rest which live here in dispensaries (at us at school). boys sand and during this moment i have felt an appeal of the God to lead these people through the test "the good person" i long doubted...but i have risen and have decided it to make! i have made it! and all listened...i did not see reaction of people of the others...but i saw that they have been interested in it...then when i have stopped...that guys from our school have told, that saw people which have left because they cried. i during that moment so obviously experienced presence of Him the only thing, that i can tell, All Glory to Him! i it already did the second time, the first i used it when has gone to hospital...i talked to two women, they a moslem and the God has told, to me that to me is necessary to make it. then we talked to them also they have thanked me and have told, that they needed to hear! now that time when i am simple i can to tell precisely, that He it is very close to me...I love Him! thanks, that you have told to me about it and have shown, as it to use! I love you! in Him, Anyutka
THE UNSAVED HEATHEN the use of the law is the key to reaching the heathen nations. all great religions have one hing in common. they are trying to establish their own righteousness. whether it's by lying on beds of nails, or crawling up the steps of some temple or by praying or fasting-they are deceived into thinking that these things are earning them salvation. they are trusting in their own good works. they are ignorant (they lack knowledge) of God's righteousness.
speaking of israel, paul said: for i bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. for they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. rom. 10.2-3
then paul immediately informs us that he is referring to the 'righteousness which is of the Law'. so, if we want to reach the unsaved nations, we must distance salvation from them and it's the Law that does that very thing. it leaves us with no alternative to the gospel.
INOCULATED 'CHRISTIANS' if you try to reason with a churchgoer who knows a few bible verses (such as john 3.16), you will probably have a tough time. the person may answer all the questions correctly, but you know he doesn't live as a christian should. here are some questions that might reveal his level of understanding: 1. 'are you born again?' if he says he isn't, remind him the Jesus said a man must be born again to enter the kingdom of God (john 3.5). 2. 'when was the last time you read your bible?' if he says it has been a long time, express your concern by asking, 'what would you think if you sent love letters to your wife and she never took the time to read them? you would start to suspect that maybe she isn't very interested in you. God sent you 66 letters and you rarely read them what should He conclude about your love for Him?'
encourage him to examine himself to see if he is in the faith (II cor. 13.5). if there are no signs that he has been born again, if there is no fruit in his life to indicate that he is a child of God ask, 'do you consider yourself to be a good person?' if he says yes, something is radically wrong and you should take him through a presentation of the Law.
WHAT ABOUT GRANDMA? someone who had just heard the teaching expounded in this book said, 'i see what you are saying, and i agree with you. let's say i'm on my way to witness to my elderly grandmother, who's not a christian, but thinks she is. does this mean i'm going to have to say, 'grandma, have you ever looked at someone with lust?'
good question. the answer is a definite yes and no. here's how you can say what you want to say without seeming disrespectful. first, gently swing into the subject by asking about her christian background-when she started going to church and so on. then say, 'you know what convinced me that i was a sinner? it was the Ten Commandments. i didn't realize that Jesus said, 'whoever looks upon a woman with lust has committed adultery already with her in his heart'. i didn't know that God sees our thought-life. do you think that you have kept the Ten Commandments, grandma? would you consider yourself a good person?'
when she tells you that she's a good person, say, 'well, let's look at some more Commandments to see if we have kept them'. always bear in mind that you are not alone in your witness. you not only have the Holy Spirit to help, but you have grandma's conscience working with you.
THE ISSUE OF SUFFERING what if someone asks, 'what about the issue of suffering? little kids are born deformed, people die of terrible diseases, and there are earthquakes and tornadoes that cause havoc. this proves that there is no God. we are on our own'. how do you answer that? i'll often tell the following story:
three philosophers are seated in a plane on an overnight flight. the first man said, 'i heard that during the night, while many of us were sleeping, hijackers took over the cockpit and are now flying the plane'. as he spoke, the plane lunged to the left and thrust a number of passengers against the wall, seriously injuring some of them.
after the second man regained his composure, he said, 'because of what just happened, i don't believe that this plane was designed or manufactured'. even though his statement didn't make sense, he continued to maintain that the entire plane, with its seats. windows, lighting, air conditioning, engines, etc., happened by accident.
as the third philosopher began to respond, the plane again lunged to one side. this time it was so violent that many passengers were seriously injured and two elderly people were killed. the man was obviously shaken, but he was able to share his thoughts about what had happened. he said that despite what was happening on the plane, he believed that all was well in the cockpit.
