Monday, January 2, 2012


the author stretches a lot of very interesting facts about ireland and her children as a rich ornament across the scaffold of his theme.

with the fall of the roman empire the greek language found a home in the byzantine empire in the east which assured its continuance into modern times. latin, certainly as a literature, however, was in real danger of being entirely lost due to the ravages of the empire in the west by the pagan germanic hoards.

the story of a celtic slave, patricius, taken from england by irish kidnappers...and then miraculously 'escaping' by an evident miracle...and then returning to ireland as a missionary is like the beautiful God-created bud of magnificent flowering of His love and light sent into the darkness at the hands of His chosen irish ambassadors. the process is... God seems to 'call' manuscripts and manuscript art from as far away as egypt and syria to the emerald isle. the irish take up copying with a passion in the monasteries birthed by the gospel seeds strewn by saint patrick. the full bloom? the irish go out to the inhabited earth, primarily in europe but as far as what would one day be america, evangelizing and giving these areas the latin literature that had come, unbidden, to them for preservation and... reintroduction. it is a fascinating story, an illustration of one of the myriads of ways God works His way and will in and through individuals like you and me.

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