just then, someone passed a handwritten note to the first man. it read: Hijackers! all to be thrust out of the plane. parachute under seat. put it on now. going to cut the lighting. be ready to jump!
as he read these words, his eyes widened. the note confirmed that something was radically wrong. he quickly reached under his seat, put on the parachute and then passed the note on to the second philosopher.
the second man read the words on the note. he smiled and said, 'i don't believe anyone made this plane. besides, this note hasn't used correct grammar. 'parachute under seat' isn't even a complete sentence'. with that, he crumpled the note and dropped it to the floor.
the third man, still shaken by the recent events, picked up the note and read it. he said, 'it sure looks authentic. it's written on the airline's letterhead. what's happening on the plane does add up to there being something radically wrong. yes, i think i now believe there is something wrong'. yes, i think i now believe there is something wrong'. he sat back in his seat, but he didn't bother to put on his parachute, nor did he pass the note on to others.
here we have three common reactions to the message of the gospel. the first passenger is a genuine convert. he understands that the issue of suffering- disease, pain and death-shows that something is radically wrong between God and man. the knowledge that he must jump through the door of death causes him to trust in the Savior (to 'put on the parachute', the only means of salvation).
the second man is an atheist. he uses the issue of suffering to somehow make an illogical leap into the philosophy that there is no God. despite all evidence, he clings to the belief that the whole of creation with its flowers, its birds, the sun, the moon, the animal kingdom, the beauty of the seasons, the incredible variety of succulent fruit trees, etc., all happened by accident. the notion that such reasoning borders on insanity doesn't enter his unthinking and sin-loving mind. he doesn't bother to humbly study the warning of Scripture. instead, he exalts himself above the mind of his creator and he condescendingly becomes a critic of the Word of God. he maintains that it is full of errors and therefore can't be trusted.
the third man is an average person. he believes in God. he even believes the bible. he is easily convinced that something may be wrong between man and God, but he doesn't see his urgent need to put on the Lord Jesus Christ.
HOW DO WE AWAKEN THESE TO MEN? for the answer, let's go back to the airplane. the first man should ask the other two philosophers to look out the window for a moment and to think about taking a 25,000 foot fall. their knowledge of the unbending law of gravity should kick in and from there, common sense should do the rest. the reality of their predicament should cause both men to look under their seat for the parachute.
the issue of suffering is not something that christians should avoid. it is glaring evidence that man had rejected God-all is not well on board the flight. the reality of suffering works for our cause, not against it. all these things-pain, disease, droughts, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.-should cause the thinking person to investigate the claims of the 'note'-God's word-and heed its advice.
the ultimate convincing agent, of course, is the unbending Law of God. the knowledge of the Law and the terrifying consequences of transgressing its precepts should cause fear to kick in-and common sense should then cause sinners to seek after the Savior who died and rose again so that they might be saved. THE PLACE OF APOLOGETICS although apologetics (the systematic defence of the faith) plays an important part in evangelism, it's vital to realize that they have a limited function in reaching the lost. (note: do not discount apologetics. ray comfort's evidence bible has much.)if we confine our evangelism to arguing about the existence of God, the inspiration of scripture, the age of the earth, etc., we are like a man who goes fishing with bait but no hook. although he may attract the fish, they will end up fat and happy-and they will get away. the function of bait is to attract the fish and disguise the hook. when the fish comes around, the fisherman pulls the hook into the jaw and catches his fish. apologetics are the bait and the hook is God's Law. it is the law that appeals to a man's conscience and brings the knowledge of sin.
TONE OF VOICE it is imperative that we ask God for the right spirit, tone,and attitude in our witnessing encounters. we don't want to come across like a know it all or as arrogant. our attitude should be humble compassion mixed with a deep concern. be resolute but gentle. don't be smug or condescending with your arguments. we're called to speak with gentleness and respect, like compassionate doctors with a cure. we should never become angry or even raise our voices. we have the freedom to speak very boldly if the hearer senses that we are coming from a place of love and concern. GESTURES be careful of your body language. don't point your finger at someone in a judgmental way. don't stand above people if you can help it; sit down beside them. don't have a smug grin on your face as if you are winning an argument or fold your arms as if you are scolding a child. remember, above all, that you are only a fellow sinner saved by God's grace, pleading with others to come to the Savior. PRACTICE as you've read these principles, you may have thought that you could never remember all the information. you don't have to. just remember the WDJD stepping stones and practice them. find a friend and role play. you've had to practice almost everything else in life-walking, writing, reading, riding a bike, and driving a car. evangelism is no different. once you have the four stepping stones memorized and begin putting them into practice, you will start an incredible evangelistic adventure. you will be amazed that the responses of those you speak to will be very predictable. in no time at all, sharing your faith will become second nature to you. what's more, God will be with you every step of the way.
THE MIND-SET being a witness of Jesus Christ is a mind-set. here's a role-playing scenario to help you put your mind in the proper frame: imagine you're in the garden of Gethsemane. you drop to your knees in prayer and sweat great drops of blood at the thought of sharing your faith. now say, 'not my will but Yours be done'. this exercise will give you the mind set to deny yourself and daily pick up the Cross. you only have to bear the reproach of the cross for a short time. the day will come when you will exchange it for a crown. so, if you have dealt with your fears in the garden, every time fear knocks at the door, you can send faith to answer it. when your cowardly, cringing heart says, 'you can't do this', you simply ignore its whispering and say, 'i dealt with you in the garden. now i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me'.
the next time a telemarketer calls your home, you may be tempted to get rid of him by saying, 'i'm busy at the moment, so give me your home phone number and i will call you back later tonight'. instead, resist temptation and think of God's will, not yours. no doubt, these poor folks get abused and hung up o, on a regular basis. so, let your little light shine through the phone. when he says, 'my name is greg. i have a real deal for you. it won't cost you a thing. all i need is your name and address'. say, 'hi greg. it's good to hear from you. have you been having a good day?' listen to his reaction. your genuine warmth will probably shock him. then say, 'may i ask you a few questions? (he's been trained to be congenial and will no doubt react positively.) do you consider yourself a good person?' if you mess up, say, 'gotta go, thanks for calling, bye'.
don't stay in the tomb of dead silence. ask God to send His angels to roll the stone of fear away. then come out of the tomb. please. you are needed. as i have said, this chapter may have seemed complicated, but it's not. let me illustrate what i mean by sharing with you a typical witnessing encounter.
sue and i were recently in an appliance store. the assistant was very helpful. while he was serving us, i gave him a few tracts, for which he was genuinely grateful. one was '101 of the world's funniest one-liners'. he laughed as he read the cover. he also loved my business card, it is a tract that looks like a business card, but it says, 'Deparment of Annoyance-Director'. the back is printed in reverse, so that you have to go to a mirror to read it. when he looked at the back and turned it upside down to try to read it, i said, 'annoying, huh?' he laughed again.
as we walked across the store, i thought, 'if i care about this man, i will witness to him'. in came the excuses: 'you can't do this. you don't have time. you shouldn't do this in the store. he will be offended...blah, blah, blah, ad infinitum'. i ignored the whisperings and said, 'those things i gave you were gospel tracts'.
he said, 'huh?' 'they were christian tracts. have you had a christian background?' 'catholic'. 'do you consider yourself a good person?' 'yes'. 'can i ask you a few questions to see if that's true?' 'sure.' 'have you ever told a lie?' 'yes.' 'what does that make you?' 'a liar.' 'have you ever stolen something?' 'yes.' 'what does that make you?' 'a thief.' 'Jesus said that whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. have you ever done that?' 'yes.' 'will you be innocent or guilty on the Day of Judgment?' 'guilty'. 'will you go to heaven or hell?' 'somewhere in between'. 'there's no such place'. 'hell, then'.
his eyes were wide and his face was sober, so i said, 'do you know what God did so that you would not have to go to hell?' he said that he didn't, so i took him through the gospel. when he heard about God's forgiveness and His gift of everlasting life, his facial expression changed, and he said, 'wow!' there was no offense. none of my fears was realized.
i asked him if he had a bible and then i left him with some more literature. all this happened in about two minutes. (note: if you appreciated this witnessing encounter, you will love Xtreme Adventure-nothing but witnessing.)
FIND ANOTHER HORSE it is very important to realize that you are going to have what may seem like failures. i have given out hundreds of thousands of gospel tracts. i have seen many people react very positively. they say things lie, 'this has made my day! thank you'. i have been hugged by strangers, upgraded to business class, praised, and had people plead for more. however, if i get a thousand positive results and one negative result, for some reason the negative experience remains in my mind. if someone coldly says, 'no thank you', it cuts right into my heart. i never get used to rejection.
when rejection bucks you off your evangelistic horse, don't stay in the dirt. get up. say, 'i've got to find another horse!' then keep reaching out to the lost until the feeling of rejection is lost in the dust of your gospel trail....
...if you will follow the four stepping-stones and allow the law to do its intended work of breaking up the soil of hardened hearts, you will begin to see people respond with repentance. remember, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
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